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Everything posted by Cynic

  1. In fact let me know if you do ok, i'll have another look at them. I see it says series2, so they may have addressed the issue. If so i might well get one myself.
  2. Oh, sorry. Hope you have better luck than i did.
  3. With a front brake that bad your welcome to it.
  4. I tried one of these a while back as my shoei gets a bit turbulent on the old TDR. Biggest issue i had was the strongpoints for the flip hinge ment i couldn't get my glasses on. Which is the very reason for looking at flips as far as i can see. (see what i did there)
  5. I've always done mine that way, the DT's, the TDR and the old elsie. Did em all like that. Never had any issues at all.
  6. Sorry Paul beg to differ on the beg to differ, engine stopped if you have the thumb wheel on the back of the pump. With the later pump thats minus the wheel you have to run the motor. As i understood it. take forever to let it drip. Quoted from Haynes manual Page 142/34 "To prime the feed pipe start the engine (maimum speed 2000rpm) for a few minutes whilst holding the pump pully in the fully open position by pulling the pump cable"
  7. Thats the one, did you hold the pump on maximum while you did it? You should see the oil pulsing towards the carb in small steps of maybe 1/4 inch with the pump on max.
  8. No should fill all the way to the carb, have you bled the pump properly yet?
  9. The motor needs to be running to bleed the pump. Don't panic the oil you used during assembly will keep here happy for maybe 15-20minutes and then she will only get a bit hot if she is just idling. The oil doesent just vanish after every stroke. If the feed is full can you see the bleed screw on the pump. Just back from the plunger, take that out. Start her up then let it run out till there is no bubbles. Much like bleeding a brake line. Shouldn't take more than 15-30secs to bleed up. Then replace the screw. You should then see the oil filling the pipe. Hold the pump at maximum to fill the feed line a bit quicker. Won't do it any harm.
  10. Check the slide, its very possible to get it in in the wrong position. The slide can be fitted 180deg about, there is a grove down the slide that aligns with a pin in the throttle body preventing the slide from turning. If the slide is fitted wrong then the slide will go in but it will stop against the pin giving around 3/4 throttle. Done it myself, sounds like its sliding and it will be from 3/4 to full chat.
  11. Oh come on Kev look at the times, that sports bike 'rides' back after the last run faster than any of the 'proper' drag runs. Its just youtube type sillyness at its cornyest. Aside from the fact that they pull up together at the end of the track and you see how shocking that front brake is on the pig iron, can't even burn the rear tyre. They don't call me cynic for nothing......
  12. No choice, leave for work at 4am, its even worse then. People don't take notice of traffic lights, give way's and such. There also half asleep in going to work automode.
  13. Its all true, in daylight my headlight is always on Main beam, i'd sooner the drivers think (#$ingtw*t) than not see me. I try to read the traffic as best i can, eye contact and expecting every last one of em, INCLUDING bikes to do me injury has worked up to now. I have had near misses, i also accept any 'gut feeling' when in traffic, no i'm not advocatic that phsychic crap, it may well be your subconcious picked up something you havent and its trying to tell you. Ever had the "I knew that was coming" moment. Its better to wait extra time and see. Its very negative but thats what we have. With car drivers looking at the problems they will only ever be fixed from a car drivers viewpoint, IE we are the issue that needs fixing not the car drivers. Same as the commons shuffling feet on the 50%tax, its cos they all pay it. (well are supposed to).
  14. Cheap solar charger and have your phone in the clear pocket of your rucksac. Or clipped to the strap. No / less wire linking from you to the bike, less risk. Be exp too if it fell off.
  15. Saved me when i picked up the wrong oil. Same make, same colour bottle but a snazzy new lable. Next day the bike is running hot, and its immediately obvious the new stuff won't pump. There are big gaps in the contents of the pipe, thankfully i hadn't gone very far. On investigation in the smaller print on the back of the bottle of said universal 2 stroke was little print giving the premix ratio. Doh. The TDR and the DT get the same stuff now bought a gallon (£20 odd for semi synth sports stuff) at a time from a motorcycle service/sales place along the A5 from me.
  16. To be honest if there is rust on the chain it will be costing you some of what little horsepower you have. A bad chain can cost you 15% of your available power if its really bad. Poorly lubed they can get hot enough to burn your hand.
  17. I think its because the racers didn't use them they thought it was better to add your own 'blend'. The fact they left the pump in place so it would still drag on the crank nullifying any benefit was lost on them. Or the busted pump seemes too expensive to repair. They are cheap compared to a set of pistons. Either way i think there daft.
  18. Re the oil question. There are a lot of miss informed myths floating around about that. My take is the oil i used on assembaly will be enough for the initial start up then the pump will take over. Its far better at adding the right amount of oil and is THE best invention Yamaha dreamed up. Adding 2 stroke to the tank is less than ideal as once the autolube is checked and bled you will be running oil rich, which by obvious deduction means fuel weak, bad news for any 2 stroke. Oil down the bore.. First class way to foul the plug if you ask me. You have me on the Seafoam? Good luck with the first run.......
  19. Righty then, had a dig, got a servicable set of forks, front brake assy, I'm missing spedo drive and spacers at the moment i'll have a further look tommorow also a wheel not sevicable in present condition but hub is ok and could be built into your current dtr wheel. Free to a good home, genuinely. I cannot stand the amount of tossers that sell utter junk or break things down to the last nut and bolt. If your going to use them help yourself. I'm not saying there perfect by any means but with work they will be fine, and at the price there a bargain. Unless your motor is a V8 like mine you wont even burn 25quids worth of gas fetching em.
  20. No tax, no mot, not run for ages, suck your teeth and start at £350..... Be worth that in bits.
  21. If you must fit those, look into a dt125lc tank. Its almost a straight swap as i understand but its a different shape to allow for the forks. Moving the tank and seat may well make it difficult come mot time due to security of the tank. And fankly it will look shite.
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