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steve 1052cc

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Everything posted by steve 1052cc

  1. steve 1052cc replied to Grouch's post in a topic in The Bar
    Really must try to get up to date still use the original version, chalk a piece of slate & damp cloth for delete. Works for me
  2. steve 1052cc replied to Grouch's post in a topic in The Bar
    Buy a manual and do the servicing your self that way you know it's been done properly and you wont get ripped off. Servicing, changing brake pads ain't rocket science.
  3. steve 1052cc replied to iandouglas's post in a topic in The Bar
    It's not rocket science doing a basic service on most bikes buy a manual read it and do it yourself that way you are sure the service has actually been done, not just an oily rag wiped over the oil filter to make it look new and the spark plugs wiped clean and yes I caught one dealers out that no longer trade several years ago doing just that. if you have to take your bike to a dealership mark the disposable items filters plugs etc with a marker or correction fluid then check after they return it that's the easiest way to catch them.
  4. The problem with off road training is it is just that all it can ever do is give the new rider the very basics of riding a bike. Perhaps in the CBT there should be a compulsory amount of hours on road training. Having been an instructor though a few years ago you can only teach so much, hopefully enough to keep new rider out of trouble until they made their mistakes and have learnt by them. I agree with training for new riders, but it must be remembered good as most instructors are they don't possess a magic wand which can be waved to instantly provide the experience that builds up over many years, and dare I say it a few of those experiences are often very painful I know some of mine were. One piece of advice I was given when I started riding was treat all other road users as complete idiots and you wont often be disappointed. I think a licence in stages as for motorcyclist depending on age would be a good thing.
  5. steve 1052cc replied to erbrod's post in a topic in The Bar
    Were you sold the new shocks as specific for your model of bike, if so bearing in mind the others might be the original shocks and 33 years old they could have compressed the spring with age fatigue and wear or be adjusted to their softest setting or have you just compared them with the old shocks still on the bike, the weight of the bike would compress them an inch or so. Though i do agree with the last post, a bit of independent advice would not go a miss if they were not sold as model specific.
  6. steve 1052cc replied to drewpy's post in a topic in The Bar
    Tried the bunch of flowers trick backfired spectacularly wanted to know why the flowers and what had I done and back to the doghouse.
  7. steve 1052cc replied to drewpy's post in a topic in The Bar
    I spend quite a lot of time in the dog house so mines fit fitted with an Xbox, lap top, tele, and fridge aahhhhh perfect peaceful bliss.
  8. Unfortunately campa man I'm old enough to have been lucky enough to start riding 250cc at 16 before the law changed to 17 for 250cc and 16 for 50cc. Forgot to say did not need to wear helmets either. First time I rode my Honda CB72 250 was on my 16 birthday to work from one side of Nottingham to the other no lessons just a few hours on a field on a BSA Bantam.
  9. When I first started riding 16 year olds could ride 250cc on L plates pass your test while you were 16 and then unlimited. I was riding a 500cc T500 Suzuki just before my 17th birth day. Should we have been allowed to ride unlimited bikes at 16 no probably not, 3 riders I knew were dead before they were 18 all bike accidents. I was one of the lucky ones stayed alive long enough to get experience but could so easily have been just another statistic. So curse it as much as you like there's a lot of men walking around today that would have been just another teenage statistic if they had not changed the rules. I spent 12 weeks in hospital when I was 17 with a broken femur in 3 places, out of a ward of about 30 beds a least half were taken up by under 20 year olds as a result of a motor cycle accident.
  10. steve 1052cc replied to captf's post in a topic in The Bar
    Wont comment on finance made c**k ups with finance in the past. How many bikes have you had a go on or are you just sold on an XJ600 there's loads of different models and makes of 600s you should try several you might surprise yourself as to what you like and more importantly feels right for you. Go and get some test rides but leave your money at home so you don't make an impulse buy.
  11. steve 1052cc replied to iandouglas's post in a topic in General
    Watching Police interceptors last night they nicked a rider on a Hornet for public order offence ie giving a van driver the middle finger on a high St for closing the rider down when he was filtering through traffic, Strange the officer didn't see the van driver close the rider down and be abusive to him, rider got fined £80.
  12. steve 1052cc replied to Spartan 969's post in a topic in The Bar
    My sons partner has just past her DAS never ridden a bike in her life before she took lessons, and did not have a bike to practice on in between lessons, though she has driven a car for 10 years or so. Past her DAS last week with only one minor. Now the proud rider of a SV650. So if your in no hurry take lessons practice what you learn between lessons and enjoy you will find the test should become a breeze. Oh good luck
  13. The crapper bike looks handy for those brown trouser moments.
  14. Mine is one I think I will be able to keep is NEVER MAKE ANOTHER NEW YEARS RESOLUTION
  15. steve 1052cc replied to lauragilmour's post in a topic in General
    I drive a 4x4 when not on my bike, something very satisfying about returning favour to drivers that bully or just pull out on on me when I'm on the bike.
  16. I'm still on old paper licence never dared swop it for photo one, as I knew two people who lost there full motorcycle entitlement due to DVLA forgetting to put it on their new photo licence and were forced to retake their tests. The old paper one lasts till I'm 70 gives me another 10 years not sure I'm going to want to throw my XJR around then I don't bounce like I used to when I get It wrong and it seems to hurt more.
  17. At 101 don't suppose she gives a flying f**k what she smells of.
  18. Very good video. The bad press for Staffies is down to the idiots at the other end of the lead that use them as a status symbol
  19. steve 1052cc replied to captf's post in a topic in General
    I drive a 4x4 I call it a bikers revenge for all the cagers, 4x4s, taxi drivers, buses, with most of them I don't believe smidsy's just bigger protected in a metal cage and don't give a flying f**k for bikers.
  20. steve 1052cc replied to Grouch's post in a topic in The Bar
    Just a question to ponder when buying a helmet how strong are the bones in your neck compared to the helmet, and your brain carries on going in an impact till It comes in contact with your skull. So as strong/good as your helmet is to cope with impact damage, you still my well sustain life changing or life threatening head or neck injuries. Sorry for being so cheerful and I hope nobody on here ever has to test there helmet for real.
  21. steve 1052cc replied to meatloaf's post in a topic in The Bar
    I thought we were all bikers on this site riding a mix of bikes and from trailies to R1s, 125 commuters to fjr1300 tourers . what I like to ride won't suit others and that's how it should be. I wouldn't want to criticise others for there choice (unless it was a Harley). The point I was trying to make in my first post was I like both the FJ and Bandit but for different reasons both are great bikes and in the hands of decent riders over a 100 miles of mixed roads I would not like to live on the difference in time either machine would take to cover them, and yes I have done it less than a couple of minutes in it either way each did it quicker than the other 1 way but not the other. So I wont be selling my FJ1200 1TX, and I'm looking for a nice standard mk1 Bandit, to go with the 1TX and my XJR1300.
  22. steve 1052cc replied to meatloaf's post in a topic in The Bar
    Never found the soul in either bike, but found I rode the Bandit like a demented arsesoul the morning after a hot curry. Could some one please tell me why Suzuki bothered to put a front wheel on a 1200 bandit ?????????????
  23. steve 1052cc replied to meatloaf's post in a topic in The Bar
    Over the years I've had 3 mk1 1200 Bandits 2Ns and a S It is without doubt one wicked bike but it must be remembered it was a parts bin special with suspension that was a compromise and not the best quality. a finish that needed treating with kid gloves if you didn't want it to rust before your eyes, but an engine to die for, simple maintenance and easy to ride if you remembered the limitations of the stock suspension. Good 2 up and the S made a decent touring bike. Would I have another hell yes if any one wants to swap a xjr 1300 for a 1200 bandit give me a shout. I also own a 1987 FJ1200 1tx and have done for about 5 years a bike which I have kept the longest of any bike I owned. FJs aren't a parts bin special but not cutting edge for there time so in my humble opinion the finish and suspension (the 1TX was the worst handling of all the FJs in stock form) are better and despite their elephant like proportions handle surprisingly well if you're brave enough and not intimidated by the size and weight to use it. Which is the best bike well it's horses for courses. If I was going 300 miles to Cornwall 2 up I would take the FJ arrive less fatigued and get there sooner maintain a higher speed because of the better fairing than I would on the bandit not because it's faster or handles better but it is more comfortable and simply I could stay in the saddle longer with less comfort stretch your leg breaks. If I was going 100 miles to the east coast even 2 up no motorways and plenty of twisties the Bandit every time just for the shear fun of riding it (oh and the hooligan in me). They are both iconic bikes that were the for runners of the modern naked bike and todays touring bikes.
  24. I've got an XJR1300 and a 1987 FJ1200 1TX. If most of your riding will be motorway or long distance go for the FJ the fairing keeps the wind and the weather off pretty well but enables you to do much higher speeds quite comfortably, and even the 1 TXs not the best handling FJ is easy to get carried away on if the odd sports bike annoys you. Where as the XJR does not have the top end of the FJ and because there is no fairing is often a licence saver uncomfortable at high speed due to wind buffeting, but once you get used to muscling it round they handle surprisingly well enough, not to have chicken strips on the tyres. Both bikes easy to service Loads of spares available if you're unlucky enough to need any and the same brilliant air cooled reliable lump.
  25. I was told by my parents I could not have a bike which was red rag to a bull, so I bought 2 basket case Honda 250cc CB72s rebuilt 1 from the 2 and rode it to work on my 16th birthday no training did make 1 concession though wore a crash helmet then if you survived the first 12 months you were lucky. never been without a bike since.