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Everything posted by Cynic

  1. don't you ask those questions BEFORE you buy......
  2. Cynic

    Pins and needles

    Yeah. Its ok. Damage is done now. It leads to tennis elbow too. That is just as big pain to fix. The important bit is make sure your bars and levers are set and adjusted properly. For motorcyclists the left generally shows first. esp if you commute on something with a heavy clutch.
  3. Cynic

    Pins and needles

    Good, stabbing pain in the ball of your thumb, numb pinkie finger and grip going weak after use, (using the brake and clutch perverts) are more pressing tell-tales. I have maybe a year or two before I will need my right hand doing again. Like I said best sorted early. Try the grips too though. Edit, yes full time as in I had pins and needles full time for the last 6 weeks before the op, couldn't feel anything. Got several cuts and burns, from coffee etc. cos I couldn't feel it.
  4. Cynic

    Pins and needles

    Not quite, its less likely. If you have the symptoms full time like I did your in the shit, mine was bad enough to be risking gangrene. You have a lot of senses in your hands/ fingers. 15 or so I think. I have less than half, limited sensation and slow reflexes in my fingers. If it doesent go away a check by the doc will be a good idea, caught early it only needs a steroid injection.
  5. Good as its going to get, just getting old I think. The, 'dont be a wuss' moments crashing off bikes in the fields as a bulletproof teen coming back to bite lol.
  6. With 8v at the battery at idle I would hold off on that bulb as it may last as little as minutes. Sort the voltage issue first.
  7. I don't know if that is sarcasm or not? It is definitely wrong, as the revs increase the voltage across the battery will too. If your battery is in good nick you need to replace your voltage regulator. Replacement is the only real test. You could be looking at as much as 12 maybe 14 volts at high rpm. Goodbye bulbs, goodbye battery.
  8. The clutch is normal. In use the plates move sideways on each other breaking the stiction an allowing them to separate. A bike gearbox cannot go from 3rd to neutral, you will be between gears. I wonder if the detent spring has weakend. That with a bit of wear on 3rd gear dogs would cause troubles.
  9. What use is speed, anything over 90 is poi.tless. Lighter more efficient bikes. Composits, new propultion. Christ nearly all of todays 'modern' tech can be seen on a vincent black shadow.
  10. So do you have the switches? You bike may have market differences to the haynes book. From what you have said it sounds to me like someone trying to see what was affecting the starter before replacement. If present on your bike you may well need a combination of stand, clutch, in neutral and so on for it to work. Get yourself into the new members area and say hi too. Otherwise I may be the only reply.
  11. Strip the wheels down and have them vapour blasted. You can then paint them yourself with good results, might even find somebody that will do the lot. Can be cheaper than you expect too. Trying to strip part of the finish will just be a disaster.
  12. So the idea of a 200mpg petrol electric bike the size of a Bandit doesent appeal. Lot of ways to improve...
  13. C'mon grouch can you not just be happy and ride it. End of the day injectors are more efficient and economical, less weight, can be controlled to a very finite degree and don't break. Block if you use shitty fuel but break, nah Diesel engines used to eat injectors but they work at a massively higher pressures and the injectors are in the combustion chamber. Petrol are not there yet. Still polishing a turd really, no real improvement since the basic idea 100 years ago. If cars/motorcycles had moved on as far and as fast as planes or weapons... Now that would be something.
  14. Cynic


    Im with you mate. Horse shit the lot of it. No horseshit has a value. If it fell off the planet tomorrow I wouldnt notice.
  15. Cynic


    Looks like im the only one to avoid it entirely then. Never watched it. Anybody taking a decade to figure its manufactured tripe needs...... well.
  16. On a 94 plate sr I would be more worried if there was no oil in the airbox. At that age there will be some pressure venting. Its how it works, the vapour traps will be gunky now and not as efficient at removing the heavier mist. As long as were only talking about a couple of capfulls, I would call it normal. Certainly was on my old 600.
  17. Aircooled RD club. Everything you will need in one spot, then call in here so we can laug..... encourage your project.
  18. Cruising at 120k on a 400 drag, pushing the limits of cruise I think. She is prob full chat at 130k, ease back a bit.
  19. That shows you have never ridden one paul. Oh wow, slow acceleration..... They are heavier, uglier from my point of view and at the end of the day a 4stroke. You wouldnt swap Paul.
  20. 10 / 10 for stating the obvious. The point is?
  21. Yes its telling you the bulb works. Hardly effective as it goes.
  22. If I was in the market I would pay twenty grand.(nudge nudge) Not a peny more mind.... Any help....
  23. Dull fact but more people die of cold/exposure in the uk than anywhere else in the world.
  24. +1 I think it needs to be set in a specific gear, 1st I think. Later models have punch marks on the drum to align it accurately. When you say the rear wheel spins you may be between gears. Opperate the selector drum directly to be sure you are in gear or your adjustments will be for nothing.
  25. How will it give a cleaner look. It is there to make the bike run well as they really dont respond well to pods. Been there and tried it. Only work at WOT and that kills Dt's Where will you put everything mounted to it, battery, fuses, oil tank etc. Its hardly chubby to start with.
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