Howdy. I recently purchased a '77 XS360, and absolutely LOVE her! Handles great, looks great, simple but well though out design...what's not to love? This is my second bike. I had a KZ550 years ago that I could compare the XS to. I most certainly did NOT love that KZ...heavy, ugly, crappy handling, yadda yadda.
Hello Drewpy, I spied a few posts by you, and seems to be you're the man to ask about XS360 maintenance.
1. Engine oil: 10w40 or 20w50? And, synthetic or blended?
2. Fork oil, what to use?
3. Where to get a chain and sprocket set for it, and is it a good idea to change sprocket size?
I love this bike so much. I initially bought it with the idea of retraining myself to ride, and then trading up for a GS750 or something, but now have my doubts about that idea, coz the XS is so sweet and fun to ride!