Everything posted by gavin
is it a classic?
if its an rd400 daytona special then yes they are quite sought after in the states. try www.usa2strokers.com
been too busy riding this....
hi pete, thanks been rather busy all round, not just with this, loads of other stuff going on. should be a bit more regular now
been too busy riding this....
..............to post anything here for quite a while never thought i'd own a diesel, 2 stroke till i die, me. i did come close a few years ago, when the R6 first came out. it was hailed as 'the 2 stroke 4 stroke' so i took a demo ride on one. never been more dissapointed, nothing like a stroker all revs and no kick. this on the other hand, is like riding a stroker in the band all the time, instant kick in any gear. didnt even consider the new R6, as its even more revvy and flat than the last one, let alone the first. had it since june 3rd, nearly 2000 miles on it now, its bloody awsome!
TZR500 video.....
well i finally got to gibson exhausts to dyno it, really just a shakedown run to establish a few things: will it hold together? will i be able to hold on at full revs or will the vibes be too bad? will the pipe work as it was designed to? and lastly ( but not so important as will it actually work) how much power and torque will it make? after lots of cursing from trying and failing to bump start it with the dyno (and running the dyno batteries flat ), i resorted to the task of kicking it into life. then derren ( dyno guy) noticed the base gasket was weeping badly, and recommended for the sake of the motor that we called it a day. i thought sod it im here now, give it one more go at kicking it, if it refuses i'll go home and fix it, if it starts i'll take a chance and run it. then it started second kick! the first thing i noticed with it strapped down hard on the dyno was the vibes at the bars were really bad, much worse than on the road, no suspension movement to damp it down. when it came on the pipe the sensation was weird, like having your hands cut off, totally lost all feeling in both hands wearing welding gloves made it better, but it wont be so bad on the road. we were running out of time, and because of fears over the weeping base gasket making it run lean (and losing crank case compression) we only did two runs. derren got the revs scale wrong, so double the numbers to get the right figure! 75.3lb-f of torque (more than an '06 GSX-R 750 :devil: ) and 46BHP, and a reasonably wide powerband. a stock CR500R makes about 49bhp, so not that bad considering its not been set up, its an old motor, the pipe design is unproven and the base gasket was blowing bubbles faster than michael jackson more to come when the tuned top end is fitted and its set up properly! and the pipe works as it was designed to, we were aiming for 9,000 rpm max revs and power between 5-8,000 rpm, so well done mick abbey and everything held together, nothing broke or even complained, except the rear tyre! so not a bad afternoon, i have to set the motor up and find a solution to the vibes though!
TZR500 video.....
ive posted about this bike elswhere on here in the past, but ive finally got it running now. just to remind you all, its a 1989 TZR125 2RK fitted with a 1991 CR500R motor, as you see it it weighs 90kgs, and puts out about 60bhp at the rear wheel. with the fairing and lights its going to weigh about 98kgs wet. compare that to an R6.....170kgs and 100bhp. http://homepage.ntlworld.com/gavin.prior/tzr500/tzr500a.WMV its running 14/30 gearing....thats NINETEEN TEETH LESS than standard on the rear....yet it still pulls cleanly from tickover and wants to wheelie like a mad thing when it comes on the pipe. top speed in first is about 60mph.....and ive got some software that predicts 11s quaters and 132mph top whack. with a 16t front it should top 140mph. and the vibes arent at all bad, notice im not even wearing gloves in the vid...... also see how it lurches sideways on the side stand when i blip it.....the torque is amazing! some pics with its posh clothes on...
Show us yourself!
well theyve done it, piece of piss adding a route to that site, its all drop down lists and it finds the maps for you. took me less than 5 mins to add one.
The Final Verdict on JMW!
fucking johnny-come-latelys, the lot of ya! its been known for years....
JMW it's official
LOL....we warned you early on.......and you didnt get it.....but you got there in the end!!!
- Prezzies
BHP and Torque corrolation
maybe...whats your point?
Just sharing this with you.....
LMFAO. you have no idea what im like! i think everyone on here is getting a measure of you though, arrogant, nasty and pompous are words that will likely ring true..... and as for upsetting me...lol....im just playing with ya..and i aint having to lift my game past my resting heartbeat......get a life...i have better things to do than "pester you" as you put it. correcting your bullshit and bigoted attitude will of course always happen, though.
Just sharing this with you.....
you know, "j" , ive told you this before, its not your internet....no really, it isnt.....honestly. now, consider this a piece of friendly advice - dont you dare try to tell me where i can and cant post. it was just a bit of advice.....and now you've managed to get a whole new set of peoples backs up with a typical macwilson response. i know a few 'spastics', some mentally / physically disabled kids....they may have their limitations, but none of them are emotionally retarded, as you clearly are. :roll:
Just sharing this with you.....
like i said in another thread.......we all warned you.......... :roll:
Just sharing this with you.....
you really should be more careful what you put in the public domain...........
Problem with my Landlord......Has anyone had experience?
well if its in your contract and you continue to refuse then you put yourself in breach, and they could serve you with notice and start proceedings to evict you if you dont leave. not saying that they will, but they can. its no use being in the right if it means you are out on your ear! and arguing over it in court is a bit difficult without a roof over your head! im not saying you are wrong, just that as you have signed that contract you have to be careful, it isnt as black and white as your C.A.B has suggested. they are being unreasonable though...........
Problem with my Landlord......Has anyone had experience?
speaking for the other side........ check your contract. i bet theres a clause in there where you agree to 24hours notice for six monthly inspections. its standard form for an Assured Short Hold Tennancy. you've already agreed to let them in, by signing the contract. if you refuse you are in breach of your tennancy and face possible eviction. i agree that agents are a pain in the arse, even being a landlord, finding a good one is harder than finding a good tennant! ive had just as much grief from my agents as i have from my tennants. when one of my tennants recently defaulted on the rent, by about £200 a month, over several months, they didnt tell me, instead they tookit out of his bond!! when the tennant left, there was nothing left in the bond to pay for the damage and cleaning :evil:
BHP and Torque corrolation
just for my amusement ive been playing with your numbers 65Mn (Mewton Neters? ) is 47.94lbf 60Nm is 44.25lbf so assuming you havent just plucked these numbers out of your head bike no1 makes peak power of 80bhp at 8,761rpm or thereabouts bike no2 makes peak power of 85bhp at 10,085rpm or thereabouts right? i say thereabouts, because theres a little rounding in the calculation.
BHP and Torque corrolation
ive already explained ths one to you once before, on aleks forum, in a thread you started http://www.yamaha-rd.com/forum/viewtopic.p...t=5250&start=36 power = torque x revs/5250 so, by calculation a bike making 80bhp at 10,000rpm has 42lb-f of torque. but another bike making 80bhp at 9000rpm has 46lb-f of torque. the higher up the revs it makes the power, the less torque it has. there is also a difference between torque at peak power, and actual peak torque. its quite possible for a bike that maks loads of power on a dyno at sky high revs to have bugger all torque, and so never actually make that power on the road, because it will never be able to overcome the rolling and wind resistance. just proves you never listen
Those nobbers
we warned you people we really did, but would you listen....nooo!
Big day for me tomorrow
lol jeremy actually made a funny! nice bike, tart! :wink:
You lot from the RD_Forum
word to ya mother!
You lot from the RD_Forum
granted, but you gotta have some character to deform in the first place!
You lot from the RD_Forum
see what i mean? :roll:
You lot from the RD_Forum
you're not going to get the input without having to face the personalities, it kinda goes with the territory, people will bring their baggage with them, fact of life. ive been registered here a long time, i dont post that often because i spend most of my time over at akek's site, but i look here enough to keep an eye on whats going on. seems to me you've got a lot of people like me from alek's, posting now and again and not creating any issues, and then you've got one individual whining about his experiences over there, which ultimately comes to our attention and stirs up a hornets nest over here. i think perhaps the moderators should have nipped it in the bud when it first appeared.... :roll: