Fazer rides 2010
It is normal hand-held video Sony camera. Its in a tank bag so is protected from the wind and obviously the screen helps. Only downside is the shake due to the rubber tank mounts
Fazer rides 2010
Fazer rides 2010
Another one some might find interesting while others see it for the shameless video whoring that it is
Fazer rides 2010
Fazer rides 2010
Thanks for the advice, the law are welcome to take my bike as long as they can find which breakers it's in plus the leathers are all scuffed and the helmet's in the bin! Anyway, it's still a good job that no laws are transgressed on any of those videos .As for speeds, well they are obviously digitally enhanced just like in this one:
Fazer rides 2010
So here's another one
Fazer rides 2010
That road has quite a few blind junctions and I have had a few close ones there so use the horn a fair bit and play it a bit safe on the overtakes. Still a great road tho
Fazer rides 2010
Ahhh.. I had a brand new rear tyre on and when I check the speedo to ensure that I am complying with the speed limit, I get a reminder that Anyway, here's another ride within the speed limit
Fazer rides 2010
no new bike yet, mulling over options. Ankle still a bit stiff and swollen but getting there. Anyway, here's another little blast;
Fazer rides 2010
No, you bloody can't. I had just turned the camera off beforehand. Anyway, it was a shite crash, no more than 30mph and bolt upright. the best bit would have been me shouting 'oh f*ck!!!!!!!'
Fazer rides 2010
Well at least you're happy now! Out of plaster now and limping back to fitness, thanks for asking. Not sure what my next bike will be but I will be back in 2011
Fazer rides 2010
Damm! I wanted to draw out the suspense, anyway for those of you who haven't found the rest, here's a forward looking view.
Fazer rides 2010
Fazer rides 2010
That was the baffle flying out at 1:52
Fazer rides 2010
Thanks, it was a beowulf, very nice looking and not to expensive
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