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Everything posted by Cynic

  1. Just listed the peole who have made proper be there posts, haven't seen anything from Pat yet although i think FZR AL will be there with us this year. Not sure what on though.
  2. Give these guys a ring, they restore TY's. The175's use the same engine and as such pistons. Good guys, they don't like pattern parts so it may be a sitting down job, don't expect 20 quid. But they know their stuff. http://www.tytrials.co.uk/
  3. Believe me the best advice i can give here is sort it with your old man. Been there. Don't let it fester.
  4. Prob got the choke on too long. Ha you should see the smoke that comes from my TDR
  5. Its normal for the smoke, all 2 strokes do it. its caused by the cold engine components. The oil really doesent want to be a fine mist at low temperatures so drops out of the petrol. As the engine warms up it burns off, letting the engine idle makes it worse. Road going 2 strokes are a start and go breed. Not start, put on lid, etc. Don't go from zero to motocross mode though run it steady till the smoke clears, should only be a mile or 2 then you can give it the beans. Conversly letting the engine idle for half a minute before turning it off, will help as the engine can settle down and will have burn away any excess before it stops. Worst off all blipping the engine before shutting it down.
  6. Cynic

    The ghost page

    Oh man, funny as..... I'm having that one its bloody brilliant.
  7. Yep know your pain our eldest had colic, don't worry the crying and whinging only lasts indefinitely.
  8. What a sign off for a first post on a Yam forum, way to make connections.
  9. Did he not mean try the bike out Paul?
  10. The US spec bikes are tricky to date, there were no 125/175 yams imported in 77. So your bike will have been a 76 the first of those would have arrived september 75, with the high number it was probably late 76 when it was produced. With shipping and most likely dealers having long stock in 77 it may well have been registered in 77.
  11. If you have the complete top end, ie piston, rings, head and wrist pin then yes it will go straight on. There will be some pretty drastic carb mods i'm afraid....... A 140 main jet and a 5J11 jet needle The only common problem is people who don't introduce themselves in the new members section , 2 minutes saying hi, from bikesville in bike land 50 kids and a morgage for example, will get a much wider response from the regulars.
  12. Yes but that will only adjust the idle speed. If the bike is 'bogging' after the new cable then you have either disturbed something in the slide assy, or there is slack in the cable you need to address. If it was ok before then changing the cable won't affect the carbs performance as far as adjustments go.
  13. Nope thats the mixture screw, i'd be more inclined to check out the cracks on that inlet rubber.
  14. Yep, thats what they go for and rare as. I could get 7-800 quid for the exhausts on my bike alone. Bodywork as separates as its not either cracked or missing lugs with good graphics could be worth even more. As i said rare bikes that were built cheap so they dissintergrated. Anything left is worth money.
  15. Tumbleweed...........................
  16. And a penny gets you 10 if you look deep enough the petrochemicals would have been the ones killing it.
  17. What local restrictions?, by the way an intro of some sort in the new members section is considered polite on here. The forum doesent bother with all the draconian 'must do this that and the other rules of most forums' it sort of self regulates with the members keeping the peace. Works well but you may not get much more help if you don't say hi properly. Stay around though, as far as i know there are only 2 or 3 TDR250, owners on here, its a rare bike, even more so good ones. Go to a 2 stroke rally and you will see 350 and 400 yams everywhere Kwak tripples too, be lucky if you need both hands to count the TDR's
  18. Rocking horse shit will be easier, they all got junked for dep's and whatnot years ago. Nice ones are scarce and expensive. TDR250.co.uk or the TDR250 owners club is the place to try
  19. Cynic


    Was easy for me to quit, have some blood circulation issues in my left leg caused by tobacco that may ultimately see it gone( i'm already considering a RH gearshift). Docs words around 7 years ago were simple, "choose, keep smoking you'll lose it!". I decided on keeping the leg for longer. If it makes any odds i am also now a big time anti smoking nut. Thanks to them i have the issues with my leg and i'm asthmatic after a near fatal pneumonia attack, hows a temp of 40+deg and breathing pure oxygen for 48Hrs grab you, week in hospital and 12 weeks recovery at home. (pneumonia is fairly common for quiting smokers). And the worst part, there is no such thing as an ex smoker, you just haven't lit up for a while, no mater how long its been.
  20. Its been done but its a bit of a dud as the weight of the tank and the crappy range make it difficult to justify. I'll happily put the petrol into my 200bhp/litre motorcycle, if my rangy made that much power its peak output would be around 900bhp, hhmmmmmm?
  21. Bugger , Trevithick got him confused with that bloody cricket bloke. Ahh well,bright side i won the bet.
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