Rebuilding a 77 DT400 here's what i have done so far, cases split total rebuild, installed carb rebuild kit, repaint all fenders [krylon fusion red] tank sprayed to original specs, seat reupholstered, boyesen reeds [boyesen recommends cutting the stock cage "windows" for better flow so i did, makes sense] went from 8 little windows to four and i would think this concept would apply to other DT engines , cylinder punched out and wiseco pro-lite piston installed, k&n air filter, cleaned out and cleaned up ports with dremel, must have been 2-3 grams of carbon that come out of that jug, bought a good used autolube pump off e-bay, along with several other items for the rebuild, i like the bike but it is definitely a lot of work especially the wiring for this bike, but i know it will be worth it, anybody know of any tips let me know, when it is finished i am just going to hit all the backroads here in tennessee and have a big time.
i was considering possibly slapping on a yz 465 jug but do not know if would be worth the trouble to do it,[ connecting rod, pipe fitment, etc. but man there would be some awesome power if it did work out. possibly a future project. anybody know if yamaha made a DT 500?