Everything posted by gazmacfzr600
New Yamaha FZ1 owner said to be "Very happy"
lovely bike andy.... i recently got a FZ6 was gonna go for the 1 but i just think the exhaust looks silly and like it should be on a transformer toy! but hey your bike looks superb bud.
Fazer faulty clock
ITS GROUNDHOG DAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol sorry
Fazer 600
Are they any good???? am thinking of getting one for my fz and wondered if the are worth the money.
New FZ6 s2 Fazer black/silver engine??????
Hi mate, I too recently took advantage of the deals by yamaha and now am proud owner of a 58 plate fazer.. As for the black engine etc i think it is an optional thing... am going taking my bike in for its first service, so i will ask for ya .
2003 r6 updated.
good work mate...lover threads like these. Kawa looks mint could look at it for ages lol
RD's rock
pootytang!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! omg i almost did a sex wee!!! ace looking bikes mate brings back memories
my new bike
wot a wicked looking bike...i thought it was an R6 also...looks awesome in yellow mate
My New Bike
thanks for the comments guys... had the bike about 4 weeks now and must say....AWESOME..... i absolutely love it... althought it has wet my appertite for an R6 or R1 now lol. geoff i cant see the pics of yours in your thread mate.
fzr600 owners - Opinions wanted!
Nope nothing to worry about ... in fact i found mine extremely hard to ride at low speeds... but mental at hi revs lol
My New Bike
Well i picked up my new Bike and part exed my FZR600 ... hope you like Am thinking of putting a belly pan on it and wouldnt mind it tuned up a bit as i believe they are same engine as an R6 Gaz
FZS600 Fazer
I am picking up a brand new 58 plate fazer on monday and have been told that the engine is a slightly de tuned R6 engine.. Bet you know what i am gonna ask lol Can you get the engine tuned to an R6 standard??? How??? How much??? Where Cheers Gaz
My Fs1e fully restored and a tad modernised.
My god that brings back some memories seeing that, what a lovely example..i think everyone at one point had a f1se lol
93 FZR 600
Is my FZR restricted in anyway..it is completely standard and some one said you can de restrict them???? Cheers Gaz
Hi is it under breaking or just slowing naturally from speeds??
Any one wanna start a list of when ad where?????????????
Just realised that i didnt put where i am from lol i am in bolton, just been up Rivvy barn this afternoon but cut short coz of weather.. When is everyone going out next?????
Where in Carlisle you from phil?? Am not in carlisle now but was bonr n bred there...lived in scotby and stanwix...
- yet another newbie
High Heels and bikes
Both wearing the same jacket, jeans and high heels!! LOL where is this ... this is near me lol
another newbie
Hi folks, I am Gaz, just bought a 93 FZR600 after not owning a bike for 16 years (bloody kids n wife lol). Any way, after getting the cars i have longed for which are.... MK1Golf cabriolet, MK3Golf GTI Anniversary, and an Audi A4 Sline i finally got the bike of my dreams...FZR600!!!! yippeeeeeee lol will get some pics of my ride up soon Gaz