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Everything posted by Cynic

  1. Thats ok money for a better part... Who makes it you didnt say.
  2. Buy ngk leave the tat on the shelf. If it made any worthwhile difference they would be std equipment
  3. You do realise that "warming up" is actually bad for the engine. Its better to start and go but keep it steady for a mile or 2. Def better for a 2stroke and certainly beneficial on a 4.
  4. Still a surprising effect. Esp as its a reccomended option. Out of curiosity. Was the poor performance in the cold weather we have finaly cleared (he says touching wood). If the engine temp is v low the engine will perform badly. Just as the 6's performance would drop on a hot day.
  5. Hahaha so will you be on a 2stroke this year drewps.....
  6. If your overtaking the other carriageway should be clear for the manouver. Personally filtering is between slow traffic no matter the direction. At low speed. I am as guilty as Dirty for pushing that particular envelope. M62 fetching kev, DDT?
  7. Thats odd. Kind of self defeating. Whats the cost of a new crank then.
  8. Heh heh. Mobile site is fine......
  9. Never needed a crank myself. Will yours not rebuild.
  10. How much..........!?!??!?? You have got to be kidding.... For a plug cap. There about a fiver here is it special somehow..
  11. 66k. Fair enough. That would be good for a 125 4st on a dt its unbelievable.
  12. Crikey any idea of the cause...
  13. Ok now i have recovered frop the epilepsy triggerd by watching that. Sound is always a bit odd recording an engine but it does sound a little off. Main issue is that air filter. Second is the carb needs sorting for the filter its running like well y know.. May be a tiny ig issue too. But that could just be the recording.
  14. Wow. How did you manage that.
  15. Oh no. Leave it. I got far more hassle on noisy bikes. Stay stealthy and let the law nick the power rangers while we blast about in the shadows.
  16. Have you changed modified or changed the idiot light on the dash? If you only have 1 for both sides then electrically all4 are connected. Its only the resistance of the bulbs causing only one side to work. Because there is not the power to actually light the other bulbs. Led's obviously need so little power they work fine. You need to alter the wiring in the instrument cluster. The 2 feeds need connecting together with one way diodes in each then connect to the bulb. The remaining connection goes to earth.
  17. Anything is possible. Electrically its easy. The question for me is why bother?
  18. Cynic

    Latest Disaster

    Once your moving its easy. With you having a leccy foot its easier. 1st gear push with your feet and the starter and you should be off. Changing up.. Let the revs increase put pressure on the lever then reduce the throttle. The gear should happily shift up. Coming down. Right this gets tricky. What you have to do is slow the bike down and when the revs get low. And i mean low like 3000rpm again apply pressure to the leaver and eases off the gas and again it drops down one. The key is the throttle and revs combo. You want the gear speed to equalise the right way. Going up is easy engine speed over wheel speed. Going down its the other way, you want the engine driving the box enough to load the gears but ultimately the rear wheel driving the situation so when you close the throttle the gear slips in smoothly. You wont break any track records but its easy once you know and a bloody site better than walking. I have ridden and driven everything with bad clutches. A range rover. Land rover, severak motorcycles but my high point was bringing a truck back from oxford to northampton. Fitters wouldn't believe me. It will date me to any hgv people but anybody who could make a decent job of an ERF with a twin split can drive without a clutch.
  19. So harder to start. And ultimately different spark characteristics at higher speeds. With such a dramatic effect of such a subtle change you might want to give the bike a once over. Check filters and valve clearances etc. 1 step up should not really affect it that much.
  20. Cynic

    Latest Disaster

    Why the hell did you push it. Ride without the clutch. Wont hurt as a get you home. I have even done it with a truck. Plonker.....
  21. First dont panic. Second try drawing a breath and posting a hi im..... From....... With a....... New to bikes etc introduction. Then pop your question in the workshop area and you will get plenty of help... Oh and old! A 2002?. Mine are back in the 80s cheeky fkr.......:-)
  22. No. Filtering is legal between 2 lines of traffic going the same way. Filtering into oncoming traffic is classed as dangerous driving if bobby is in a bad mood.
  23. Well done for quitting the pair of you. Speaking as someone the fags HAVE affected badly the strangest thing is i would love to light one up. I have circulation issues in my hands and right leg. (Which may force me to a rhs gearshift.)Chronic asthma after smoking for 15 years and near fatal pneumonia, if i ever start smoking again i have been told it would finish me. Like 12 to 18months. Saved a lot of cash though. Fag money used to go in a pot by the bed. Replaced all my bike kit with the savings. You will never be an ex smoker, no such thing. Just a smoker who has not lit up for a while. You may one day become as anti cigaretts as me one day.
  24. Cages are terrible they lash out because they are powerless. Even more annoying for them is the fact they are the cause of their own frustration. I just assume every car is out to get me regardless.
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