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Everything posted by Cynic

  1. Well, little shocked tbh. Long storey short, last week discovered that the mk4 Mondeo actually has a hybrid camchain/cambelt thing going on. I thought it was chain like the mk3. Thing is its supposed to be changed well before 125000 or 5 years. The punch? mine is 150+ and 10 years old. Woah. So the tank got parked till i can do the timing belt which will be Saturday and i figured I'd just use the bike full time for a fortnight. Was a bit nippy a couple of times, and very wet on a couple of others but I'm riding the bike, yay. Even though i do need to be up 15min earlier to have time to unlock the garage/bike etc and put all the crap on. The bit i didn't expect is the bike is using 23quidsworth a week (super unl) plus 2t at a bottle every 2 weeks that adds another 3-4 quid. So that's 28quid a week, or 120 odd a month, that's twice what the Mondeo costs. I new it used a bit more, and i may go a 'bit' quicker than the car but still.
  2. This is what is tempting me at the moment but have to try a few on first... https://www.motocentral.co.uk/agv-k3-guy-martin-yellow.html Bit of a GM fan I'm afraid, colours work with the TDR too.
  3. Hmm, there is noisy and there is flip noisy.
  4. Hey people, just wanted opinions on helmets. My shark is now 5 years old and i can honestly say i absolutely detest the fking thing. Its heavy, massively noisy and has never really felt truly comfortable. So, as a result I'm finally looking for a replacement, couldn't give a f who its made by as that seems irrelevant to what you get, just adds price, comfortable and quiet really, heavy on quiet as i really can't seem to find ear plugs that are comfortable for any distance. At least not for the row this shoei makes. Nb, i will accept part of the noise issue is due to the shape of the TDR with the wind hitting high on your chest/chin from the screen.
  5. Its on the 17th of june at at the robin hood at Clifton Reynes. That's Between Bedford and Northampton. Its the 3rd year, guy in the TDR forum just getting out there and setting a meet up. If people could throw a nod to the other 2 stroke forums, Aircooled, Kwak etc that folk may use as well as here it would help him a lot, spread the word. Cheers,
  6. We are down there 2 -3 times a year, normally staying in Bude and exploring/visiting from there. Done most of the main attractions like the various tin mines, secret garden, Jamaica inn, lands end and the lizard etc. We love it, its not all that weather dependant either so long as the surf behaves. Generally, no sun means more surf. I am hoping to ride to lands end one of these days, but not on the Mways. Ride stuff like the atlantic highway.
  7. Being a bit dim here maybe but? The chunder ace has got to be up there as a sports tourer these days. Anything sporty come modern will be harder and less supple than the ace. I think your looking for what you have, unless you feel like going chrome, the BEST distance riding i did round Derbyshire a few years back was on my dads Suzuki intruder. Miles and miles, straight back, comfy seat it just eat the miles. I wasn't breaking into hairpins but i could have rode from dawn till dusk without trouble. No silly crap on it like noisy exhausts etc, just a stock 750 V twin. Shocking front brake and shite in corners but it was comfy. Or go old, FJ will take some beating as a mile eater, or one of the old gs shafties. 5k gives you a lot of choice, i would ignore the newer stuff. But hey, i have been known to do over 700 miles in a weekend on my TDR 250, probably THE most non distance bike in creation. Yes i was hurting afterwards.
  8. If it were me, stay with the 22, until the very least you get it running. It works, you can trust it. A new mikuni will be money that's wasted in my humble view. The 22mm will not really restrict the engine in any way as they don't rev well, it may even improve low/midrange rpm performance. You need revs to make use of the bigger carb venturi.
  9. Then the kids, the hassle with the house and the divorce... Still friends though.
  10. Bits of snapped steering lock seems likely, you got to take it apart. Prob strip the steering stem out to get all the rubbish out.
  11. Intro, intro, intro. Post up a little intro in the new members area, even more so with something like this. What are you going to do with it for starters. Will be lots of interest and help for something like this but you need to get the intro in. No entry restrictions on here but generally you get what you give, so if your after hard won experience from people for nowt, you need to put a bit in the pot first, ?. Ignoring that generally gets you stonewalled by the community.
  12. How much power is at the battery. 90% of powervalve problems are a bad battery.
  13. Being true to my screen name: 50 quid is awful cheap for a running sr engine. Buyer be VERY aware.... They don't die, they can take biblical amounts of abuse and keep running and can cover truly ridiculous mileages for such a small bike. 100000 miles is by no means impossible. Ball bearing crank so that is near indestructible, similar bearings to my TDR and that makes 5X the hp at higher rpm. Not sure on the head, they may be white metal. Did you ever clean/check the oil filter while you were messing, something is wierd here. Unless you have found the holy grail of an unreliable sr. Even Grouch couldn't kill one of these engines.
  14. Sorry but why do 4 oil changes?
  15. Absolutely, bike porn with quality pictures always welcome.
  16. Check your chain. Is it tight? Is it oiled?
  17. Its hardly a NR750, if it really worries you replace the frame, their not expensive. OR! Powder coat the fucker to within an inch of its life and replace the vin with a nice shiny fresh one and nobody will know. Except us......... We know the truth, and hold the power, MWAHH HA HA HAAAAAA Er, was that out loud......?
  18. Last time i saw kev messing with his tent it was up and done in seconds. Seemed uncomfortable afterwards and was dumped in the morning. If i get out of work that late (7pm), i may bin the Friday and be up with the birds on Sat morning. The peak district is still a good couple of hours away from me even though its nearer than Squires.
  19. Bastard, well i should be there Friday but have no idea when. My holiday app got bounced and i cant have the day off. Have put in for as early a finish as i can get, that may still be 6/7pm. No way of knowing till the Friday. Not happy
  20. Must try harder.. https://www.motorcyclespareparts.eu/yamaha-parts/yamaha-model-prefix-motorcycles-1970-1994.aspx 3TT1 DT125'90 1990
  21. Pretty simple, mass damps vibration. If your bloke is carrying 4-5 stone more, likely in his arm mostly too that is going to calm his experience quite a bit. Same as lead in the bars, heavy bar ends and balancers. Its just adding mass that dampens the vibes. Body position will just be like the balancer, your adjusting your body's harmonics and centre of mass relative to the harmonics of the bike, the nearer you get to a phased harmonic the better you will feel.
  22. I have the same helmet and it is noisy, your screen and the angle you hold your head makes quite a difference to the noise. Just hold your hand in front of your jaw to the left or right to see the effect. If your screen tips the air up to hit you on the visor it cuts a lot of the noise, helps in rain too. Flipped up in the summer or fueling up is nice although i think the noise is too much myself as I'm not a fan of plugs, (not helped by the diddy tdr screen) i may go back to a full face fixed one next time i change although i do have a taller screen coming.
  23. Are you talking about you or the lamb..
  24. LOL, Went out on the bike today, rolling down the dual carriageway in a world of my own at around 60 a car slows opposite as were braking for the roundabout. Out of the window the muppet in the passenger seat shouts.. quoting here... " Awww flat out, go get a proper bike i could go faster on a pushbike" 3 lads (heavy on the lads, barely out of school, if at all) in a crappy Renault something, could have been a Vauxhall. So round the roundabout and i stayed with them. I could have lost out if it had been a sporty something but there was a 'black box fitted' sticker in the back window (by daddy no doubt) so i pulled up behind em and stayed there.. 50, 60, lots of looking out the back window, 70 I'm still there. That's a proper 70 too because my spedo is gps so he must have been looking at 80 odd on his clocks when his bottle goes. So i drop a gear and blast past giving him the finger as i go. The look on his face. Plenty of people mistake it for a 125, generally to there loss.
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