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Everything posted by Cynic

  1. Reving high? whats high, 6k 7 k. The exhausts, ideally you should get roughly the same from each pipe. Is the link on the powervalve good.
  2. Looks like the kind of thing that would be good on a twin, temps matched she must be sweet. Multiple sensors on one display?
  3. LOL, so the pipe is worth around 3-4 hp, thought so.
  4. I can't believe its that simple, the ones i rode in the stone age were all peaky with a pipe on them. Made them horrible to ride, bloody things wanted to whelie everywhere, if you wanted to or not.
  5. You won't get 9hp from an exhaust and a re jet. Maybe 3 or 4 and you will lose it from somewhere else, robing peter to pay paul. I would expect the euro motor to have differences in the piston and barrel, possibly the head and reed block too, not to mention the cdi. Getting close to double the HP from just an exhaust would have made it a legend back in the day, and from what i can remember it wasn't. They were out in the cold till they got the powervalve motor that the RD got first.
  6. Its just at the moment its a genuine 30 year old classic. Seems a shame for a few mph you will never get to. Stop and think for a moment, could your car get to its max rpm in top and on a big hill would it pull you up. I have the 175 and know your pain on the speed issue as i would love another 10mph, but i'd only want another 10 afterwards.
  7. Perfectly normal, its air coming past the rings. Your lifting the piston at a speed so slow the rings don't really seal and the air comes past. When the piston is running at engine speed and covering the same distance maybe 4-5 thousand times faster than you are in the vid it will seal up ffine.
  8. Why, if by some slim chance its still restricted you will ruin it.
  9. Don't forget emmissions is as big a problem for manufacturers as power. That may be the reason for the changes to clean the burn rather than power.
  10. That in some form usually what follows badly de restricting a motorcycle.
  11. Cynic


    Yeah Jason's fine, most of the regulars know me anyhow from squires. Should give it a try.
  12. Think its more a pretty maintainance fee, your buying a badge. They don't go, don't handle and don't stop. You can buy a shed load of stuff at inflated prices and then it will do what any other modern bike will do. Just badly. You either want a harley or you don't. Waste of time trying to justify it. If it were me i'd want an old one, knuckle or shovel head. One of the de mob yankee forces ones would be ice cold cool in matt black. The modern stuff. If they were cars they would be MK3 cortina's. In a world of mondeo's.
  13. Totally agree noise, but, don't you think twin headlights would butch the front up a bit. Could mount the indicators in the side of them too. Then do a repaint but subtle, use black and charcoal or any very very slightly lighter black (that sounded daft) done with a camo pattern then bang on a satin laquer. Be a lot cooler than 'just matt'. Feel free to ignore, just its nice to see something a little different. I actually saw a harley i liked yesterday, a 50's, (must be something that way) knucklehead with hand shift and foot clutch not all bolt on crap and chrome. Watching the man in traffic, he knew the beastie for sure smooth as you like.
  14. Cynic


    Funny you say that there is a 125 head and barrel for the DT under my bench with piston and gaskets ready for that very day. Got to be some cool points to rock up to school/college/tec on a in your face fuck the establishment 2 stroke that will be nigh on 40 by then.
  15. Cynic


    Amazing how having my 10year old on the back of the bike turns you from big bad biker, (we can all dream) to Mr Safety. After the wife's utterly dumb statement of "don't need gloves in this heat do you?", never mind. We went into town for an appointment and parking and traffic in the car is a bitch. She loved it and was very good as a pillion, bit wobbly but on the whole just moved with the bike. She is a runner too so light as a feather which helps. Oddly i really enjoyed it too, came the long way home down some lanes i havent ridden for a long while, turned a 10 mile trip into 30. Pretty good for her first time as pillion. Happy dad
  16. Isn't it odd how bikes always look better with all the legal crap thrown out. I take it the back of your jacket is ready for the onslaught. Love what you have done with it.
  17. Its overgeared. The exhaust doesent 'kick in' on a 2 stroke. Piston speed, airflow, port timing etc combine to create sweet spots generally know as power bands and it sounds like yours is out of sinc with the gearing. Tune the engine even more, at your own risk and expence, or swap the rollers for a different set.
  18. Hmm, thats on about stuff over 50 years old..
  19. Woot you just made my afternoon, both of mine are over 20, hell the DT's over 30
  20. Left work, happy enough nipped along to the first roundybout an then the trudge down the new link road, its only about a mile or so but you always have traffic and somehow the wind blows down it weird. Anyway a Suzui come blasting up from behind and stops with me at the junction. Suzuki "Alright mate, them TDR 125's are not bad when you goin to get a proper bike, somat with a bit of go like this" Me (through gritted teeth) "I'm perfectly happy with it" Then the junction cleares he fucks of at a million miles an hour, into TDR land. Bad tarmac, bad bends, and i've been riding them day in day out rain or shine for the last 4-5 years..... Only the ice has me reaching for the car keys, unless wifey needs it. I went under the wobbling idiot at the 3rd bend skirting 2 potholes and a ribbon of overbanding he was trying to ride around, recon i was touching 80. There will be more but that was the first this year.
  21. Yep 50hp around 150KG ready to roll with all fluids and a full tank of fuel. Top wack just a knats over a ton. And the reason why i don't think a 125 Dt can get there. With the bike stripped down a while ago with the DT next to it also partly dismantled you could see the similarities, the shape and lines of the frame, the tank mounting, tripple clamps even the engine mounts are all an evoloution. Even the bodywork is part DT125, part RD125. It goes like nothing else, it brings out the devil in you. Polite (ish) and tractable below 6 grand and a jilted girlfriend after. Power kicks in at 6 hard so if your leant over in the wet. Sharpens the mind. A last point to highlight just how focused the bike is the first 2 gears will get you to around 50 mph if you rev it hard, for the other 4 gears there is less than a thousand rpm between them, you can play the gearbox like a tap fan. Good riding position and handling that feels really odd at first till you realise its so right. And they are now rare enough that any good honest vgc bikes will only appreciate in value with proper care. If you want one check everything, riding past the chippy will cause it to rot. The tank thicknes is measured in microns i think, everything siezes and they get crashed, a lot. There were only 2000 known to have come to the uk so happy hunting, took me 12 months to get mine. They will be nailing the lid on the box before i get rid of mine. One final note, if you think that DT is scary there is a TDR out there with a RD500 motor in it, gulp.
  22. Replaced the plug/cap recently?
  23. Cynic


    And your the one behind the camera....... You did get that up really fast, was it 'handy' on your mobile.
  24. Cynic


    Ewwwww, nasty image! thanks a bunch.
  25. Think there snowmobile parts, there isn't anything scary about that. A tdr 250 is little different performance wise, apart from the important point of being a lot better to look at.
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