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Rawbone (YZF R125)

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  1. Rawbone (YZF R125) replied to yamaha r 125's post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    Had mine for about 2 months now, handling is great feels safe and is as big as its older brothers, good if your tall. Top speed is 76. could do with a bit more power but it is only a 125 Got a double bubble screen seat cowel tank pad and crash bars fitted to mine Looks the bussiness I wanted to mod mine just to be one of the first, havent got a clue where to start. Could probably do something with the Fuel injection and put a can on. ok ok the real reason i want to do it is because my housemate has one too and i want mine to be faster
  2. Rawbone (YZF R125) replied to fazer61999's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Or just switch the kill switch back on! and or put the side stand up or take it out of gear We've all done it right
  3. Rawbone (YZF R125) replied to g-funk's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Hiya buddy I got my yzf r125 about 2 months ago, Im 6ft 3" and i fit the bike perfectly the bike has been designed with the taller person in mind. I did the plymouth Mega ride on it and managed to get 77 out of it. There is restriction in the exaust (catylic converters) im thinking about getting a micron exaust on mine wich gives me an extra 2.5bhp. not sure deristricting it would do much. dunno. Anyway its a top bike so go get it