Everything posted by littledan
newby in oz
moved to victoria from london about 7weeks ago
newby in oz
G'day were abouts in aus are you
FZR 600 Advice Please
been away from the internet for a while nice to see you are still fixing it yourself well done keep up the good work.
brake light swicthes
cheers mate had a look they are the same size as the goodridge ones but half the money.
brake light swicthes
hey guys does any one know who does in line brake light switches? i have rear sets on my R1 and the goodridge one will not fit cheers guys Dan
- R1 Wheels
Hello to all
hey daz and welcome from another R1 rider
- FZR Carbs
- FZR Carbs
- FZR Carbs
here's one you brits may like
New Road surface
no it's not just you i thought it was the crap tyres on me van but on roundabouts the traction control light flashes like it's going to explode and i can feel the abs working when braking not good
Hi all ...Aussie Yamaha fan..
we are moving to melbourn not far from phillip island(woo hoo track days 4 me peguins for the kids)in jan
R1 Insurance
i'm with bennets direct and pay about 200 quid but have a surrey post code
FZR Carbs
i've just had the carbs apart on my 98 r1 as long as you've got a nice clean work area where you can lay everything out as you take it apart it should'nt be to bad just make sure you have a decent set of screwdrivers because some of the screws are a bit soft and will round off very easaly
i've got bt 014s on my r1 no problems with them wet or dry but i use racetecs in the summer
Hi all ...Aussie Yamaha fan..
G day mate moving to aus in jan in two minds about taking my bike whats it like out there.
wot is the best yamaha of all time
this size thing has got to stop
chain cleaning
i tend to wipe the old lube off with petrol on a rag once a month and lube once a week after riding while the chain is hot with rock oil chain lube no fling off adjust the chain once a year
r1 wont start
the fuel tap no my r1 only has an off postion because the electric fuel pump primes the carbs
YZF-R6 HELP!!! rear wheel locking / skidding in first??
don't forget tyres take a far while to get warm cold tyre =no grip on a bike with a bit of power even with super sticky tyres .
Is there a grip glue that works?
i've always put lockwire around the grips just make sure they don't slip like they do on motorcross bikes.
Winter riding Advice for newbies like me
1 more thing to remember is to not tense up and hold onto the bars for grim death this will have an adverse affect on your bike control try to keep a nice relaxed grip if you feel yourself tense up try and wiggle your fingers.happy riding
- Exhausts
Need to brighten up your day?...
thats enough i only got through a couple of pages my ribs hurt now