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Everything posted by Cynic

  1. The thing i hate most are cigarette buts. They come at you like tracer rounds. Had one stop in a fold of my jacket so........... I thought she might want it back and popped it through her open window into her lap. With a 'sorry luv think you dropped this'. She didnt thank me though....Should not have said luv. That nust have been it.....
  2. Ok big difference. Easy enough though. Take the exhaust off then remove the head and replace the stud. Job done.
  3. Nothing you could make worse thats for sure. These engines are really solid and being a 2stroke there few moving parts. Give it a go i say.
  4. Nah its not the ability part. Its the upy downy view to fix it. Stuff like the puncture........ Granted my old mans a mechanic. God help anyone calling him a fitter but most of the time all i got was. 'Its only nuts and bolts, all you have to do is read the manual'. With that he would go back to the gardening which is his pasion. Same goes for grouch. He has told us he has the tools. I have had bad bikes and cars in the past. You have to suck it up and carry on. I have had to ride the tdr through some of the winter with a bad ch/sp set and duff wheelbearings cos the dt blew up and took the spare cash i had. Be honest anything affecting the lever like that will be in the linkage. So should be a relatively simple fix. I wii try my hardest to help someone who is willing to try. Even if they know nothing. But the instant generation. Not interested.
  5. I do understand i as well as other folk have had vehicles like this. I had a cb125t that was nothing but work. Rebuilt the motor,wheelbearings, clutch electricals. But i stuck it. Partly cos i wasnt letting it win and partly cos i was skint. I had to make it work or walk. I had a rd350 too. Never worried about a drilled sump plug? I do now. Thankfully someone stole it. So i do know your pain and i still think its a cop out. Even worse you know no more now than you started. This bike could have taught you so much.
  6. No it has to go in as a complete lump. Both gearshafts, selector drum and selectors. Set up on the bench so everything is in place. Then pop a couple of rubber bands round the end furthest from the case that allows a bit of wiggle room and stops it falling to bits. Get the output shaft out through the bearing. Then check the selector shafts are lined up and slide those home. The rest should then slide into place. It is fiddly but once you sus the knack you will wonder why you got stuck.
  7. Its stupid cos i think its a cop out. The whole forum was trying to get you through and you just gave up.
  8. Ebay a 125 with only 2 working gears. Be lucky to get 3 maybe 400 notes. Gearbox issues make a bike nigh on unsellable Your first stupid idea.
  9. No its the bikes. The 600 sounds and produces very different power to the sv. The sv will have instant out of corner drive where the yam would have needed some revs to come on song. This is whats upsetting you. Your normal riding style evolved on the 600 would have you opening the throttle and it would be slightly later that the bike would respond with any punch. The sv doesent give you that time. Its instant so you are opening the throttle too early with most likely a bit of lean still on.
  10. To learn bike control do a trackday with instructors. I have done a couple and they are ace. For road work ask the police. The do observed rides where you go for a ride with the police. Surprising fun and you learn a lot. You also learn just how fast those plods can go. You can listen to the Advanced riders or whatever it is they are but i didnt like their ideas or methods. Fancy riding line astern in rain and hug the gutter in corners. I wouldnt and they said it was that or go. So i goed.
  11. I would be pulling the clutch cover and checking the internal linkage. See if you can directly opperate the selector drum. Less than an hours work to get that far. Including a cup of tea and washing your hands.
  12. G you have not actually said what the problem was. The garage said it would cost a mint to split the cases which is true. If it is just time making it expensive brake out the spanners. Cos i have had a gearbox sieze years ago on a 50 thank god. Fancy locking the rear wheel at 40mph. Not fun. Pulling the clutch does nothing as the gearbox is after the clutch. Anyho whining will get you nowhere. You can step up and fix it or bail. If you were closer i would happily tear it down with you. I bet its fixable fairly simply once your in there. Change from 100notes i bet doing it yourself.
  13. Tear the top end down for a lookie see. Mechanical noise is always worrying. Poping and banging with the. Lets call ot tapping mean something is up. They are easy to strip and if its all good the other options will feel more permanant. You have prob lost a little faith in her now.
  14. Right light noise from top end sounds far better. If you can pull the top for a look. If its a broken ring you could be 1rpm from total engine failure. The melted piston on my dt required new crank bearings. And the ovbvious full engine strip. The reeds wont cause the tapping. Could be the little end.
  15. Hows the oil situation. Perished feed pipe could let air in but not let oil out. Sounds odd but its happened to me on the DT. Intermitant knocking and performance. I have had the very same thing before. The knock you say its easy to hear. Would you class it as a deep knock coming from the whole of the motor. I would be preparing the wallet. From what you have said it sounds deeper to me. More crank seal, big end related.
  16. These are the people i used... http://www.tankcareproducts.co.uk/ Seems to work too. My tank has been done 3 years now.
  17. Yep 2a8 is the 125 and the clocks are identical. Make sure your sitting down when you try to find the mounting bracket for the clocks and ig switch. People know how rare they are and money talks.
  18. So are you saying they told you they are not weatherproof. Now your annoyed they leak...
  19. Sorry folks we all know where these threads end up. So im locking this one before it goes too far.
  20. Ww second pick for me too. Bikes should be out being used. You can feel the remoteness just looking at the image..
  21. Im trying to picture how they alter the trail. The headstock is in the same place. What changes?. Surely the handling improves because of the better bearing. Somoother with much better high load performance as the working area to spread the load is huge compared to ball bearings.
  22. Cynic

    Run Foamy run.

    Slice go to the top of the thread. Click the link to facebook. Go to the facebook page and that has a link to the donation site the charity uses. Dodle to do i did it earlier. Chuck a tenner in and they get gift aid too adds another 25per cent or therabouts.
  23. I have a feeling its one of those less than perfect situations where Dad isnt there to dish out the appropriate man bollocking (no offence to the ladies but any son with a decent father has been there ). There is a good chance she cant stop him. Hence asking Dave for some help. Certainly a difficult one to solve. Report him and ask the plods to have a chat. If he isnt caught he wont get points but the vevehicle will be 'on watch' so to speak.
  24. Cynic

    Run Foamy run.

    Tenner is in the pot Steve. No not full combats......Full bike gear lol.. Tis a bike forum supporting a bike charity.....
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