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Everything posted by Cynic

  1. No point wasting effort about being out of ideas thats the whole point of the forum. Take a breath, kick the tyres, have a cuppa but clear your head and we will get there. Just back up a minute and bear with me. You said you put the headlight straight to the coil and it rsn bad. Do you mean you connected the headlight to the ig coil.
  2. I would have thought that the rxs / rs 100 front end would be a better match? I would think the RD stuff would be too long and certainly larger diameter. A complete front end would be easier as most likely you could just swap out the steering head bearings for ones that suit, and boly the lot in. No joy on the aircooled site?
  3. Well back to the DT this morning, wow. Back to drum brakes and wobbly knobblys and 60mph flat oot. Took a few mile to dial back in with the wobbles and the (lack of) braking. And of course, the headlight. Best bit, i know the old girl can handle ANYTHING. I have ridden that bike through hell and back. She has been underwater, in snow 3 feet deep, dropped on sheet ice, salt sand and sh1t and had me as an owner for the last 25 years. She has never had it easy, she was used for proddy enduro before my 'care'.
  4. It may run leaner due to emmission rules, even though its a 2 stroke they were trying to make em cleaner. Compared to the old 175's they probbably run far tighter limits on fuel and oil so suffer quicker if its a bit off maybe?
  5. Cynic

    TZR 125 YPVS

    You have asked the same question time and again with the same responses. Introduce yourself and add to the group or, as it appears, the group will not respond.
  6. Dont forget were stuck with 12hp in learner trim. With the pv tweaked and a pipe these motors could be getting on for 20+hp if they are done properly.
  7. I think he would be looking for 3K and upwards. Fellow at squires had paid 3300 IIRC. Not exorbitant either. Apparently megga low milers like under 5k will fetch 4.
  8. Nah not really. I'm sorting out the dt at the weekend anyway. I had her running yesterday. Was thinking i might get a few more weeks of tdr though.
  9. Has the manufacturer down as other and the wrong colour. May be honest but if your first impression stinks leave it. There are no end out there.
  10. Recon so Paul. Its the direction changes that get you. I use a double roundabout on the way home and thats where it showed up. And numan...........no i didn't. Ahem......never enterd my head. Sent wheels off. Wheels came back,fitted tyres and away. Lesson learned.
  11. Well the odd handling at squires wasn't just the wheel loose. When i got home i had a quick look and could see nothing drastic and after softening the susp back up it seemed fine. Well today on the way home about halfway back the back end gets all squiffy like i have a puncture. I stop, no puncture. Gently ride home at about 25mph and once on the paddock stand, dadah Rear wwheel bearings have gone, wheel moves a good 4-5mm when you grip top to bottom and give it a pull. Bugger. Ah well Dt was coming out anyway.......
  12. I know this is a some do some don't issue but junking the pump is the worst possible idea. It is a wonderfull piece of kit that saves hassle all ways up. I have been riding 2 strokes for 25 years and pumps break because people think they are not working when they are after blaming siezures on the oil pump rather than looking for other possibles. Airhead and i were talking about the pumps at squires and the fact that when the bike is not being worked hard the oil drops right off. its true, last year i used 2 bottles over the squires weekend over 500 odd miles. This year i used nowhere near that, i traveled up slower on b roads and rode with the 175s on the rideout so basically bimbling along. The thing is i didn't use massively less fuel. Less on the rideout but 2 tanks each way traveling to get there. Like flydays siezure as another example, everybody jumped on the mixture, some went for oil. none of us expected the wrong piston, every day is a school day. I would go out of my way to fix the pumps on either of my bikes. Leave the pump, it hasn't changed in 30years so it can't be all bad.
  13. This thread is long dead mate. Its over 2 years old. There will be plenty more need help.
  14. Start with the main jet. Be sure to monitor each change with a proper repeatable test. Ride a control route at legal speeds a couple of times then note stand out points like hills and the gear and speed on them. That way you will know if things are good. A favorite with 2 strokes is thinking you have gained a nice powerband when all thats happened is the midrange has gone. You think is better but it is in fact slower point to point.
  15. Unfortunate, but you did all the derestricting stuff and changed the pipe then with a bit more go pinned the throttle. BOOOM, first rule of a 2 stroke, never pin the throttle in top and max it, it will die. Airhead is there with the 250 jets, back in the stone age when i was derestricting the RDZ's and the first TZR's and putting the motors in DT's we opened the valve, gutted the pipe and fitted a, 250 main.
  16. It may look a bit naff but the hand sheilds you see on off road bikes are really good for keeping your hands warm and the worst of the water off. With the grips your fingers will be toasty. Something to cover your neck and chin too, i have an old wooly hat with the top cut open cos i'm tight. It works though.
  17. Pretty standard fare those carbs are on just about everything yam made from 20 -28mm for a decade or more and they all have the same numbers for the float height. Just dug up my old manual, have you been doing it as per page 92. If so what if you tried 23mm instead. Its not perfect but it may help. If the floats have aged badly and lost some bouyancy.
  19. yeah good on you. although my trip to work is only 7 miles. It is still brass monkeys when it closes in. 4 deg today on the way to work. Not going to be long before the TDR goes back in for the big sleep. And comes back after the nasty white stuff (salt). kind of daft really, the 25 year old bike gets put away for the bad weather and the 32 year old bike takes over. Doh.
  20. The physical horsepower will stress it. Cardboard dave has one on his tdr125 and something has failed in the box on that. Although riding with me and john well into 30mpg territory explains why. Its not really the hp that may kill them. Ridden properly as a dt with more torque which is really the idea then it will last forever. Using it to go as fast as possible will kill it stone dead.
  21. Float height for RD350 F II and N 21mm+-.5 Fuel level 26mm +- 1
  22. As an experienced dt abuser i run 1k under max as a cruise limit and it works ok. I will go to the red and beyond with a blast but not for more than a few moments.
  23. They are fir the head and exhaust. The bore only increaces by 6mm the power comes from the port size and shape and a better powervalve. And yes it most definately will load the crank up and the rest of the bike. Doubling the hp will ramp up the stress. You cannot expect it to do twice the work without twice the maintainance.
  24. Welcome. In new members you say hi and a bit about yourself. I'd have another try or you may well get no other reply than this one. Sorry. Dirty excepted of course.
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