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Everything posted by Cynic

  1. Sounds like youve done the rings, when the engine is reved really hard with no load the piston sort of wobbles about in the bore as there is no load to centalise everything. In the extreme you can lose parts of the piston. You are going to have to take the barrel off and physically check inside, even money there is busted metal in there. Rings are favorite but a chunk off the piston at the exhaust port is not out of the question either.
  2. Why thank you very muchly...
  3. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGH yep its back.......... Kin puters...........
  4. Fixed now. Well it works so i presume whatever it was is fixed. Ta to whoever fixed it. I was worried there i don't bother with the twitbook stuff.
  5. Nope just tried again, can't use the view new content 'button' just gives me the error..
  6. Whats with the view new content bit . According to the forum (error 911) i have to set some ACP settings on my facebook account, that i don't have! Er laymans speak please.......Can i switch it off, something? Its the thing i use most, y'know switch on see whats new 'click'. Sigh....
  7. If thats the case clean it till it squeaks, service it and sick it in the pages of classic motorcycle mechanics or similar. Its worth what its worth but if it really is tidy with T+T and no nasty rattles and most importantly its original (low mileage? ) you may see 800 quid from an enthusiast. Whatever you do DONT put open to offers or something similar. Pin your colurs to a figure and go with it.
  8. Just regular 2 stroke oil, don't use 10/30, its not designed to burn. The engine makes very little power relatively. I use Motul semi synthetic in my TDR250 but that is making 3 times the power from an extra 75cc.
  9. Few questions to kick off, condition of the air filter have you tried cleaning the plug does the bike smoke (as in continuously not just from cold) do you know when the exhaust was last cleaned How does the bike run, apart from the missfire that is. Are the revs nice and controlled or does it feel asthmatic. Does it start easy, does it not need choke at all or just to start, or wont run without it? Do you ride in town a lot or open country? A black plug is limited as far as info goes, oil supply is very reliable on these old girls and unless some plomker has decided they know better than a multi million pound company reputedly one of the masters of 2 stroke tech that shold be ok. The carb on the other hand especially if the bike has stood for a while, or the exhaust if it has spent a lot of time in town. Long way of saying we need a bit more info please.......
  10. Cynic


    Speaking as somebody who fell asleep waiting for an op without having the pre-op (cos i could go home earlier) which is apparently unheard of according to the orderly who woke me up. You gonna do how you are gonna do. If you have done the work and apply some common sense you will walk it. And as someone who has to get up at 2 am, going to be early wont help go when you normally do, and get a good nights kip. If you go early you will just stare at the ceiling and be shot tommorow.
  11. The people you want to sheck out are NABD, or National Association for Bikers with Disability i have been to their national rally several times and some of the kit their members have will blow you away. Ever seen a one armed man power wheelie an R1. The bike was fitted with a unique anti theft system, no right clip on The engineering solutions are breathtaking in their simplicity and lateral thinking. One thing i will say, the thumb brake needs to be on the left bar or you cannot use both in an emergency, the bones just dont work that way.
  12. I think you will find its something like 5-6psi and its actually used to reduce the oil foaming rather than add damping. If it looks sad on its springs then you are more likely looking at some new springs.
  13. If the bike was essentially ok before it was abused then the most likely problem is a carb full of rubbish. Modern fuel is nowhere near as good as the old stuff (and without a cat more toxic) but as it evaporates it leaves a white waxy/crystal type residue that will happily render the carb useless. The good news is a thourough cleaning, run some copper wire through every jet, opening etc and rinse with a proprietry cleaner or fresh fuel and it should run. The clutch is typical DT (Yam) its just stuck together due to stiction, the same as if you put a drop of oil between 2 kitchen tiles, they stick. You ideally need to whip of the clutch cover and manually separate the clutch, re oil and all will be well. Although you may be lucky if you put it into gear and rock the bike against the clutch (with the lever pulled in) that ccan free it off.
  14. Why? They are horrible things. Squirm and wobble, wear out faster than a political promise and are generaly surface specific, ie they only really work in sand or mud. A good open block trail tyre (like the long way round stuff) would be better for all round use. I did all sorts of stuff on my Aircooled DT on bridgestone trail wings . The bike was light enough to work on em though. It stayed with the flash lads on big knarly mud tyres and we all came off on the smooth slimy ground.
  15. Quick question, this isnt a leccy start version is it. As the headlight can't come on without the engine running. Save the parking light of course. Unless its the electric start (12v) bike, then the headlight will come on of the battery as it all works a lot like a car. Apart from the charger/starter being a bit of a complicated bugger to set up.
  16. The 200/230 crank is i believe effectively a stroked 125 crank.As to the cases being the same i don't know but a part number search should confirm it. The stroke is up by around 15mm and then a (probably re-worked DT175) 66mm piston is stuck on top making a nearly square engine at 220 odd cc. Good for about 40 horses. They don't rev like the 125's though, they are more about grunt (relatively, it is a 2 stroke) than the 125.
  17. The chassis is for a XT225, that is confimed through the vin (edited) Duh senior moment....sorry. This is your engine, model 31U, the bike its from is columbian. Here's a pdf of the manual. DT 125/175D Its broadly the same as the UK/US bikes from 30 years ago, but some things appear to be updated a bit. As to the chassis. Dunno the motor could have been swaped for a dud? Or thats what they had so they made it work. Odd though. Got any pictures?
  18. You could buy em new up till late 2008 i think in Australia.
  19. Whats he need a thou for he gets 'blown' away on that
  20. Two words, penis extension. Personally i ride what I like, they ride what THEY like. Go to a proper bike rally and you will see every color, type and size known to man. And everybody will be chating having a drink. I saw this with my own eyes, IAM instructor, "if anyone gets past me legally on the way back i'll buy everybody breakfast". From the other side of banbury to jacks hill cafe. His bike?, a CB400 dream. And no he didn't buy breakfast.
  21. Came close to an off today and the best of it is if i'd been riding like a tawt i'd have been nowhere near. Riding through Buckby obeying all the laws of the road. Being a good boy just enjoying being on the bike, going nowhere with all afternoon to do it in. Coming out of buckby village under the bridge approaching the national limit, checks mirror, indicator on, thinking pass the car and the van on the straigh(ish) bit then i've got the bends to myself. The car desides to turn right! one of those mirror, signal, turn all done as one jobbies. He clocks me at the last second and brakes/carries on a bit i had already braked as it felt all wrong as i went to get on the gas. Have no idea why, i must have noticed something. We exchanged cheery waves (sic) and went on our ways. Like i said at the start, if i had been riding like a tit i would have been past on the road coming out of the village. There was nothing coming the other way and the threat would have been long past its only the speed limit that held me back. I was proceeding perfectly lawfully and had been behind the car for several miles. He MUST have known i was there. Laters......
  22. I recon just about every aircooled has either had this done or the owners thought about it. So long as its no more than an inch (25mm) tops from the original (or the shock will bind) and your not planning hardcore motocross it will be fine. The proper bolt is needed though that one looks a bit small.
  23. Opps, cart before the horse i'm afraid, the only effective way of checking them needs the engine running and even then its not absoloutely accurate. I havent done them on one of the lc engines but you can apparently change them without spliting the cases. For the work envolved will the top end of the new engine not fit the bottom of the old and see what happens?
  24. Those bector shocks, how much would one of theirs have been. Reason i ask is if they only want say 100 quid for a new one the second hand one may not be such a bargain.
  25. I have to be honest that sounds more like some kind of air leak to me or mixture problem. Is the engine good? As to the conrod, a little side to side play or 'wiggle' as you put it is normal. Its VERTICAL movement you do not want in any amount.
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