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Everything posted by oldtimer

  1. yep with you on that pete i think he answered his own question with the quote above some corrosion and getting hot, far cheaper than replacing parts and then finding its no better
  2. if the top speed of your xvs125 was 60mph paul something is wrong it should be at least 68mph mine and taskmasters when we had one was over 70mph,that was with orignal sprockets and well serviced. christofesor as far as the bike being electronically restricted thats utter bollox the only restriction the bike has is its weight and the fact its a 125cc.
  3. dear nurse: kas, even me at my age still have good eyesight my hearings knackered but eyes fine. when posting on a forum posting in upper case is the equivelent of SHOUTING. and bloody annoying to read but in answer to your question k reg can be 92 or 93,dvlni should sort it out. nice find for the money.
  4. just read a review in an old copy of motor cycle news they say the same and make a comparison with vfr1200. honda claim it will do 75mpg but dont mention top speed.
  5. no merv its worse,The all-new single cylinder CBR250R makes 26bhp from the new liquid-cooled, four-stroke, four-valve single cylinder engine, and weighs 162kg fully-fuelled and ready to ride, compared to the Ninja 250R’s claimed figures of 32.2bhp and 169kg. made in thailand cheap to make but i cant see who they are aiming the bike at?
  6. oldtimer

    YOC patch

    thats mucn better drewps even i can see it.
  7. the rules are that if you have not suffered or had any treatment for four years you will be considered but the reality is different, my son had childhood asthma but was turned down, i was as gutted as him as having spent most of my life in the army i knew what a great time he would have had. when you join any branch of the armed services you will go through basic training and be expected to go through the gas chamber test,it is bad enough for anyone without respiritary problems but if you have any problems you will fail,at the end of the day any medical conditions that affect you also can affect your comrades who are reliant on you thats why the rules are so tough and with the cut backs past and present they can afford to be choosy.
  8. good plan but make sure you report the accident to the police mentioning that he did not indicate. get your report made before he does.
  9. shit happens but one thing i dont understand about this accident,has this old bloke who lives 5 doors down only just moved in there? or does he not normally park in his drive as this is where observation comes in, if it was one of my neighbours and i was behind him i would know what he was likely to do. maybe its me but i dont get it
  10. oldtimer

    wooden sheds!!

    never have a problem with condensation in my shed not since the high winds blew it down. i now have a bigger problem. snow.....
  11. sorry mate but if you have suffered with asthma in the last 4 years or have a history of it no chance,my son had applied years ago and was turned down and this goes for all branches of the armed forces have a look at this link. http://www.armyjobs.mod.uk/howdoijoin/canijoin/Pages/DoYouHaveaMedicalCondition.aspx
  12. oldtimer

    Winter hack

    you could always get a winter hack like this dave, me and drewps out on our winter hacks. sorry drewps.
  13. oldtimer


    the old ones are the best:lol:
  14. paul, whenever i work on any of my bikes i always take photos so i can get an idea of where they go ,have had a look and have found this one might be of some use shows one hose going to the air filter, one goes from the petcock to fuel pump and one from fuelpump to carb thats the best i can do . hope its of some use.
  15. PULSE PUMP? what pulse pump if you mean the fuel pump its diamond shaped and connects the fuel from the tank pet cock to the carbs and also the inlet manifolds by way of four hoses via the fuel pump. its all explained in the service manual ie the PDF file i sent you, plenty of pictures which show you every part of the bike and how they fit.
  16. i wonder who you mean i have keep away from commenting on this subject till now derek,but as gas says there are loads of hazards out there on the road from road kill to gravel or mud but your biggest problem seems to be your attitude and if you carry on riding with that attitude then there is only one outcome you will be the next hazard on the road for the rest of us out there to avoid. you need to also be able to take advice when offered, even at my age i still take advice when given. i have only one piece of advice for you, improve your observation and awareness skills and if you still cant see the hazard on the road then you are travelling to fast
  17. had a long list of things to buy at stafford and the money, then central heating boiler packed in £312 to repair might just have enough left for a can of WD40 will see you at mc donalds saturday if weather ok.
  18. NO even at my age not a chance its got to be a bloke if not at least a triple bagger
  19. no wonder joshua worries about you kev never realised you bat for the other side, can i hear the theme from deliverance
  20. paul,i thought you had downloaded the PDF file for the xvs125 service manual,if you have the wiring diagram is on the last few pages. if you havent pm me with your e mail address and i will send you a copy.
  21. there can be many reasons for this but as mervin suggested check venting make sure air vent passages are clear,check your air filter make sure its clear clean and properly seated also checkair filter to carb boot for cracks,holes, loose clamps,take plugs out see what condition they are in clean or replace,as i said there are many reasons for your problems but as i dont know the history of the bike ie has it been sat a long while how new is the fuel etc but theres a few things to try,know we know a bit more about you there are plenty of folk on here will try and help,
  22. hard shit who really cares people on this forum are pissed off with people who post on here wanting help and advice but cant be arsed introducing themselves get an answer and then piss off again never to post again. sorry but i dont care mate.
  23. hope they have some left this year, oh and smokinmonkey bike sizes tend to vary a fair bit always best to try on first you wouldnt want to get one to tight.
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