Everything posted by nio
Something bugging me.
Hey people ! The power valve works on the 2stroke engines. The YBR isn't one...
Something bugging me.
OK Alexander I did a litle bit more searching and I have the same manual in English http://www.2shared.com/file/4745494/d15aaa...5ED_3D9-E0.html
Something bugging me.
OK @alexfoti (and every one else that may want it - but in Italian Language) Here's the Servive manual http://www.2shared.com/file/4096133/443a4e...anual__05_.html Click at the right botom side "Save file to your PC"
Something bugging me.
OK @alexfoti (and every one else that may want it - but in Italian Language) Here's the Servive manual http://www.2shared.com/file/4096133/443a4e...anual__05_.html Click at the right botom side "Save file to your PC"
Something bugging me.
The 2008 model is fuel injected isn't it? It should sound like that 'cause of the fuel pump that rises the fuel presure. Most of all FI engines sound like a litle buzzer for 1-2 seconds. About the manual. I didn't forget it. It's a big pdf file and ia cannot yahoo it to you. I'll find another to send it.
Strange noise from chain(?)
@Exupnutta: Thank you for your advice. HTH=??? @chrisw: Thank you too. And special thanks for the compliments... It's been a lot of years ago that I've left the teenage
Strange noise from chain(?)
Thnx for the "speedy" reply. I lubricate the chain regularly. I have the chain tensioned only once. The adjusters are not far out. The chain and sprockets are in good condition. The chain's slack is small. Believe me, I don't just "fill up with fuel". The noise is audible even when turning the rear wheel with the hand. For my bad luck the waranty for this bike in Greece is 12months...
Strange noise from chain(?)
Hi there! I have a YBR125 (2007) and the last 5-10 days I hear a strange noise from the chain (near the drive axle) I'm not sure if it is the chain or if it is the drive axle (bearings ???) The sound is not constant. It is somehow periodical and I have about 15.000KM on the clock. How will I know if the chain is about to be changed ? Has anyone ever faced a similar problem ? I had the opinion that Yamahas are buletproof. Should i begin to worry ??? Sorry about my mistakes...
YBR125 2008 - Reserve tank?
I don't understand your fears... this bike gives more than 400KM from a full tank and the fuel meter just seems to be onest (at least at mine does). I have driven my bike a lot of times for more than 450KM before i had to top the tank up. You mustn't worry when you have 12Lt of fuel to deal with and a very low consumption.
Yamaha YBR 125 Fuel type
I use only Shell's fuel. I have used 100oct gasoline some times. I would say that there is a litle bit more power -about +5%- when using for ex. Shell VpowerRacing (100oct) instead of pure Unleaded (of the same brand) but the price at least here in Greece is +15% for VpowerRacing so I don't think anyone should bother trying to get more power from gasoline only... It is wiser to try changing the air filter, rejeting the carb, changing the exaust etc. but when you think of all these mayby it is better to think for another bike
YBR125 Oil?
I don't think you will need topping up 'cause the engine is "bulletproof" I use SHELL ADVANCE VSX every 6.000Km as the manual comants... But you can use every oil you prefer as long as it is NOT ENERGY CONSERVING because you will not have cluch anymore...
ybr125 steering lock
hi there steve Enjoy your rides with your new yam and don't fear anything about the steering lock. It is a bit stupid thing for the Yamahers not ot align the hole on the steering column with the pole of the lock but that's the way it works. Yoy just have to steer a litle bit every time you lock/unlock so that you don't break the key...
False neutrals
Pushing the gear lever from 1st to 2nd gear means going from a gear that revs with some speed to another with lower speed and thereisn't anything on the YBR125 to equalize the revs from the one to the other gear (I don't know the word in english). So if you don't change gear with a quick and dare movement all the way up (or down) till it "cliks"... its very probable to see this hapen. I think that this hapens when upgearing (1st to 2nd etc) rather than downgearing.
sticky brake
The brakes stuck when the piston in the calliper is far out of its limits (when the pads are done the piston has to come out mush further) When this hapens you should see the brake oil level too low, and probably you will have to change the sealing O-rings of the brake piston...
Is it legal?
Just imagine all industries calling back all of their models (especialy On-Offs) because this guy marks that "the front wheel-tyre is not exactly the same with the back"... lol Or just imagine a SBK with a rear tyre exactly the same as the front... It just wouldn't start, it would dig the road every time someone trie a ride with it... super lol Anyway, The answer to the warden is "This is how the bike is being imported. Try telling that to the Ministry of Transportation or who else is giving the OK (Homologation - Registration type) for this bike's import." ;-)
Yamaha YBR 125 Owners
A litle bit late for a reply but every one should see this so to understand the features of this bike... http://www.re-moto.com/index.php Ah, and dear ShoKz, With the European (catalized) model 70MPH OK (112Km) and that's not everytime, but 85MPH (137Km) whow... Maybe while going downheel (at least 10%inclined) with the wind on your back (at least 7-8 Bf)... Anyway, it's agreat deal for the money wanted. In Greece the carburator model (2007) costs 1800 Euro(1100-1200Pounds) and the fuel injection model -2008- 2100 Euro, that is allmost 50% lower price than in the UK and thats for new ones OK?
ybr125 any owners?
Hi there, I'm proud to be an owner of one YBR125ED 2007. I'm new to this club. I own my yamie since March 2007 and I have to admit that allthough it has a small engine, it revs without complains to +10.000rpm and its restricted only by how much its owners stands still. It wont stop unless it is out of petrol and that will be long enough after 450Km(that is about 2.5-3L/100Km). One must never forget that we 're talking about a 125cc bike that has even a catalist in its exaust. Mercy me!