Everything posted by sparkmeister
lol...Nothing to do with bikes
Just started a new Book and Film forum. This is just a shameless plug. If your interested.... http://www.freeforum101.com/sparkmeister77...=sparkmeister77
New here and not a petrol head
Well you did ask.... Of course after weeks of hard work of course I wanted to take her for a wee spin. The top coat of lacquer wasnt quite dry. Just one drop of petrol escaped from the nozzle and onto the tank.....one drop I tell ya... Went straight through to bare metal. On the way home my visor steamed up with my tears.
New Indicators
Great advice guys...thanks.
New Indicators
Have just read something... 1 wire is an earth and the other live. Strip the earth and attach to frame of the bike and then connect the live. Does this sound right?
New Indicators
I bought some new smaller indicators for the back of my bike and when I opened them they both have a black and yellow wire. My exsisting bike has only one wire for each indicator. Can anyone explain what I need to do now please?
DT crazy flame kit
Very Grease Lightening. I remember talking to some friends once about doing this to a car and one of them said its illegal in this country. Besides as bikers we sit on the main fuel tank for our vehicles, wire it up wrong..... KAAAAABOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!
Adjusting the accelarator cable?
lol....so much for upon light of day..... It actually had to be turned anti clockwise but its now better than ever (bites straight away), thank you very much!
Adjusting the accelarator cable?
You have been a gentleman sir! Will do it upon the light of day and will buy you a pint if ever you grace Kent. Im goin to bed,ty and will let you know.
Adjusting the accelarator cable?
I would never have even noticed this. There is just a tiny bit of play....sort of a resistance? Not much but a bit.
Adjusting the accelarator cable?
(How the hell do you know all this?) Its a little tighter on left lock.
Adjusting the accelarator cable?
Yes thats it. It happens with 1st,2nd and a little less each time down through the gears. (reverse has stopped working altogether...Joke)
Adjusting the accelarator cable?
Just tried. Yes.
Adjusting the accelarator cable?
Sorry I am trying..... The best way I can describe it is like when a clutch is wearing out on a car. You get the revs before the gear engages whereas is should be at the same time. Does that make sense? (and I do appreciate your patience and help)
Adjusting the accelarator cable?
Oh sorry... Not really revving too much. Revs in a straight line. I mean its quite rideable and 1st and 2nd are worse.(2nd is kick ass on these...usually anyway)
Adjusting the accelarator cable?
Ok..... The new bars are kinda wider.....er......check the pics on "what do you reckon" thread..its easier to explain.
Adjusting the accelarator cable?
Sorry was watching Big Brother... Jus checked and you are quite correct.
majesty 400
But sweet right? You can basically pull chicks with a scooter.
Adjusting the accelarator cable?
Yam rxs 100 but keep it to yourself. (I took stuff apart and didnt really pay attention to what I was doing)
majesty 400
You just have to do this to it.... http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1319/137446...97b620b.jpg?v=0
Adjusting the accelarator cable?
Thankyou ill give it a try. Dont mean to sound ungrateful but it seems to me its almost the opposite. Can the cable be too loose?
help ! R6 import
Ahh the old converting km to mph chestnut. Sorry I dont know but I hope you find the answer.
Adjusting the accelarator cable?
I changed the bars on my bike and now the gears rev too much before kicking in. Is the cable supposed to be taught or something? Help please.
So what do ya reckon?
Ok...with no technical know how and about 50 quid spent..... From this... To this... (still gonna get some wee indicators for it) Its been hard work but great fun!
Not a Yammy however
Spray it purple.
"Dear diary"
WOOD you believe it. You were PLANE lucky. Just as well you SAW it in time. Sorry about that.