Everything posted by bonzoid60
XTZ 750 Supermoto Saga (Maybe) !
My two cents, for what it,s worth. Actively encourage him to buy the Mille. Tell him it,s an absolutely rock-solid, unburstable machine. When he discovers the truth, it,ll put him off bikes for life.....problem solved!
Police Brutality IOM TT
Gixxer 1000 in there....early noughties?...
YZF 750R rough running issue...
Hi folks, A friend of mine's got a YZF 750 that he's running in Classic Superbike racing. Lately it's been acting up: starts & idles fine but refuses to take full throttle, popping & banging on the overrun, rev counter needle jumping about. At a recent meeting the problem was particularly bad, forcing a retirement. Back in the pits the plugs were changed, EXUP valve disconnected & wired open, problem still persisted. A faulty ignition pickup,s been suggested, any ideas?
trippy gif
Now I know how Syd Barrett felt.....
2001 a space odyssey - Portsmouth Simfonia
Kubrick would turn in his grave, were they drunk?......
Bro's LC .
Sweet!......Irish bike (i.e. originally sold/registered in Ireland)?.....
xjr 1200 yellow frame
Must have been repainted at some stage assuming it's an otiginal XJR frame. All XJR frames were black.
YZF750R running issue....
Been having a bit of bother with the YZF lately. Bike starts fine, idles fine & runs fine up to 4-5000 rpm. Beyond that point it feels flat & struggles to rev out. Rev counter needle jumps to 9000 rpm, drops to 3000 rpm & then to zero. Sticking EXUP valve? Fuelling issue? Any ideas?...I know the rev counter movements are a sort of diagnostic code but what does this particular movement signify? Any help appreciated.
Whats your worst ride
Worst ride? A BSA C11 that belonged to friend of mine. Slow as a funeral, non-existant brakes & it was painted that horrible maroon colour! The only bike I,ve ever ridden that had absolutely no redeeming features what so ever.....
Yamaha YZF750R US Import? EXUP valve issues.
Besides side reflectors on front forks & rear mudguard, not a lot really. Keep an eye on oil level as they like a drink! Strip/clean/lube EXUP valve. Worth replacing emulsion tubes too, if it hasn,t been done already as they will wear...
What bikes have we owned
Started my biking career 30 years ago this month! Yamaha DT125MX Yamaha XT500 Yamaha SRX600 Yamaha TRX850 Yamaha FZS400 Fazer Yamaha MT-03 Yamaha FZR600R Yamaha YZF750R. Yes, you could say I,ve got an affinity for the three tuning forks brand...
Yamaha YZF750R US Import? EXUP valve issues.
Hi, I,ve got a US import YZF 750. It,s got three wires to the front indicators. Indicators light up when ignition is on. Unlike other YZFs, there is no on/off switch for the headlights (L/H light is dipped beam, both headlights on is main beam). EXUP valve doesn,t rotate when igniton is turned on.p.s. Disconnecting blue wires does away with indicators on. Hope this helps.
RD350LC for sale in SA
Engine will need rebuild, crank seals will be shot, etc. At that price, buy it! Plenty of parts/advice available. An original matching numbers LC will only rise in value!
Quick question, which is the correct NGK plug for a 1987 SRX 400, DPR7EA9 or DPR8EA9?
Uh Oh I'm in trouble
I,m presuming from your post that you dropped the bike on its left hand side....is the gear lever bent? Any other external damage? More detailed info?....
which old duffers remember this.
Now that,s more like it!....77 was the year of the Pistols, Clash, Damned, etc......
Who's you favourite riding legend?
1) Jarno Saarinen. Amazing rider, speed, style, courage. Wins in GPs, Daytona, Imola , etc. 2) Joey Dunlop. Dominated road racing. 26 TT wins, absolute legend.
What Bike would you buy if you won the lottery?
Fabrizio Pirovanos ex-works OW01, Full A kit motor, dry clutch, Ohlins front & rear, kit swingarm, etc. What,s not to like?
SRX 400 rear brakecaliper
Hi peeps, a mate of mine,s got a 1987 SRX 400. Unfortunately the rear caliper.s borked. Would the caliper from any other Yam fit? Any help appreciated, thanks.
Dumb shit I've done since getting my bike
Done a few stupid things in my time, dropped the bike off the side stand on a summers day in front of a crowd at the seaside. Put diesel in the tank (I was hungover but....) & of course that hoary old chestnut, the disclock/brake caliper interface.......
new chinese motorcycle
No chassis?.......unless my eyes are deceiving me, it,s got a rather ugly open cradle tubular "chassis"!.....
fzr600r rear shock alternatives
The Thundercat item will fit the later FZR (4JH) model, not sure about the earlier one.......
fzr600r rear shock alternatives
Thundercat shock should fit, R6 shock will also fit with a few mods.
Yamaha vision, any good? (XZ550)
The XZ wasn,t one of Yamahas finest moments. Underpowered & troublesome, apparently. They have a certain following in the US..... Jap market 400 version offered in various guises wasn,t a great success either. Be careful!.....
Favorite song ?
"New Rose" The Damned....always gets me goin, that one!