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Everything posted by 2enjoi2

  1. thanks for all your help guys. turned out it was a few small things that together made it unrideable. first thing i checked int he morning was the tyre pressures. they were both down by 15 psi. so sorted that. then checked to see if it was straight. was fine. checked the bolts and bearings and they were fine. its in the shop now having a new wheel fitted. they measured the psi when i got there and they found the front wheel had a slow puncture as well. im having the fork seals completely replaced too. and the water out of the exhaust is normal in small amounts and turns out i have a small hole in the joint anyway which the garage said not to worry about for now. the main problem was ive only been ridding a year and a half and a squared off front tyre with half the psi missing to me seems worse than it does for seasoned veterans lol. but as i said before thank full for all the advice. look out for a red fazer, scotland here i come!! david
  2. just bought a fazer off ebay. looked fine so like a fool i didnt test ride. drove it home in a van because there was no tax. just got it out and noticed it doesnt ride straight and when i go round corners the steering flops into which ever way i go. the tyre appears to be squared off. flat in the middle with obvious edges either side. the dust caps on the forks have rotten and are completely loose too. i have no idea why i even bought it. any ideas what the problem is? oh the fairing is fine and the frame and engine look fine too. definatly hasnt been crashed. any help welcome cheers david
  3. this issue is regarding a xj600s 1996. i have a strange clunking noise when i pull away and in second gear. thought it might be the chain slipping. so i lifted the back end and tried to spin the back wheel to find a broken tooth. but the wheel doesnt spin freely and makes a clunking noise as i role it round manually. i checked to see if the brake pad is touching the disc and one side is and the other is 1mm off. not sure if this is normal. i have no idea what the issue is and dont fancy getting ripped off for something that i could do myself. any ideas welcome. cheers david
  4. 2enjoi2 posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    hello everyone, i have a yamaha xj600 diversion and the clocks are missing. someones idea of a streetfighter look i guess!! just wondering weather any old clocks will fit the bike? i have a friend whos handy with electronics and another whos offering a bandit set of clocks. will it work? any help much appreciated. david
  5. 2enjoi2 posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    hi guys. sorry to say i had to sell my r6 for spares after the engine blew up! so for a short while i will be owning a divvy. i bought it for less than i usually pay for my helmets!! but its in need of tlc. one major issue is the alternator cover has been replaced by a none yamaha cover and now its falling off. i cant seem to find an alternator cover anywhere as most people who are stripping bikes dont want to take it from the engine. does anyone know a specialist or a few other models that would fit exactly? thanks for your time people.
  6. 2enjoi2 replied to 2enjoi2's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    not sure if this will work, im no wizkid...
  7. 2enjoi2 replied to 2enjoi2's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    perhaps i should try to get a replacement engine and get it fitted. i dont want to see it go. and itll never make as much money as its worth to me in the state its in. i notice u own a superdream, im working on one myself, u know any place who specialises in parts?
  8. 2enjoi2 posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    i have a 99 r6. its sprayed black, immaculate, new chain and sprockets, tyres, plugs all the essentials. original exhaust. however....the pistions have blown. so the engine is knackerd. im trying to find out if its worth repairing or if the selling value is good i will sell. any information welcome. oh, obviously it has mot and tax too. this is a bad time to loose your r6!! so i need to get a new one or this one fixed fast! lol it must have known summer was coming...... cheers david
  9. 2enjoi2 replied to 2enjoi2's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    the front end of the bike jumps up and down wildly.
  10. my idle on my 99 r6 wont sit still. it will go from 0.2k revs - 2.5k revs. it happens with no apparent pattern. and under heavy braking whilst ridding it tends to stall as i slow to a stop. attempting to adjust the idle results in it going from 0.2k straight to 2.5k revs. one thing that could have affected it was the fact that i put a race can on and used it for about 150 miles of hard ridding. but my low down power was affected so i changed back to the standard exhaust. now i get this issue which has not occurred before. i used to have the idle set at 1-1.5k revs with no issues before hand. now the other issue, which is most likely linked, is the bluey-grey smoke and erratic power delivery. is smokes when into the 10k revs range and the power is sometimes a few seconds behind the revs. the oil light did come on while this was happening. i checked it and it was low, so i topped it up. but the problem is still occurring. i hear that changing the end can, can sometimes affect the balance of the carbs.... or perhaps its something more sinister... it was last serviced late november 08 and hasnt been ridden that much till now. any help welcome. thanks
  11. 2enjoi2 posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    i have a 99 r6. at low speeds, 30mph and under. applying the front brake causes a kangaroo affect. ive been told it may be the forks, the discs, or even a incorrect wheel alignment. (although i suspect the later problem would make it difficult to ride at all...) any help welcome. thanks
  12. 2enjoi2 replied to 2enjoi2's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    i had a full service just before winter. and i havnt ridden as often as i do in the summer.
  13. 2enjoi2 replied to 2enjoi2's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    yes it did. i took it out today. no tap or noise.... very confusing. i wouldnt normaly worry, but this was really loud tapping, and i love my bike lol.
  14. 2enjoi2 posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    ive had my 1999 r6 a while now wiht no problems. but today after accidentaly taking a wrong turn and going down a muddy rocky farm road (slowly) it began to tap in conjunction with the revs i gave it. i.e, the more revs, the more taps. fairly loud. it sounded really bad at the time so i stopped and let it cool down a bit. on the way home it kept taping. but getting quieter. heres where i explain ive been riding witha guy on a 125 and as of late i rarely exceed 50mph. so when i got home i took it to my local duel carrige way and gave it some. after that no noise. havnt riden it since incase its serious. perhaps the tap-its?? im thinking of taking it to a mechanic. but any information given would help me not get ripped off, as i have no clue. so he could tell me anythign for any price and i would probably do it. cheers for any input. david
  15. i have a 99 r6. its has carbs and no race cans or modifications. in the summer it tended to need a bit of time to warm up, otherwise it would stall when no throttle was being used. but in the winter it needs to get up to 80 degrees b4 it can have to choke taken off. and it takes up to ten minutes some days. is this normal behaviour for this type of bike or do i have issues? also i gave it a full service and rejetted the engin just before the winter.
  16. 2enjoi2 posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    hey my bikes a bit old and its has issues with the downpipes, ones hot ones not, the one thats cold has a wet plug, is this significant? the one thats hot has a dry plug. any help welcome, david
  17. 2enjoi2 replied to wisey999's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    i had the same issue, i chucked some wd40 in the key hole. it stil required a jiggle, but beter than b4 where it would only turn after 10 tries!
  18. 2enjoi2 replied to darzey's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    my first bike was a 1992 cbr600f. cost me 1000 squid and was fast enough to keep up with my mates on 3 year old gixer sixers. for the money itl cost to buy a new engine and the time and effort itl take. ide just keep the 125 as it is for a run around and buy a 15 year old sports 6. it will be faster than the biggest engine you could fit in a 125 would be. and handing over cash is a bit easier than breaking ur balls changing an engine lol good luck whatever you decide to do. david
  19. my bike, a 1978 cb400n (not a yamy i know but i do own a r6 making my membership of this club legit lol) now runs after ten+ years sat ina garden (not mine). however. when we first got it going a few days ago, after alot of work on the carbs, clutch and bits n bobs, it was runnnig at idle and on both cylinders sweet as a nut. but now, a few days later, it sounds like its only fireing on one cylinder. it stalls at idle. and when i ride it for a minute or two the left downpipe glows bright red! both spark plugs give a spark. i did clean the carbs thoroughly. my dad recons the silencer is blocked but wouldnt that make both pipes burn? anyway, im not what you would call an accomplished mechanic and im a bit stuck now. im trying to avoid taking it to a garage as it was ment to be a winter project for father and son. i do have a bit of money to spend on parts tho. oh one extra thing i noticed. this is the second day its been like it. and the pipes change, one time its the left that turns into an oblong sun, then its the right. were both sat down scratching are heads now guys. any help would be welcomed. thanks david
  20. 2enjoi2 replied to 2enjoi2's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    it was the plates, they were just a bit used to doing nothing! lol. pulled the lever in and gently forced them loose by walking it back and forth in the shed. took a while but did the trick. now its only fireing on one cyliner lol! well, i think it is, it rides, but stalls at idle. and when you ride it for more than a minute the left downpipe glows bright red. cheers for the advice tho. david
  21. 2enjoi2 replied to 2enjoi2's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    its fixed now. washed it with some limescale remover i found under the sink. and after that it was good to go. put it back on the bike, took the silencer off and with a good lump of choke to start got it running on idle within 2 or 3 mins. first time ina decaade!! its a testament to honda build quality, seen as its been in garden down the road from me coverd in moss for over ten years. but as with everything, another problem came to our attention when we tried to put it in gear and it stalled! lol. we're now in the process of trying to get the clutch plates to running order. not bad tho considering me and my dad are working on this alone using his own 'trial and error' knowlege of motorcycles he stoped riding 20 years ago. the akward part will be registering it and getting it back on the road, i recon. it has no v5 or any history. im praying it was never a stolen bike. that would put a spaner in the works! cheers for trying to help tho. my mechanical vocab needs some brushing up to make it easier for those who try to help i spose lol. ride safe
  22. 2enjoi2 replied to 2enjoi2's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    well. ive got the carbs on the desk in the shed. ive taken the float bowl off and were using wires and anything we can find to poke the holes where the float needle sits, hopeing we can dislodge watevers preventing fuel coming from the fuel line inlet. liquid and air flow freely between the fuel line joint. im guessing ( as its been stood still for 10 years +) its got congealed oil in it somehow. btu without taking the carbs apart completely i wont know. and that is way beyond my capabilities. so in answer to your question. theres no good flow of fuel anywhere apart form the fuel line joint between the two float bowls. but i really am stuck now.
  23. 2enjoi2 replied to 2enjoi2's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    sorry, where the floats are. the petrol wont get in. so i took it apart and it was a bit messy so i cleaned it. but now the petrol stil wont go into the carbs.
  24. 2enjoi2 posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    ive opend up an old rust bucket, im almost done and just opend the carbs to check there ok, but they wont take any fuel into the chambers. ive tried airguning them, leaving them in wd40 to soak over night and thorough cleaning. maybe im doing it wrong. any tips on how to clean carbs? are u ment to clean them a certain way? cheers for any advice david oh and just to be honest, its not a yamaha lol, its a 78 cb400. but i own a r6 so this isnt like, cheating or anything lol.
  25. 2enjoi2 posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    anyone know why theyve upped the seat hight on the new r6 to 850mm? i tried one on in a showroom and was on tiptoes on both feet! BMW taking over yamaha by any chance? lol