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Everything posted by Cynic

  1. This may be some sort of fault indicator. Can you not ask your dealer what the fault indicators are. It sounds like the bike hads decided not to start. Other than that, i'm out. Too new for me by about 20 years.
  2. I always understood you needed to go up a jet size to compensate for the oil in the fuel so the mixture isn't leaned out by 3-4%.
  3. Mine just completely refuses to leave the garage, my leathers hide on hangers under the stairs and my bike helmet seems quite happy to sit underneath them. Been there doing the winter bit. I don't have to use my bike all year round so i dont. This year its in bits but the DT is generally buzzing about this time of year, but for fun on a lane and such. Sod dragging it out the garage at 2.30am to ride through frost and snow and, worst of all SALT for work.
  4. There was one of those on the suzuki too, connected to a set of tuned race pipes.
  5. Cynic

    DT 175 price.

    Just wondering what this little beauty will top out at, its at nearly 1500 as i write this. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=150411444679
  6. i had the same on another topic with OG.
  7. Blocked idle jet. Without it the engine only gets air at a very low throttle openings. There is a topic on here , i can't recall which where Oldgitonabike has done a stonking picture of a carb detailing the cold start circuit etc. He may well see this and pop it on here too or link you to the topic. I'll send him a PM tommorow if he hasn't spied this post, it will help far more than words.
  8. Its supposed to do that, its the rev limiter stopping the engine from destroying its self.
  9. Hows the air filter. Does a bit of choke make it better or worse. And, when was the last time it had a good l o n g blast to clear out the tubes.
  10. Yep, you put it better than i did OG. I can hear the valve on my TDR changing as i ride. At least at lower sub warp rpm. Above 6000rpm on a large throttle opening i frankly couldn't give a monkeys what its doing so long as it keeps doing it.
  11. It makes the low rpm power (relatively) much stronger on a restricted 12hp bike. On the full power versions its vital to keep the motor rideable, without it you have one extreem or the other.
  12. Standard resistance test, normally 4 Thousand Ohms (4K Ohms) on a resisted cap as a rule but the manual will tell you exactly. While you are looking at the cap, make sure it is securely connected to the lead with a sound electrical connection and the cap locks on to the plug really positively.
  13. So why don't the dvla and the government save an absoloute fortune and stop handing out the disks then?
  14. Its a well proven servo driven rotary valve in the exhaust port that makes considerable changes to the exhaust port size and profile. Its probably just a duff plug or low battery voltage.
  15. No, something is causing the plug to fail, its a symptom not the cause. An ignition fault can give the impression of a rich mixture due to the incomplete burn as the spark brakes down. Have you tried re fitting the old failed plugs at a later date. And have you tested the plug cap and coil. Fuel won't kill a plug and 2stroke wont either. Something electrical is messing you about.
  16. Resist, s t a r t r e k o b v i o u s l i n e resist.... FREEze Frame Phweew
  17. Imagine the suspention stiffend up and an extra 40hp Now join the ranks of tune or not to tune? I'd be looking into any factory de restriction kits i think mate. Might be a few pennies to get it but you would get the extra ponies without spoiling the bike. They must be out there and with you being unable to track down a bargain, NOT.
  18. Its like a small number plate or noisy exhausts, its illegal but it can be overlooked by a generous copper. BUT if you have had a tug then its more than likely the copper, male or female didn't get their oats recently or they may take issue with you just because. The important point here is its not a 25 quid on the spot or even a 60quid penalty notice. Its a summons and possibly a 4 figure fine. Remember its the TAX man you are taking on here. That is enough for me to give it a NO vote.
  19. Ok then here you go a not very flatering shot of our 4.6 V8 Rangie The wifey's got a rice burner, comfy and economical but hardly Petrol head central. Edit, oppsy nearly left the reg plate in....
  20. NO, NO, NO, NO, NO and to clarify NO. The dealer is right in respect that one of the DVLA checks will show the vehicle has tax, if the dealer is being honest and has taxed it. BUT and its a biggy you can be done for failing to display, that still carries a maximum 4 figure fine i believe. Traffic wardens can call the police to dish those out, ever seen a car parked that has what looks like a red parking ticket? I have seen that with my own eyes although not to my bike.
  21. Charlie and the chocolate factory.
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