Everything posted by mxrider
1979 yz engine
hello all ,can any one please help?:i have a dt mx 1981 i have put a yz 1979 head and barrel on it ,and the bike runs well.im looking for a flywheel and stator plate that would fit that year,,,or a compltete engine many thanks also looking for a fuel tank
boost bottle
hello ,i have a dt 125 mx ,with a 1979 yz engine,.i went to ken hall motocross at the weekend an noticed that a lot of the bikes ,,twin shock had boost bottles coming from the reed block,,,,,why?????i ,if they serve to add more power i was thinking of putting an early lc reed block on a dt mx barrel,as they had as said bottle.do they increase power. cheers
dt 175 mx
ok i will let you know ,I call his work shop from the no ,on his web site ,www.stan stephens .co.uk.i was quoted £140,that would inclued the head and they would do the sqwish band!!! and you can have it ported to any style i:e low mid or high range. anyway i will keep yiu informed
dt 175 mx
o.. and any idea on timing!! i thought it might pre detonate???but was told it will give a bigger power band??
dt 175 mx
hello thanks for the reply,i did look at the link.mm thats a lot of work,,,i will look at the jet,not to sure of size would that make a big change?? im thinking of having the barrel stan stephens ..tuned ??
Hi, newbie with an old DT125MX!
hello paul do you still have your dt???????
dt 175 mx
Hello all ,,,,,could any put im the right picture?????,ihave a dt mx ,i have raised the top of the exaust port ...all is ok, a bit more mid boost..i have a gianeli exhaust ,trying to get a bit more pwer out of the engine,,,i have been told i could advance the timing !!!!!!COULD THIS BE A GOOD OR BAD IDEA ??,does any one have any more sugestions that are proven on there dt.....thanks for reading ,, regards mx rider