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Andreas Divvy

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  1. I think you could try bringing the Office of Fair Trading/some other such body into the situation,and by the sound of it I don`t think you should hesitate to do so. It might also be worth talking to people like the BMF/MAG-some member or another might have encountered such experiences and found out things you need to know to sort your erring dealership. It`d be interesting to know what the Yam rep said-I`d have. thought he`d be pretty outraged by the shabby treatment you`ve received. , I`d like to know the name of the dealers and how you got on-Cheers Andy K
  2. Andreas Divvy replied to Andreas Divvy's post in a topic in Naked
    Gregg 532-re exhaust system I have two options-one is the guy I bought my Divvy off-another is a s/hand Divvy I looked at before I bought mine both of these guys bought exhausts and both quoted quite a bit less than £330
  3. Andreas Divvy replied to Andreas Divvy's post in a topic in Naked
    Hi Gregg 532-thanks for replying to the divvy wheels topic.I`m going to change the topic heading in the hope of throwing some light on cylinder heads being knackered by sidestand idling- probably something to do with oil pick ups and the oil `pooling`in the crankcases due to the tilt. The cylinder heads are the bits which sit on top of the barrels, the spark plugs screw into the heads and the heads also contain the valves (inlet and exhaust) and on most modern bikes the camshaft which may or may not bear directly in the heads.If the camshaft starts run dry (oil not feeding up from the crankcase) may well knacker the bearing surface, requiring some sort of remedy:-if the bearing has enough metal around it, then it can be machined to take a bearing shell, if not then a new head would be required.I don`t have that much familiarity with the later bikes so perhaps another member can contribute to the subject-cheers. If you hear any thing about wider divvy wheels by the way, please let me know-I am also seeking info on aftermarket full fairings and/or converting to naked for the summer
  4. Andreas Divvy replied to Andreas Divvy's post in a topic in Naked
  5. Andreas Divvy replied to Kirkie's post in a topic in General
    On the subject of gloves, and which are the best summer/winter gear, I found that the best for both were unlined racing gloves,using thermo/woolly stuff underneath in winter,It`s a system I used whilst despatching many moons ago, and I don`t know if it compares to what`s around now.Does anybody, by the way, have any of those old Rivetts unlined gloves with the seams on the outside?What about any old JBW LB50 strap up boots?
  6. Andreas Divvy posted a post in a topic in Naked
    I`m shortly going to be picking up a Divvy 600-Does anyone have any tips on Divvy ownership?-Does anyone have any experience of fitting a wider rear wheel? The Divvy I`m after is V reg-twin discs/oil cooler etc (I don`t know which model precisely) Are the discs dear on these bikes?-Does anybody have some good con s/hand? This bike marks a return to full time m/cycling so all correspondence will be appreciated RSVP