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  1. Your quite the base of knowledge around here aren't you? Good to hear from you again. Yes the brushes are built into the cover/aircooled This tool you speak of, is it something I'm gonna have to buy. I don't know of any place that rents/loans tools. I am fairly new at this though. Advanced Auto & Autozone lend tools but only for cars. Any other application that might cross over (pulling hub bearings or something? ) where could I find a picture of the hook tool you're talking about? I might be able to whip one up. Cheers
  2. Hey o! So according to the manual I should be able to just 'remove rotor' being that it has brushes and is not a 'later model'. Sure doesn't seem to be the case. Obviously the cover is off, and the stator is removed but the rotor won't budge! Does this require some kind of rotor puller tool? Is there any way I can make my own if this is the case? Thanks/Cheers! Guenther
  3. Soooo....how am I to figure out what's next? Further checking the rotor? Brushes? Kind of at a standstill til you give me a little more work to do...
  4. Alright now we're cooking! The correction factor is .3 ohms, so all numbers are with correction applied Stator is OK - (manual calls for .5 to .6) .5ohms all around, same at connector loom At 8 point connector black, red, and all whites are all showing appropriate numbers/voltages/etc Resistance reading from green/brown (brushes) at connector was .1/.2 . Then checked for continuity (i.e. no breaks, right?) and OK. Beep. Beep. Green wire at plug (the 2 prong plug on right side, not the 8) to the green wire brush itself, vice versa for brown. Keep in mind, one brush was just replaced. Both are the correct length >10mm. Field coil resistance should be 2.7 to 3.3 ohms. Is that what I should be getting from the brushes? Only problem I had was: getting a reading from the rotor itself. I checked both slips (recently cleaned up with steel wool) and got .2?!? How is that possible when touching the probes to each other results in .3? Wondering if the rotor is at fault? Made some progress (THANK YOU SO MUCH!) not really sure if we found the problem though....
  5. "do the red to all whites & reverse (with an ohm meter) then again with the black instead of the red." Sorry if we're beating a dead horse...I've tried all different combos still not quite sure of what you mean Am I leaving the connector plugged in and inserting the red probe to where the (white) wire disappears into the connector? Or am I disconnecting it? ug...... I also keep reading about unplugging the stator connector to check resistance - only way I've gotten anything is by jamming one end in the 'wire' side and the other lead to the female (opposite side) on said connector. Seriously, I'm not a 4th grader pardon the lack of comprehension...
  6. Wow! Thanks for that info! That diagnosis chart was exactly what I've been looking for. As far as Mr Jim R wonders: I'll be cleaning up those 'slips' they're not bad though. Generally, connectors look good the 8 socket connector to/from the rectifier is kinda iffy, but no green to speak of since I used the contact cleaner 3 days ago. Where would I go/get to redo a lot of the wiring without going broke at the dealership? (connectors, harnesses) I'd like to wire it myself just not sure where to find parts without highway robbery prices = I be broke! I'm a little confused about testing reistance though. Do you unplug the connector for the 3 white genny wires and take the multimeter probes and basically jump them (red to plug '1' and black to where it would've plugged in?). Never did much electrical troubleshooting in the past, so this is all kinda new. Tip o' the Hat, Guenther
  7. Hey-o So I'm ready to push this bike off a cliff...One day I suddenly had charging issues with the bike. I used a multimeter and observed approx 12 volts and slowly, steadily falling while running = not charging. Opened the alternator/generator up and sure enough one brush was below specs, replaced it and still no help. Wiring appears to be OK, oldish but OK. I even used a liberal amount of spray electrical cleaner. Didn't help. Is the stator coil the last thing it could be? I'm really at my wits end with this thing. Is there any more prodding I can do with the multimeter? Thanks in advance.
  8. So finally got the bike fixed but I haven't been able to figure out which position is which. Looking at it from the left hand side, the arrow in the 9 o'clock position is ON, right? Which is reserve - 7 o'clock or 10 o'clock? Both make my bike run like poo after a minute. Maybe the reserve setting bummed out? Any help appreciated!
  9. OK, little update: Looked at the plug wires and by 'end caps' I guess you meant those little nubs inside the wire. They are all there. I thought you meant the little screw on parts (that's the technical term) that come with new plugs. I poked my multimeter in there trying to get some kind of reading came up with nothing. Not really sure how you check an end cap.... Checked coil resistance....2.7 ohms, right in the acceptable range. It did take a little poking around to get it which makes me wonder if I should clean those little terminals on top of the coil or if that would even help. They're not Hulk green, just a pale pastel hue. So, yeah losin my mind a little. Last guess is its something in the wiring, which looks super duper fun trying to figure out. Fuel is good, I promise. Where to start now????
  10. Going back to the fuel thing - I removed the fuel line and put the end into a gas can and played with the switch to see what position did what, while in prime fuel was pouring out, so it seemed to work wonderfully. Sorry - failed to mention that I already replaced the plugs. Not sure what you mean by the caps, they don't seem to have any - its the kind where the wire pushes straight onto the thread of the plug. I followed wiring here and there, but it such a mess (so many) its hard to pinpoint anything. Nothing is glaringly obvious. As far as checking for spark, I removed one plug (#1) and connected it with a wire and placed it against the side of the engine block = ground. Then watched it as I attempted to start it.
  11. Yeah, eliminated that as I initially thought that was the problem. Yes there is a prime, which I used after reinstalling the carbs. Definitely spark problem not fuel, though why, I don't know....
  12. Hey Guys! So I've been lurking & reading other/older posts but feel like I should just ask myself: Recently purchased an 86 FZ600, got to ride it once then it died 3 times on the way home. Bought a multimeter - battery is good and its charging (when it runs). Removed and thoroughly cleaned the carbs. Fresh gas and fuel filter. Still nothing. Will not start, but the few times it did, its dies soon after. There's NO SPARK. My first guess is the ignition coils, but it seems like there's too many possibilities. Basically I don't have a lot of money to just throw around, I'd like to know how/where to test and narrow it down. Any help would be appreciated. I'll come shovel your driveway in the winter. Thanks!! Guenther
  13. Hey Guys! So I've been lurking & reading other/older posts but feel like I should just ask myself: Recently purchased an 86 FZ600, got to ride it once then it died 3 times on the way home. Bought a multimeter - battery is good and its charging (when it runs). Removed and thoroughly cleaned the carbs. Fresh gas and fuel filter. Still nothing. Will not start, but the few times it did, its dies soon after. There's NO SPARK. My first guess is the ignition coils, but it seems like there's too many possibilities. Basically I don't have a lot of money to just throw around, I'd like to know how/where to test and narrow it down. Any help would be appreciated. I'll come shovel your driveway in the winter. Thanks!! Guenther
  14. Hey Guys! So I've been lurking & reading other/older posts but feel like I should just ask myself: Recently purchased an 86 FZ600, got to ride it once then it died 3 times on the way home. Bought a multimeter - battery is good and its charging (when it runs). Removed and thoroughly cleaned the carbs. Fresh gas and fuel filter. Still nothing. Will not start, but the few times it did, its dies soon after. There's NO SPARK. My first guess is the ignition coils, but it seems like there's too many possibilities. Basically I don't have a lot of money to just throw around, I'd like to know how/where to test and narrow it down. Any help would be appreciated. I'll come shovel your driveway in the winter. Thanks!! Guenther