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FatBoy Biker

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Everything posted by FatBoy Biker

  1. FatBoy Biker replied to g-funk's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    nahh ther restriced electronicaly buy the ecu so it mite b caperbal of reaching the 100mph mark but not much further with the current gearing
  2. FatBoy Biker replied to g-funk's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    from what iv been told this is a 4 stroke and it cant be deristriced but others hav said difernt if it wasnt restriked then i would of thort that yamaha wouldnt b able ot do the elctronic tweeks, so i recon the injectors are running at less power than ther capible to well flow or somehtin like that
  3. FatBoy Biker replied to g-funk's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    so i have done the wrong thing in takeing the metal plate out, your saying to fully close it if so y dont you just take the whole little blak pipe off and block the whole in the air box where it conected to it???. iv thort about geting an induction kit, i was goin to get a custom exhaust and induction system off a company near me and their qoat for the induction and exhaust was cheaper if not he same as one of thos exhausts you can get for the bike allready lol, well im prepared to try anything to get more out of it so im goin to blok the pip up from the airbox and see how that goes, any other ideas let me know please with air raming idea have you seen or herd about thows electric turbos??? whats you opinion on them?
  4. FatBoy Biker replied to g-funk's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    iv had 84 bounceing i off the limiter, and thay have 170 big bore kit fot it f you want more out of it or loads of peple have talked about yamaha beeing able to do some electronis twweks to make it faster but u need a full licence or something, nice choice of car btw is it the 32r or 34r i prefer the 32r i like to square body shape
  5. FatBoy Biker replied to g-funk's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Well im only 8 and half stone so thers where i get mine and you d haff to tuck in well and a hill helps i stugeld o get mine to the limiter in top gear. Have you tryed useing v power fule that mite give you some more ummffff.... lol
  6. FatBoy Biker replied to u1tim4t3_w34p0n's post in a topic in Naked
    ill vote that lol dam numberpalte looks out of place low down
  7. FatBoy Biker replied to g-funk's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    nope but thanks for informing me will do soon
  8. FatBoy Biker replied to g-funk's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Im noy compleatly sure thats just what i was told
  9. FatBoy Biker replied to g-funk's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    wel iv been told by te yammy dealer that the bike will keep its valu of £3000 for 3yrs as long as is looked after to the book cant do nothing to compromise the warenty, thats all i can tell you sozz i dont rearly understand it my self. With al the mods iv got in action whats a warenty lol still im goin to be keeping it longer than 3 yrs lol just as a toy lol
  10. FatBoy Biker replied to g-funk's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    when i got mine on fineance for 3yrs i got given a sertificet that says it will b worth its perchaseing vale for 3yrs so im not goin to loose out and im sure ther are others offering thesame deal, youl also get abit more than 2-3 bhp thers alot you can do to it, like go and get it remapped or bigger jets. i recon it will see the 100 mark but not furter than 115 at a very good push
  11. FatBoy Biker replied to g-funk's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    i agree with you but if you get the acel up with out changeing the gearing, when it comes to gear it up the acel to top end ratio will b back to around the bikes original if you get me ?
  12. FatBoy Biker replied to nashe_'s post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    well thers crrently the micron and scorpian or you can folow the road i took and get a custome induction system and exhaust for less thn either exhausts lol
  13. FatBoy Biker replied to tzr92's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    mite b a fule problem i.e not gettig enuff i had lots with my tzr 125r i had sum paint flakes in my tank and it kept bloking up my fule pip and the bike wouldrev its nutts off lol, or it mite b a sparking problem what is actualy hapening, is it the starter turnin over but its not getting the engin to tik over ???
  14. FatBoy Biker replied to g-funk's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Wel the verdict is in and it feels abit pokeyer and smoother i think espechialy in the low gears (1st,2nd), but an improvement, had a strong head wind on way home so will try top end soon and let you no if thers ay improvement. But so far tar for the tip slowly cracking the biek open lol
  15. FatBoy Biker replied to g-funk's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Rite iv don as follows, i found the blak box bit and taken the bak metal plate off compleatly but let the flexible bit on ther so i shall se how it gos after work and will post to let u no how it went lol i cant wate till home time now lol
  16. FatBoy Biker replied to g-funk's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    so where exactly is this pipe is it the little rubber one from the exhaust that links to ur airbox ?? Or do you have any piks of how you did it and location of bits lol ??
  17. FatBoy Biker replied to g-funk's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Sweet i will give that ago and let u no at last someone is findeing bits to tweek lol
  18. FatBoy Biker replied to g-funk's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    thers 3 cats in the exhaust and iv had 84 off the limiter and strate threw exhaust can give 13 mph extra so thers 97 i recon wid a good intake and exhaust youd av it on the ton mark
  19. FatBoy Biker replied to g-funk's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    well i meant get bigger injectors but its like where would you find info like that i mean i havent got a clue where to look anymore lol unless sumone can hack into yamaha itself lol
  20. FatBoy Biker replied to g-funk's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    wel every one is talking about the few tweeks yamaha can do to it to make t go faster but seems no ones actualy looked into it, iv always keep getting tol that its the exhaust with the 3 cats in it (got a dag and no probs scinc lol) but hav any of you seen ho the air gets into ur air box lol thers 2 tiny holes faceing the battery and its them lol. So good induction kit and exhauset wich you will get at the price of your scorpian n micron exhauset will sort it out or you could get a remap of your system and open up the injector (more fule=more power(dont let green peace know but who cares about the polar bears lol) less money inpoket ). im sure soe one will find out how to tweek it iv been diveing threw allsorts of pages and asking yammy workers and all sorts not one will let a secret out dam them.
  21. FatBoy Biker replied to g-funk's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    sweet i wana get sum blue bubs for my fornt parking lites lol i recon therd look ace lol or get them red so thy look like evil eyes at nite lol
  22. FatBoy Biker replied to g-funk's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Im talking to longlife in bristol atm but they hav places all over the contry and iv sed about every one on the forum wanting modds iv got to take my bike down at the weekend so thay can hav alook at my baby and give me an estimate for a full system intake and exhaust oooooooooo ecited so far thetotal is about 220 notes and im expecting it to reach near the 500 note mark but for a full induction system and custom exhaust for the same price u can get an exhaust for the bike i fink is a good deal and if enuff of use ask for it thy mite do a deal pak for it lol fingers crossd
  23. yeah even when i took it inot the garage to book my service thay had to look twice cuzz they thort it was an r1 or r6 lol and culdent belive it was a 125 lol never mind
  24. it dont mater how you ride it just dont hold it at high revs for long periods of time when running it in, thats how was told to do it but now mine also rattels but i hav had it at 84 bouning off the limmiter a few times lol it will b fixed also im geting a QUOTE ON A FULL EXHAUST AND AIRBOX SYSTEM from sum place who works with k&n if ur intressted ill let you no what thy quote me and if i can get enuff intresst guna c if i can get them to make it a bundel pak ?? or you could spend abit more and go all out custom and have it poping out from the underside of pillion seat lol How you finding the bike?? iv just rearly started getting it down i found the breaks are good a low speed but at high ther abit soft at high and the front end likes to jump about lol but i mite b pushing it abiot hard lol
  25. mines in for its second service week tuseday guna get every thing changed and cheked just in case but i got a new helmet the other day and its not so tite on my ears and it sounds ruff but im not to sureit if because its a short stroke crank and its goin like madd under there lol, yeah the tapping it sounds fine when ur stood still or trying to get someone else to here it but whn ur ryding or on ur own its sounds ruffer than a badgers ass i recon im goin crazzy