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  1. Adzi posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    Ive heard from friends that and dealers that there is a new law coming in at th end of september this year (2008) and was wondering if its true and what does the new law change? Basically im looking to do my a2 test early next year so i will have a full restricted licance and iam possibly considering buying the new 2008 ninja as it has 33 bhp and that is all you can have with that licence, but ive heard and read that the age limit is going up to 19..... is this true? Thanks.....
  2. Adzi replied to Adzi's post in a topic in Naked
    If you dont recomend a 125 then what do you recomend a 17 year old rides? How fast would a derestricted r125 go?
  3. Adzi replied to Adzi's post in a topic in Naked
    Im from south england, near gatwick. I live in the country so surrounded by long roads to other vilages and towns. And im 16 at the moment but 17 in november. I would get a bike then but the dealer that sells the yammie only has the yellow black and white coloured left and the rs dealer is getting in all the new 08 bikes in the next few weks, so i want t order mine before they all go. If both restricted, how fast will either go?
  4. Adzi posted a post in a topic in Naked
    Im looking to buy a 125 in the next two weeks because since the new law is goin to kick in at the end of october i cant buy the new 08 ninja 250 or do the A2 test so im going to have to buy a 125 bike and i need to put a deposit on either an 2008 aprilia rs125 or 2008 yzf r125 because they sell f*ckin quickly when there in stock. Can anyone with experiance or info on either bikes (rs125 or yzf 125) like top speed or servicing or anything reli? What do you think is better value for money and overall the better bike? thanks