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steve 1052cc

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Everything posted by steve 1052cc

  1. steve 1052cc


    classic = old gits wanting to relive their youth. Whats wrong with that i hear you cry NOTHING and long may we.
  2. steve 1052cc


    As far as i can recall the yam fzr 1000 exup was quite a bit quicker than the V max at the time it came out. As far as i recollect it never held the title of fastest road bike that being held in this country since the v max came out by the ZZR1100, ZZR1200, ZZR1400 Honda Blackbird, and the Busa. not that fast?, it was 150+ bhp, unrestricted, then the fastest bike you could get till the busa. the new one is 200 bhp standard they were made for the US for straight lines
  3. steve 1052cc


    I agree the vmax is a classic but never knew why it was only any good in a straught line handled like a pig and compared to some other bikes of the same time was not even that fast, but yeah id still like one.
  4. Cynic you had me believing you there right up to the part about stables to feed shergar, had you put Tescos i'd have believed you.
  5. My advice for what it's worth is buy a 600 Bandit, Suzuki SV650N, Yamaha 600 Fazer, and i know you said not a sports bike but you would do much worse than a Yamaha 600 Thundercat. All the modern 600cc bikes are more than capable of comfortably doing what you want but more forgiving while perfecting your riding skills than a heavier more powerfull 1000+cc machine which can even catch experienced riders out.
  6. The V Max is OK in a straight line but it doesn't like corners or bends needs to be treated with a great deal of respect or it will catch the unwary out not a good choice for a first big bike. I
  7. Sorry Paul posted it without reading all the following posts. Find a dealer with loads of different bikes in and try a few, you will know straight away which is the one for you. It's not always the one you think it will be i have always disliked Yamaha's FJ1200s till i bought a cheap 1987 one as a project, that had been lying unwanted at the back of a dealers fora year or so.The first ride was to get it home loved the bike still got it 5years later it's turned out to be the one bike i will never part with.
  8. Paul. Sherrif is right the XJR1300 is a good choice, It's nothing like a sports bike no fairing, sit up riding position, nice big comfy seat, and tops out about 140mph. It will drag you a pillion and loaded up with luggage up most hills in top gear at the speed limit.
  9. Dirty DT i'm with you i like it looks like a typical cafe racer from the 1970s early 80s simple and clean lines.
  10. When are the English going to get a vote on independence from the rest of Britain, probably about the same time as we get a vote on the EU NEVER. Heard plenty about Scottish and Welsh independence, but never anything about English independence though.
  11. Referendum on the EU yeah, and Ive just seen a winged pig fly over Leicester. Wouldn't trust a politician any of them as far as i could throw one they cant even lie straight in bed.
  12. Just seen in the paper this morning Oymyakon village in Russia was -50C yesterday, but it has to be -52C or more for the school to close,and we complain at -5C.
  13. How about just removing the bleeding heart brigade, auditers and those that run the system that need to grow a pair, and allow the courts, probation, police and prison officer to do the their jobs without both hands tied behind there backs and mountains of meaningless paper work.
  14. Shambles don't risk your freedom on that theory the little darlings do leaving the police nowhere to go but charge you. You ain't allowed to ride your pride and joy round a prison exercise yard.
  15. See that's where most people go wrong you must restrain (not hit the little darlings) using the appropriate minimum force to affect a citizens arrest or restrain them. The minimum force might well be you have to hit the little darlings or even use a weapon if you are in fear of your life but always the minimum force. Never give the little darling good dig once they are compliant and restrained that is then unreasonable force. Well that's my understanding of how it works
  16. Funny how quick the racist card is played against the police and the citizen making the arrest.
  17. Bennetts? check out GB bikers forum they feature on there a lot for all the wrong reasons. I know i shouldn't mention other forums on here but the posting on there are relevant to the questian in this post.
  18. A mate who owns a bike shop told me never buy a bike you cant pronounce the name on the tank.
  19. Welcome that's a sweet bike for 23 years old i doubt if you bought a new one it would be any better than the 1 you've got. Always wear protective gear, always ride for yourself especially when riding in a group, always expect other road users to do the most stupid things they wont disappoint you, and finally enjoy your bike i still do after 40 odd years riding.
  20. The Frank Thomas jackets i had leaked like a sieve, but offered really good abrasion protection when i came off at a fair lick on a patch of gravel.
  21. Back in the day, i started riding a Suzuki super six 250 at 16 and no BHP limit passed my test and was riding a Suzuki T500 before i was 17. Mopeds had to have pedals to ride on your car licence.
  22. I'd ride all year round but once the temperature drops my XJR refuses to come out from under it's nice warm blanket and garage. Honest it's not me it's the bike
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