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Everything posted by Cynic

  1. Do a google search. I know a conversion kit used to be available that had a small loom and the relative bulbs and connections etc to make it work.
  2. Hi all, felt the old sig was a bit long in the tooth so i tried to change it and, well, it wont let me. However i try it keeps coming up with error messages, 'it should have to lines in it' huh? or its too long and i should shorten it. But that comes up if i re-enter the OLD sig???. What have i missed, fcuked up??
  3. Sounds like the wiring on either the light or the bike is a bit off. Get a multi meter /test lamp and get the wiring at the rear of the bike, ignore the colour codes as far as it goes. Right with the wires bared off/connectins available, turn on just the lights and one of the wires at the rear will come live. Make a note of its colour. Now turn the lights off. You now need to hold the rear brake on (bit of wood, whatever) and see which wire comes live, again note the colour. The last wire should be the earth and be connected to the frame somewhere and you ahould be able to prove that with an ohms (resistance) check between the last wire and the battery -(negative) terminal connection. Now i know the reaction, its a new bulb etc. But please Change it for one that you KNOW works. Nick it from the back of the car if you must but make absolutely certain beyond any doubt that it works. Once thats done there should be enough info in the blurb for the new light to make it work. If not then the earth is normally pretty obvious by being connected to the metal of the lamp with the other two going into the bulb holder. You should be able to use trial and error to sus which is the light and brake connections. Hope it helps....
  4. Cynic


    It used to run round the roads near me when i was a spotty teen, Rd125, with a 400 motor in it. No i don't recall how it was done. Maybe frame rails from the 400 in the 125 i dunno but god it was fast. Well went like a 400 i suppose .
  5. For what its worth i think the latest bikes out there now look like they have been lifted from the pages of a Manga comic. They are lumberd with emmision laws and complicated electronics and are trying to be all things to all men all at the same time. I had a look at all the options like the stuff you are talking about, even had a go on a new tenere but in the end wound the clock back to go old skool with the TDR, no noise rules to speak of as for Emmisions ha ha????? timeless looks and i can fix it in the garage.
  6. Cynic

    Supermoto? help?

    Ride the bike you have and get used to it, it will feel like a rocket to start with after the 50. Is it worth supermotoing (is that a word?) i wouldnt bother. Replacing wheels and tyres alone is going to knock you for several hundred quid, then add the cost of the modifications/fitting required and THEN dont forget your insurance company will need to know. It may be a boring opinion but i would get my licence out of the way if i were you and then either buy a supermoto style bike, OR build a proper one from a YZ500 (wimps need not apply). Otherwise you will have spent out on all the looks but not the horsepower to back it up. And as a result you will be floging it for peanuts as a bitsa to buy something with a bit of go in it.
  7. Are you sure yours is a 1980, as if it is then it should have electronic ig and that means 6 wires from the mag. I take it its not electric start? As to the 'MX' engine. If it is broadly the same will the fly wheel and stator not swap from one to the other to keep things tidy? The most popular colur useage is: White to the rectifier/Blue feeds lights and indicators/Light blue does the neutral light/black and whte feeds the ig coil. The other colours use green/red yellow etc but that is on the DT100A and B which are more like 75/76 vintage. Failing that really need some engine/frame no's. Oh and welcome to the forum......
  8. First off define 'rebuilt' do you mean a new head gasket and a wipe with a oily rag or are we talking a full strip, bearings and rebore? It should run no mater what you do with the mixture screw. Have you rebuilt the carb to go with the rebuilt engine? Is the choke working, float heights etc. Finally an ols skool tip for strokers from the days of premix. Shut the fuel tap 100yrds before you pull up at home. That way the fuel is clear of the carb. I still do it now. It was primarily to stop the oil separating and filling the carb on the OLD strokers running premix. But it stops the carb gumming up if the bike is not in full time use.
  9. Nah the 21's old hat now. I have had them and the 014, much better than the Avon Storms (althou that was a few years ago now) but the latest Pilot Road 2's are an awesome sports touring tyre. Rock solid right over to your knee and wear nice too and as far as wet weather they are great you can still hustle quite nicely on em.
  10. If there are no obvious external leaks then the next on the list is the water pump shaft seal. As above.
  11. Cynic


    Well, i was a bit rash, and the forum is obviously populated by sarcastic nutters who love a good laugh. Thats why this site suits me fine.
  12. Cynic

    It lives!!

    B4stard, told me he was in Paris.
  13. Cynic


    Ok every body who's seen/heard this has had a laugh so here you are.... One day a guy died and found himself in hell. As he was wallowing in despair, he had his first meeting with a demon. The demon asked, "Why so glum?" The guy responded, "What do you think? I'm in hell!" "Hell's not so bad," the demon said. "We actually have a lot of fun down here. You a drinking man?" "Sure," the man said, "I love to drink." "Well, you're gonna love Mondays then. On Mondays all we do is drink. Whiskey, tequila, Guinness, wine coolers, diet Tab and Fresca We drink till we throw up and then we drink some more!" The guy is astounded. "Damn, that sounds great." "You a smoker?" the demon asked. "You better believe it!" "You're gonna love Tuesdays. We get the finest cigars from all over the world and smoke our lungs out! . If you get cancer, no biggie. You're already dead, remember?" "Wow, the guy said, "that's awesome!" The demon continued. "I bet you like to gamble." "Why yes, as a matter of fact I do" "Wednesdays you can gamble all you want. Craps, blackjack, roulette, poker, slots, whatever. If you go bankrupt, well, you're dead anyhow. You into drugs?" The guy said, "Are you kidding? I love drugs! You don't mean . . ." "That's right! Thursday is drug day. Help yourself to a great big bowl of crack, or smack. Smoke a doobie the size of a submarine. You can do all the drugs you want, you're dead, who cares!" "Wow," the guy said, starting to feel better about his situation, "I never realized Hell was such a cool place!" The demon said, "You gay?" "No." "Ooooh, you're gonna hate Fridays!"
  14. Cynic

    Sue and Jane

    sue "Hi jane, oh you look a bit rough whats up?" Jane 'Gravely voice' "oh you would not believe how sore my throat is, i'll be lucky to last the day let alone the week" Sue "Oh no thats horrible" Jane "Tried all the usuall remedies, i'm just going to have to suffer (cough)" Sue "I tell you what, whenever i have a bad throat i bl'w the old man . Always works a treat,you should try it, really you should." The following morning.......... Jane "Hi Sue (practically singing) my throat is wonderfull today" Sue "Told you its an amazing remedy works every time" Jane "I know its wonderfull your husband couldn't believe it when i told him it was your idea" Sue " "
  15. Cynic


    Its on its way...........
  16. Cynic

    New look

    Got to say, the visuals are just different. Funnily enough i miss the 'top' button. But the biggest annoyance is that it is slow. I use 3 or 4 windows in internet ex. Read the pages and when it goes on strike flick to the next screen while it catches up. Last night i went on to the TDR forum and went on there while i waited for things to happen.As i figured i was making it wors being signed in 3-4 times at a sitting.
  17. Cynic


    See what you think, i laughed my c0ck off. PM sent.
  18. Cynic


    I had posted a gag from a mate of mine but it could be miss read by the neurotic minority of people who can't take a joke for what it is. So for the sake of the forum i removed it.
  19. Cynic


    I've never really understood these people who say they have done a fabulous resto, THEN give a pic of an unfinished bike. Iffy bodywork fit, naff indicators (that no restorer would leave in place considering std ones are 10 a penny with the rest of the bike stock) no cans and the showa logo on the forks the wrong way round???? I think its not telling something...........too dear for what it is, and too cheap for what its supposed to be.
  20. If the chain's done 5000 miles without any real TLC it is probably past its best. Adjusting the chain is a relatively simple opperation but its subtley different for every bike so all i can give you is generalisations rather than facts. Best option esp if you are intending on hanging on to the bike for a while is to invest in a manual for it. That will go into the appropriate detail. You might find someone on here with an electronic version.
  21. If its still on the original chain, no mention of mileage, and more importantly squeaking then it has gone far too long without lube. Check your sprockets as well. Do they look hooked? If they do then its a chain and sprocket set required. If not then a good dose of any proprietry chain loob may get you a stay of execution but i'd be saving for a chain at the very least. When you lube it the chain will stretch again as it free's up. As to adjusting it i dont know the bike so i cannot say without confusing the issue with assumptions. Personally i replace as a set as the worn stuff will knacker the new quicker but bugets mean compromises in the real world. Secondly look at scott oilers. People berate them and they are a bit like marmite in that people either love or hate them. I think they are brilliant. The only real vice is they can give a little too much oil which needs cleaning off, personally i'd sooner that than a knackerd chain, dry chains can rob you of 5-6 horse power as well, more depending on the bike.
  22. Get her up on the centre stand and after making sure A, the bike is stable and B, the wheel is clear of the floor grasp the ends of the sw arm and see if you can move it sideways at all or twist it. While your there grasp the wheel at the 12 o'clock and 6 o'clock positions and see if there is any movement in the wheelbearings. ( push at 12 pull at 6 and reverse) you should feel no movement there at all. As far as going to your favourite grease pit i'm afraid i'm not a fan. I do everything myself. If i don't know how i find out. I have been burned in the past by dealers. In fact my mountain bike, a Giant XC hardtail, nothing flash but a credible name i have found wanting from its initial build and effectively finished it myself..
  23. My money would be tyre wear or sw arm bearings/bushes. Could be as daft as chain adjusters set wrong and the wheel is out of line.
  24. They increace mid range, as the piston moves there is a time although breif where the charge is moving into the upper cylinder from the cases. Where the reeds are not actually shut and the blow back is held in the boost bottle. Then on the next cycle there is charge ready and waiting to fill the cases. As to real benefit. Dunno really. Supposedly boosts mid range. The balance pipe on LC motor inlets works in a similar way.
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