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  1. Trev posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    wots the best end can to buy ? also i have a fz 600 and i am looking for a new race can dose anyone know if the fzr down pipes are the same in other words will i beable to use a fzr end can on my fz ?
  2. Trev posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Hi Can anyone tell me if the xz clutch is the same as the fz 600 are the same I have seen picks of the 550 clutch and they look the same but conformation would be good? I still have the clutch slip prob with the fz and new parts are so expensive I tend to look for a good alternative first Thanks Trev
  3. Trev replied to Trev's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Thanks for that Don 1
  4. Trev posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    i have a rgv 125 f.u.n. with nackered powervalves and i have been offered a set of 250 powevalves. can anyone out there tell me if they are the same size and are they interchangeable? thanks all Trev
  5. Trev posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Hi all, Could someone give me any advice on whats causing the clutch to slip at high revs. It does it under hard acceleration . i have replaced the friction plates and that seemed to make it worse, now i cant even adjust the clutch so the bike will ride off without clutch slip... on striping it down the second time i have noteised the release bearing is in need of replacing but i dont think it is that simple ..is it??