Everything posted by jianpaul
£30 HJC Helmets
hi goff thanks for letting me know about the warn % and 5 blue boxes are for as im still finding my feet with the site at the moment,but ill soon suss it all out with a bit of luck .p.s your tattoos look great and i especially like the devils head you have on your shoulder but i bet the one on your leg hurt a bit to have done. thanks again ian x
Tzr Engine Timing Help???
hi alex did u put woodruff key back in the crankshaft b4 fitting the wheel and did u make sure everything was reconnected b4 refitting flywheel if so take sparkplug out slide phillips s driver in hole when piston is on top dead screwdriver will tell u by nearly falling out and with regards to f wheel u should find a raised dot or a groved line between 2 of f wheel teeth which should tell u it on td with the notch to the right of your top bolt hole where u got raised noth which looks like pipe housing hoping this has helped u
xj600 pre diversion
cheers for that was just makeing sure as lets just say what it has had in the last month it has had 2 regulater rectifiers 2 ignition coils a cdi unit and the thing is still running like a bag of shit their is no power underload and the plugs are black so going to chage them nxt do oil change and what ever else can think it needs and if all else fails a box of matches and a gallon of petrol lol
xj600 pre diversion
hi dan cheers for trying to look 4 me but have 1 just cost me 60.00 i have rang every breakers from lands end to johno grouts and found 1 near to me but now my bloody rev conters gone on me so on the hunt for 1 of them now they like rocking horse shit to so if any 1 got 1 who reads this would be most gratefull if u let me know if u do find cdi dan stick it on ebay and make your self a few quid as u cant get them once again cheers ian
xj600 pre diversion
opps sorry did not mean to hit that ment this 1
xj600 pre diversion
cheers dan if u do come across 1 any ideas how much u will be wanting for it. ian
xj600 pre diversion
sorry dan forgot to say that it is the cdi with the 4 pin and 6 pin ian
xj600 pre diversion
hi grizzleydan ty for advice and if u still have the cdi i would like to buy it off u so how much do u want for it and how do u want the money sent to u the information i got off mine is part nos tid14_78a 3km_01 0410 once again thanks ian.
xj600 pre diversion
hi grizzlydan ty for the advice u have given me if the cdi plays up would this cause it not to spark on the left hand coil which runs plug leads 1&4 as changed both coils since the left went down and now got full spark on coil for cyls 2&3 but nothing on coil for cyls 1&4 do u have any idea if the cdi box would cause this as when prob occured coils split open causeing all main fuses to blow cheers ian
xj600 pre diversion
hi, bike developed a problem and left hand ignition coil for cyls 1 and 4 split open causing fuses to blow.have now changed both coils for all cyls and only firing on cyls 2 and 3 but coil for cyls 1 and 4 gets warm ans does not spark as checked for that when i changed both coils over, also noticed the electric rev counter is not working as well. could some please help me out as running out of ideas. could someone also shed some light on the little electric box with a four pin connector sat on a ally heatshield attached to the frame with two phillips screws behind the left hand side pannel as been told there are two igniter boxes on the xj600 pre div or is it the regulator/rectifier unit. will be most appreciative for any help , suggestions , and advise offered. ian.