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  1. pics! http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?...66-b7358f841f28
  2. Well, it's been a long time coming but I finally got the bike! I ended up buying the semi-stock 1985 Red/White. It's a bit rough (been sitting most of it's 25 or so years), wasn't running when it arrived. But after cleaning out the carbs and re-roing a few fuel lines, it's running hot! Only 6,300 original miles. Very strong motor. I put it in the shop to get new tires. I decided that since it needs to be inspected and that I know very little history, I went with a new chain, 2 new sprockets, 2 new performance rotors and new pads up front. Not I know that it will have good "feet". I'll keep all the original parts for spares as it's getting really hard to find parts. After I get it back, it's going in for a paint job. I've decided to go with the lok of the other bike that I liked so much.. Inferno Red Pearl! After that, it's going to be a little here, a little there... rebuilding it from the ground up. But what a pleasure to be back on the bike is just great! Speaking of parts, my fuel tank is in good shape (in terms of no dents, etc.) but it was very rusted at some point and whoever re-lined it did a lousy job. I'd like to pick up a spare tank and re-do this one at my leisure. Does anyone know of any used Yamaha junk yards? I really need to find a new gas cap as well. Any help would be appreciated!
  3. Hey Adam, Thanks for the reply. The more I investigate this bike, the more confused I'm getting. The are many aspects that point to an FJ1200 (your's is nice BTW). The belly pan is clearly from a 12, the mirrors are mounted like a 12 but not the same. The instrument cluster is an '84, I'm pretty sure. The tail looks like a modifed 12. But I'm pretty sure the engine is an 1100. I might try to get a casting number to find out. There's another FJ1100 (1985) that I'm going to buy as it only has 6,200 original miles and the price is right. Here's what they look like... http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?...ee-e76b0e64c447 My wife and I were talking a few minutes ago and we both agree that we love the look and sound of the custom 1984 but I am very worried about the handling characteristics with the 17" wheels. The tires were clearly not matched but I never remember feeling uneasy about either of my 2 FJs when entering a tight fast turn. This '84 felt really unstable! And there might be just a bit too much torque... again, in my experience, you never had to worry about cranking the throttle wide open leaving a turn but I think with this one, that front wheel might actually leave the road surface and that I do not want to see. How's the handling on your tuned 12? I'm assuming that the pics is your tuned 12? I can see some braided lines and non-stock calipers. I think I'm going to buy the '85, paint it like the other one, pop a header on it with that D & D muffler, maybe go to a pair of 16" chrome wheels and see if I can't duplicate the look we like but keep the handling like the original. I really don't need the extra HP (although it was sick and the sound was incredible). You're correct... there's so much that's right about the stock bike, why screw up a nice set-up. Let me know what you think of the color and graphics (he's done some wierd purple airbrushing near the tail that I won't duplicate). But I like the clean look of the custom. And I love the chrome wheels and the short windscreen. Keep in touch. It's nice to know there are at least 2 purists in the world! P.S. Tell me how you got the motor on your 12 so perfect? I've never seen one that didn't look like hell after leaving the showroom. But you blacks are black and the aluminum looks perfect! I see that you kept the 4 into 2 but added aftermarket mufflers... is that correct? Any reason you didn't go 4 into 1? One more question... the forks on the custom were aftermarket and hefty. But I don't think they were set right. What do you know about any aftermarket fork improvements for the FJs? I always thought the stock was a bit mushy. And any idea where one might find a front fender like the one on the custom? Thanks in advance for any help!
  4. Need some more help from anyone familiar with FJs. Looked at and test drove a 1984 FJ1100 (I've owned 2 in the past so I know a bit about them). This is the 2nd or 3rd owner. He bought is as it sits now but he was told many things I can't visually see. But here's what I do see... Gorgeous Deep Candy Apple paint job with nice subtle white "Yamaha" painted on tank (cool font)no other markings. Engine from outside appearance is a typical FJ motor (no case painting repairs, looks like any other FJ engine) except an oil cooler has been added with steel braided lines (2) into top of valve covers (one side) and down to bottom of side case. I assume this was the standard aftermarket kit that was available when I owned my 2 in the 80s and 90s. 4 into 1 header, unknown brand, not chromed and heat tape wrapped. Not sure why (possibly melting the custom belly pan). D & D nice muffler with an awesome sound. Custom belly pan (slightly larger and thinner than stock). 17" chrome wheels front and back. Not sure what brand but they clearly are not cheap. (anyone know how much going to 17s altered the handling?) Rubber is decent but I will be changing as they do not match and I didn't like the handling. Rear is a slightly wider than stock Metzler than had been ridden hard. Race type wear. Front Pirelli seemed considerably narrower than I remember the stcok 16 being (might be why I don't like the handling characteristics at this time). If I buy it, I'm going to try 2 new 17" tires but if I still hate handling, I will be going back to stock 16" footprint. Stock front discs but dual Tokico calipers. Incredible stopping power, rear wheelie would be easy, and that's unheard of on a stock FJ. All steel braided lines to both brakes and clutch. Seems to have a non-stock rear sprocket but not sure about specifics. Totally new setup on front tubes. "Inverted" front forks, oversized. New triple clamps. I do not know the brand but they are clearly expensive (if anyone knows brands these are powder blue powder coated on top about 3" diameter, chrome down... large square fork bottoms) New handlebars, near stock set-up though. This set up seems to have changed the distance from post to post (less) but not a real problem. Just a bit hard to make a u-turn on narrow streets. Corbin seat. Mikuni oversized carbs but not sure how big(which are currently running ratty at any rpm below 3000.... there might be a race cam, not sure... but this thing is perfect from 3,000 to 9,500) turn signals have been removed. Short windscreen on stock faring. Stock instruments. Now, this is what he was told but I can't confirm.... Bored to 1200 and ported and polished. Race cam, basically all aftermarket high performance internal engine parts. Dyno'd at 157 HP. Tranny is super tight. No typical 2nd gear grind. Neutral IS hard to find. Clutch is clearly heavier, tighter. Now, here's the story on her strength... this thing is freaking strong! I had 2 as I said. FJs are not slugs. But they are very strong and smoooth through the power bands, not irratic. This engine revs so fast from 4,000-8,000 that you are literally forced to shift faster than I have ever shifted any bike (including an RX500 2 stroke Formula 1 I had the privledge of riding on Laguna Seca once). If will bring the front end up in 1st, 2nd or 3rd by simply twisting the wrist (I had an extremely hard time EVER getting the front of my others up... they would spin the rear tires first). It pulls harder than the old late 80s GSXR 1100s. I'm a bit worried that this will never be the same type bike as the stock FJs in terms of ease of ride. I used to love 40-50 MPH sweepers on banked turns with my FJs. This is going to be much twitchier. But it's sooo fast and sounds so great that I think I have to own it. Unless a person actually owned an FJ, I don't think anyone will identify this for what it is. It looks and sounds like a late90s, early 2000 style custom crotch rocket. Hard to believe it's really 24 years old. It does need some tuning work. And I clearly will have to find a really good mechanic to help. But assuming that it needs only tuning, tires and some small adjustments, what is your opinion of value? It comes with 2 almost new matching (and bike color)Shoeis that just so happen to fit my big head and my wife's little head perfectly. He's asking $4,000. I think I can get it for $3,500. I don't really care what it costs if it becomes even remotely rideable. The looks I'd get at Daytona for 2 weeks would be worth the price (money is not really a problem). If it is simply too radical for the street (as I felt all old GSXRs were) I will likely sell it later. I think if running perfect, it will easily bring $4K in a town like Daytona or LA. OPINIONS PLEASE!