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Everything posted by Cynic

  1. And that is why we have a new members section. Netiquett for the forum is to knock out a quick introductory post saying some general info about yourself. Helps folk answer questions far more accurately and prevents people getting the wrong idea.
  2. Seeing as my username is cynic. Would your next port of call with the info be ebay?
  3. Cynic

    Tennis elbow..

    On a more serious note 'mate'. I am practicing with quite an effective anti theft device. I currently have both levers on the right bar of the dt. Bit of a headfuck to use to begin with but its improving. Might swap to a thumb brake and use the lever for the clutch. On the tdr. Not looking foreward to tommorow. General theory is dont do what hurts which is the bike.........worried.....
  4. Cynic

    Tennis elbow..

    Hey folks. More good news........ Tennis elbow or from my sympathetic father 'wankers cramp'. Is kicking in big time. Got docs tommorow for tests. Guess my summer is over bfore it starts.
  5. Sounds like a crank seal. Well more specificaly the rh crank seal but if one has gone the other is likely. If your new to bikes you may want to consider getting someone to do it for you. You may want to take the engine out yourself and get the seals done by others as any parts for that engine may be rare, expensive or both.
  6. Exactly 100kph? Jap import. Dont know how you overide it myself. Used to be a plug in on the 400's. Dont know what they do now.
  7. Moved from forum help. No idea myself good luck with it.
  8. Big picture time people. Dive into the site a little further and check out the post counts. The forum has thousands of members the amount with more than 500 posts is small. With over a 1000 is tiny. The main forum is maybe 20 hardcore members but those 1000's of drop ins mean the site owner gets more cash from ads and searches. The forum is self is also an off the shelf format. Designed with moderator control. Some forums vet the first 5 or 10 posts and censor to the point of irritation with swears and such. We are open. Its a motorcycle forum for motorcyclists. We are not bothered by the odd f or boob. As i said earlier i think its a good filter as is. We have all passed it to be having this thread. Dont see any dufers?
  9. Carefull. Just smooth it down taking any high spots off with some 1200 wet and dry. (Use wd instead of water). You will get some nasty slack otherwise. Couple of mm multiplied up through the gearbox would be unpleasant. Plus you need the plate clearance the same all round otherwise you will have a notch form making things worse.
  10. The FIRST question before considering this is. Does the bike have any direct bearing lube. Its not uncommon for 2stroke to be pumped direct to the main bearings to make em teen proof.
  11. Why does everybody think bike electrics can be stripped out. Then just use 'the minimum'. Its the hardest working, most abused, under rated and neglected part of ANY bike.
  12. Ahh thats why then. Dirt racers are not going to worry about vibes or bearing life they just want it to grip like a banker to his bonus. Bang it on and see how it goes.
  13. Do you not think it is a perfect character test right there. Some do it right. Some do it wrong, the ones that do get it wrong generally get a bit of lighthearted stick. Techy folk get the arse and go. The decent sorts suck it up show their colours and become worthwhile members. Think it works pretty good.
  14. Cynic

    selling my dt

    Now a good tzr plus an athena kit would waste all of em. And cost peanuts.
  15. What! Get that gearbox fixed then. I would have been in there soon as it happened. Wouldnt even get a chance to go cold.
  16. KP you nailed it right there. I certainly cant put it into words. I just am..
  17. Whenever i have done clutches the metal plates normaly have some sort of cut away. These are spaced at 120 deg intervals to balance it. The friction plates go in as you feel with the cushion rings inbetween. Simple but not thrown on. Any pictures...
  18. John and i were gobsmacked the last thing we expected was a 125 alongside. Proper fast that athens stuff. Kills the bottom end if you hammer it though. Breaks the gearbox i believe. Ask cardboarddave its his...
  19. And with the clutch fully assembled and oil in the gearbox it sounds....
  20. Ken the same kit on a tdr125 was able to sit with me and blackhat250 at over 90. Private road of course....
  21. To be honest you will be a first class pratt to use any other measure than your own for such a critical decision. Somebody else may have a diff version. Possible upgraded parts. Use yours. Its gauranteed to be right then.
  22. If they hide their bike in ropey weather they wont ride it much in the summer either. Rode around a 600 on the dt in the rain today. Poor fazer. Look on the blokes face said it all he was terrified of rain i didnt consider worth putting my overtrousers on for.
  23. Not much of an intro. Looks more like a question.
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