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Everything posted by Cynic

  1. Yes 5 out of the mag and 6 go into the cdi, with the 7 wire version you have an extra red out of the mag going direct to the cdi.
  2. Where do you stop, i wouldn't mind speed limiters taken off my truck. Hang on why not just get rid of the limits, they didn't exist once. Yes i will admit our present bunch of gold diggers in office aren't up to much but that will only change when we have a proper voice. The likes of Chakrabati and her cronies wining on about fringe issues like it affects the entire population are doing us no good and the press control more of our parlimentary process than we do. The real nail in our coffin as far as the gold diggers are concerned is that blair got in last time with 30 odd per cent of the vote, the fact that the vote consisted of barely 25per cent of the population proves we got what we deserve. Basically roughly seven and a half percent of the country wanted the present bunch of tossers BEFORE we got lumberd with Brown.
  3. And in a stroke you prove yourself capable of abusing the system.
  4. No there are 2 systems, the 2K4(78-79) and 2X2(79only) Dt 175mx had the following: Brown, red, white/red,black They come direct from the mag. orange, black/white, black, come out of the loom. The 4J4 (80-85) Dt175mx and the Dt125mx (4J3) of the same period had the following: Brown, white/red, black. They are direct from the mag. Orange, black/white, black, coming from the loom. All of these bikes have the orange feeding the coil, the black and white kills the engine via the handlebar stop switch and the black is the battery return/negative. On both bikes there is also green/white, light blue and yellow. The yellow being the lighting feed to the ig switch, the light blue the neutral light earth and the green and white which turns to white in the loom?? charges the battery via the rectifier.
  5. No seriously jim there are 2 ig systems for these bikes, well 3 if you include points onsome rare cases. Mine has 2 coils one for low speed ig (under approx 2700rpm) and one for high rpm. The red wire is the high rpm circuit. Others have a single coil that covers the entire throttle range. A side stand sw on a 175 is a new one on me tbh
  6. Only needs to be 15 years old to qualify as an exhibit or 25 to be officially a clasic , Well, er, you would think so but the oil tank is on the right it was registerd March 1981, but a lot of the parts dont really tally like the loom has 6 wires for the cdi but the bike uses the 7wire.
  7. Much as it pains me to admit it the old nail has not had the love and hugs that the 600 gets. Over the winter the 600 gets its steering head bearings and the complete rear sus linkage stripped and greaced oil changed etc, as well as a thourough under the skin clean. The nail takes up the transport duties when the salt comes out and the roads get nasty. Then in the summer it gets a bit of tlc but nowhere near what she deserves and i think this is payback. Although it proves just how strong these little bikes are. Now she is stripped right out i can fix my own bodges and give her back a bit of pizazz, and not use her in the shit and salt. Maybe run round the show circuit, a lot of the steam rally's let you camp for free when you exhibit and there is cheap beer etc.
  8. Yes they just fell to bits once the sleeve was out, now i have a big pile of bits to clean up.
  9. Cynic


    Open your eyes, the 50mph thing has already started, i live out in the sticks and there are more than a few roads that have been re-classified over the last couple of years normally just as a camera is put up. Also, the 30zones are growing out of villages. You can travel a quater of a mile into nothing over those bloody painted rumble strips and such before getting back into the proper limit. The plus point is the plods are so fukt by paperwork and pc hohah that they only leave the office for an hour a day, its only the traffic cars that really bother as unless you are really hooning along its only the traffic cars with the camera stuff in and they are on the motorways drinking coffee with the wombles. The regular cars have to follow for a set distance of a mile or so. Most of the camera's nowadays face the wrong way to boot as well. So all in your odds of getting caught speeding if you use your head and ride sensible are a bloody site less than they used to be. If you want to go wanking down a motorway at 140mph good luck to you, but stay under a ton i find 70-80 about right and ride smart and nothings really changed. If you do want to go proper mental do a track day. Be honest when was the last time you did 60mph on a National limit or Ha 70 on a motorway. Edit. And as for politics, whoever wins the next game of misical chairs will spend the next 4 years blaming the other lot so fuck all will change. Untill it all comes crashing down round their ankles. If you keep listening and reacting to the minority the majority will take its own action, what was it 'ces't le guilotine'. People have tried peacefull protests and nothing happens apart from the press villifing a few sacrifices to tahke your eye off the real issues, god knows what will come next but someone will go for it. Peole are running out of things to loose as their jobs are going, or their bussiness, thats destroying marriages and families, and i think that is the scariest prospect of all. You cant control someone who has nothing left. Thats better...........................
  10. Yes success....... BFH penetrating oil and my head. It apears i was being a twat also, i was trying to get the SPINDLE out, tit. Its fukct anyway, once i cleared that milestone i got it in the vice, 2lb hammer and a long steel drift. Isn't violence refreshing in its proper place i felt great after i'd beaten the crap out of it, literally in this case. Many thanks people, i was lacking in focus there.
  11. I'm spotting some similarities here with you two, seems BFH and lots of penetrating oil is the long and the short of it.......
  12. I cut through the spindle to get it out of the frame, TBH i didn't worry much about the spindle i wanted to make sure i did not cause any damage to the frame, the spindle and to an extent the sw arm could go hang. As it is apart from the end of the bushes and the bush covers on the end of the swing arm nothing was harmed in cutting the spindle but i now have an arm with the spindle and bush remains flush with the sides.
  13. I'll give that a go this afternoon but it does seem exceptionally tight.
  14. Its the ones that move across to block you filtering through traffic that get up my nose, and don't get me STARTED on the ones who flick cigaretts out the window.
  15. Ok the original sw arm on my DT had to be cut out of the chassis cos the spindle had siezed solid within the bush and its still solid. I have a second arm but that for some reason is narrower by 1/8 of an inch (exactly thats why i used old money) where the spindle fits but its a gradual increace from the bracings and there are no signs whatsoever of damage. But that 1/8th of an inch makes getting the wheel assy in and out a complete ba5t4rd. My gut says its manufacturing issues with the spare arm rather than any real fult. Y'know a Friday special. So do i fanny about with my old arm, or 'adjust' the spare? I still cant believe the bush spacer/sleeve and spindle are so tight on my original when its only held in by plastic bushes.........
  16. Cynic

    ferry tips

    When me and the wife did the isle of man they strapped them down. But they didn't just compress the springs, they wound it down till it stopped as in right down to the stops,and they are proper rachet straps like the stuff on trucks just as shitty with crap too, and yes i did see a ripped seat. People generally either had some sort of cover on the seat ready or used their jacket.
  17. Sounds like there maybe some issues with the carb still. Float height possibly or one of the filters in the fuel tap may be restricting the flow. When the crank seals go it generally makes them a bit of a bugger to start and the idle generally goes all screwy(well mine did). A quick test for the crank seals is when the engine is idling squirt some WD behind the flywheel and see if that affects the idle at the same time pop the crank breather into a glass of water, if you see a constant stream of small bubbles that indicates seal troubles. Olgit told me that one and it proved a reliable test on my engine.
  18. Big congrats well done. Now to be the pc bore, you have the paper that say's you know how to go,stop and turn, etc. Now use your head and learn how to ride. Boring bit over well done................
  19. Never mind maybe you can be on time with Motorhead day The 8th of May,the 8th of May
  20. Not a lot you can do about the noise apart from putting a complete std exhaust on, and that wont make it quiet in comp to modern stuff. Noise wasn't the sensitive subject it is now in the late seventies.
  21. Thats got me thinking of one question, Why? You need the same licence to ride either of them don't you? Yeah OK thats 2 questions...............
  22. I thought i used red, must have been invisible.
  23. Dont fancy trying to spot the blue cones on a wet day.......
  24. I can't really help there like i say the trail wings i have on got slated in a rider survey here, but i find them ok. Last time i went looking Pirelli Scorpions were apparently a pretty good all rounder on the bigger stuff. Better in either dicipline than you would expect, i mean full gloopy mud bogging would stumble them but i recon they would be ok on regular trails, look ok too.
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