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Everything posted by Cynic

  1. Not a million miles away to be honest. Shouldn't need long to run at idle without choke though. Esp this time of year. Could be a bit lean i suppose. No air leaks around the filter/carb area is there. The reed block is a popular one, go round the joints between the carb and the engine with some wd squirting the joints directly and see if anything changes.
  2. You have coverd most of the bases in your initial post about the problem. The clonk is still there without the chain on which rules out all the sproket options. You have torn the top end down, have you had the barrels off completely or just the head. No mean feat on a TDM you must have 3 hands. I cant see another option really, you have checked things like engine mounts and such. I was ready to pull a suzuki i had once to bits to fix a hand numbing buzz through the bars at mid rpm and that was a loose frame bolt. Sorry can't help much. Never really got to grips with one apart from changing an exhaust, fond memories NOT. There is a specific TDM forum HERE that may get you better info.
  3. Compression is a difficult thing to check on a stroker, if it runs its within limits. The float height should be 21mm, need OG's super diagram for this bit. As any discription i try will only confuse you if you cannot recognise the actual components. Paul.....?
  4. Cynic

    Silly idea

    Just google 'Father Ted Craggy Island' and you will know more than you ever wanted to. Well i'm up for the TT, or just a weekend on the island which may be better as i don't speak German. (If you've been you'll know). Also everything is half the price. There is a little bit of magic missing though. Any other suggestions.
  5. It's worrying when the old Yams weren't exactly built to last and the new ones seem flimsy in comparison.
  6. I would check the float height, and your idle jet tbh. You may have a crank seal issue but that generally makes them a pig to start. Whats the old plug like? Don't get hung up on oil or ignition it is very unlikely to have owt to do with it. Primary target for me would be the carb. Has it been stood for any time?
  7. Cynic

    Silly idea

    Would that be the one that leaves from Liverpool and gets you roughly half way across the Irish sea? June or August, or both?? A week on that wind blown rock is a bit much in a tent but a long weekend, sail out friday back monday would be good eh. Be no bother for Jim too.
  8. Cynic

    Silly idea

    Well if you google it its 850odd miles using the Mways in around 15 hours. So on a sexy new FJ you could do it in a very long day in one. Think the unnoficial record is close to single figures but strokers will die at that pace. The only real arse ache (ha ha) is you effectively do twice the actual distance as you need to get to the start and back from the finish. So 1600miles, (probably more if the motorways are avoided) in 3 days on your smokey banana? With my angry wasp, Certainly possible. Just thinking out loud(sort of) at the minute.
  9. Cynic

    Silly idea

    Well weve got the Squires 2011. Its just an idea, kind of get the ball rolling for next year. The one bona fidey certanty that was obvious at the squires is don't plan with sensible in mind. You know more of the country better than most from a biking point of view Gas, any thoughts?
  10. Just flat black, the engineering is what your looking at not the paint. Matt or flat black, eh geddit flat black flat trakker... I'll go now
  11. Cynic

    Silly idea

    This was something that poped into my head whilst on the road. Its primarily aimed at the 'Squires Crew' but its just a thought at the minute open to comment. I was thinking that we are all over the country, which can be a bit of an issue, like Blackhat and BWJ in that wet cold bit on the top and Merv getting drunk on cheap cider down south. What if, a big if at the moment the YOC did a top to bottom run. The old end to end jobbie. Maybe call it the smokey way down or something. And sorry i don't mean with the big old FJ's etc that could blast it in a day probably. I mean the old smokeys 250's 400's etc like we had at Squires to give it a bit of a spin. Maybe have a no motorway twist to it, use the 70's routes south. The point being within reason we'd all go a similar distance. Merv's run up to start would be as tough as Blackhats getting home. You never know we might be able to raise some money out of it too. Anybody think i'm drinking too much coffee?
  12. Construction and Use rules/regulations. Basically the MOT test rules.
  13. Ohhhh, NOW your in C+U rules, a cracked headlight is a fail. You cannot just remove the light either infuriatingly. It has the fittings therfore it should have the light. Nothing stopping you fitting something else mind. A spotlight say. Ring do an almost infinite amount of options.
  14. Why, you going for the race rep look? Personally i'd keep both, have one stock with the usuall dip etc and the other a kick arse halogen jobbie that will light up the road properly. You could always knock up a cover for one of the lights for the pose factor.
  15. So long as the light is on the centre line or to the right of that line your ok, providing the light, or combination of lights performs all the required functions. ie main,dip and a side light.
  16. Cynic


    Why thank you, i may do requests, 'worn ring', 'someone please lube my little end cos its gone dry'. 'Keep yer crank nicely oiled'. Oh yes who could forget 'keep your sarcastic bastard biker mates within spannering distance'
  17. Cynic


    What a shocking illustration of modern literacy. Its the 'pipe' that runs from the 2 stroke pump to the motor. You can get clear stuff from e-bay for a couple of quid.
  18. Ha tricky fucker that, i got 5
  19. +1 on the chiropractor. As a sufferer of Lorydriveritus as she puts it (sat badly for hours on end in the same position) i have been going for nigh on 8 years now every 4 months. Even if you think you are ok you would be amazed at what they do. Back ache neck ache, not for years.
  20. They always say the accidents are most likely within 10 miles from home. Shitty way to prove a theory Mervin. Glad to hear your ok apart fom a stiffy neck. Is the bike a proper write off or is it just according to the insurance bods. You have some history with it now shame to part like this. God knows how i'd replace the angry wasp Keep your chin up,
  21. Y'know it is silly. Its just an observation but:- When i got my first bike you went to the insurance brokers on the high street with your paperwork, came out with the cover note then walked to the post office, also on the high street. Job done. Now its all on the high speed internet it can take up to a week?.
  22. +1 The only problem with points is owner neglect.
  23. Cynic


    Cheers Vez reading the discription on that bike had me howling, speedo reading in KG
  24. Sorry speaking as someone who has lost out on 3 (1 never seen again, 1 total wreck and one saved by a big lock)occations to bike theives he was master of his own destruction. The line about us being humane is all very well but where do you draw the line. If he had plowed into a bus stop full of people during the chase it would be the police's fault. Thats wrong, if he broke into my house and tripped on the stairs thats MY fault. How is that right. Even worse if he had broken into my house and i bury his head in the wardrobe for his trouble i'm the one looking at time. Huh When is any of the latest generation going to accept that it happens. Everything is the fault of someone else. Their mum was doing the milkman, they had a problem with stress. Bollokcks, there have been times in my life when things have been pretty awful and i got on with it. I didn't nick other peoples stuff. I didn't vandalise anything cos i was BORED. "What does'nt kill me makes me stronger". They don't mean ducking bullets in a gangsta film. They mean coping without sleep cos your kids got collic, they mean working 2 jobs cos you have some debt (been there), work hard and reap the rewards not wait for the handouts. Its a loss that he died granted. But if he had put some humanity foreward ie the part that say's stealing is bad, held his head high and kept walking he would still be walking. Personally i wont be losing any sleep over it.
  25. Cynic


    Hmmm on that particular model you want to get a great big rocket and stick it up your........
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