Everything posted by G-man
Rebuild vacuum side of petcock on maxim 400
You could find the exact petcock rebuilt kit that would fit your bike here, G.
xs360 air cleaner joints
Oooh, well then, there ya go. Gibbz, 2mm difference, it's probably a fairly simple mod to make them joints fit.
Rebuild vacuum side of petcock on maxim 400
Yeh, my manual doesn't have a good draw-out of the petcock, either. I just dealt with that yesterday, actually. After stripping the petcock to bits and pieces, it turned out a sliver of something or other got in there behind the diaphragm and prevented the plunger from full seating. Is that rebuild kit meant for your petcock? If the existing diaphragms, o-ring, etc are in ok shape, see if you could just reuse them. Give 'em a good soak in fresh gas, clean em up, so forth. As for the gasket, any home center should have a wide silicone seal tape you could use to fabricate one yourself. Just cut out a center with an exacto knife, screw together the petcock, and trim off the excess.
cleaning the bike
She missed a spot. I don't use water on my bike. I spray on wd-40, wipe off. That's it.
xs360 air cleaner joints
Hey Sonja, wot up. As far as I know, all the 70's XS250, 360, and 400's share the same everything. But I dunno, maybe they did send you an oddball set of carbs. Anyone here toss on clamp-on filters? Seems they could be had for pretty cheap for a fugly pair: http://www.jcwhitney.com/FLEX-CORE-FOAM-AI...14691_10111.jcw But then, what to do with the vent going into the crankcase? Another filter?
xs360 air cleaner joints
Yo Gibbz, lookie here. There's a bunch of 'em on ebay that should fit your bike.
o-ring chain, to lube or not to lube
Oldbikey, do you like my new avatar?
chain cleaning
I do my chain with wd-40. Often, like every couple'a rides.
xs360 air cleaner joints
I dunno, I'd have to take them off the bike to measure them...which I guess I could do, but can't you just measure the outside diameter of the carb intakes?
vacuum line, petcock to carb
Cool, got it, thanks. I yanked out the air filters the other day to take a look'see at the suckers. Oh oh, not good...foam all crusty, torn in pieces, tsk tsk tsk. No aftermarket filters available, and the OEMs start at $27 each. Hmm, I do have some foam left over from relining my bucko helmet. Surely I couldn't, I wouldn't, I mustn't. Well, worth a try. I ripped all the old foam off the air filters, cleaned those bad boys out, stuffed a piece of foam in the intake side of the filter box, pushed in the cleaner, closed it all up and went for a long ride. The bike runs groovy.
xs360 air cleaner joints
Well, for an exact fit, you could probably find what you need here or here. But, try ebay first. Actually, I just bought a set of forks on ebay off an XS400. He did have the joints listed on there in his store.
vacuum line, petcock to carb
Hokay, that makes sense! Vacuum line, right...not like it actually delivers fuel. Thanks a bunch, dude.
headlight for xs360
Cool, thanks for the heads up.
vacuum line, petcock to carb
I've got a vacuum line running from the petcock into one of the carbs, whereas the other carb just has a rubber cap on the vacuum nipple. Is that normal, or should the vacuum line split out into both carbs? The bike runs good and all, so I figure I'll leave well enough alone. But, just askin'. Am I wrong to assume that hooking up the line to the other carb as well would increase the fuel delivery, making it too rich a mixture, which will then require screwing with the carbs to calibrate things out again?
clutch going...going...gone?
Yeh, that's what I hear. Good!
clutch going...going...gone?
Yup, you should try the adjuster screw at the gearbox. Back out the nut, and advance the screw (if it needs advancing) till you feel resistance, then back it back out a turn. Retighten the nut, and then fine-tune the cable at the handle as you were doing before. With that said, I've got a similar scenario with my clutch, even after adjusting it at the gearbox. It's not jerky nor any slippage, but the clutch engages only within the last few hairs of the pulled lever. I figure my clutch is probably circling the drain...it's on the winter project list.
What helmet do you use?
I've been rockin' a new old stock open-face buco I got off ebay. I had to rip out the crumbling 32 y/o lining, and ended up relining it with some new foam and an old sock hat.
headlight for xs360
Hey Bill, I chucked you an email. I know somebody that's interested in your bike (if you still got it).
o-ring chain, to lube or not to lube
Why you laugh? Are you making fun of my ballistic vinyl riding pants? I'll have you know, they work well, but only in a galaxy far, far away. I still say that if you're gonna get real value from your chain routine, you outta be doing it more often than every 200 miles. That be where I'm at. But ok, I'll concede that bigger, higher revving engines may not like the taste of the sweet sweet Dubya-D.
o-ring chain, to lube or not to lube
Haha, my hair ain't that long.
o-ring chain, to lube or not to lube
Are your sprockets aluminum? That won't help matters, either. But anyways, there is lube...wd-40 will lubricate your drive so long as it's applied more frequently. My Jedi sense tells me your bike wants to try wd-40 on its chain, too. Luke, come to the dark side, muaahahahahaha.
o-ring chain, to lube or not to lube
Wow, you boys are quick! ...On your bikes, at least. My motorcycle is listed every time I post, to the left, just under the flag. Same with you. I have no dog in the race in terms of FZR's or R6's, but I'll still require actual PROOF before I bow down to your logic, even as it applies to your manly scoots.
o-ring chain, to lube or not to lube
360cc engine (ok, 358cc if you wanna get nerdy technical about it). 530 o-ring chain.
o-ring chain, to lube or not to lube
Don't worry.
o-ring chain, to lube or not to lube
"G-man, please let this thread die!!!" *wank, wanky wank-wank...wanky* "No." replies G-man. Milestone: 1000 miles on the chain with nothing but the dubya-d for cleaning and lube. Lookin' good, baby! PIMPIN'