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Big Ross

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Everything posted by Big Ross

  1. Big Ross replied to Big Ross's post in a topic in Classics
    Thanks Alex, I know that Castrol have an additive, as do BP and Caltex, and I assume all the other oil companies do too, but has anyone used them? These additives are expensive and a pain in the a*s to use. I just want to know if they work!
  2. Big Ross replied to Big Ross's post in a topic in Classics
    I'm a bit bewildered by the range of additives. I was wondering if anybody had any experience as to which was best. They all claim to "replace lead" (which we haven't had for years) and "increase octane" (which I don't need) so you understand some of my confusion. What I think they really mean is they replace the replacement for lead ! (But then my head starts to spin around again.) Anyone used them?
  3. Big Ross replied to Big Ross's post in a topic in Classics
    That's nice to know. How long have you been using unleaded (92 octane!!!!)? I don't push the old girl all that hard (I save that for the RD) but I still worry about those valve seats!
  4. Big Ross posted a post in a topic in Classics
    The oil companies here are just phasing out Lead Replacement Petrol (LRP). I rely on this stuff to run both my XT500 and my SR500. Now, has anyone had any experience of running any of the big four stroke singles on unleaded? Which (if any) additives work? Do I really need them? 95 or 98 octane? The best thing the oil company rep could come up with the suggestion that I "experiment". I will, if he supplies me with a spare head for a '78 XT!
  5. Big Ross replied to Big Ross's post in a topic in Naked
    Thanks very much folks. Your advice would have been very helpful if I hadn't made the classic error of waiting one day too long. He sold it to somebody else! Forum members passing through Adelaide are welcome to form a queue and kick my stupid butt.
  6. Big Ross posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    The seat of my XT500 is well worn but in good shape. The problem is that as it has worn smooth, it has become more and more slippery. If I apply the brakes firmly, I have to brace my arms or my b*ll*cks would collide with the tank, and it would be a shame to have a dent in that lovely alloy tank! Is there any way of "de-slipperifying" vinyl, or do I have to shell out for a new cover?
  7. Big Ross posted a post in a topic in Naked
    I'm sort of pushing around the idea of buying one of these. I've been offered it at a pretty good price, and it looks as if it would meet my needs (commuting, interspersed with the occasional tour, one up) Anybody got anything to say about this model, or experiences/advice to offer? Would be grateful for some guidance. Just remember, I'm not really interested in neck snapping acceleration or attempting the land speed record.
  8. Big Ross replied to liquidcooled's post in a topic in The Bar
    Well I rode down to the shops for something to eat today. Put on all my protective gear-open face helmet, shorts, sandals, T-shirt. Thank God I remembered the sun-block cream!
  9. Big Ross replied to axl's post in a topic in The Bar
    I checked the link that moron put up. He was boasting about shooting cats with his air rifle! Just think, that's the only action AND the only pussy he ever saw, all in one! Oh yes, he misspelt "shoot".
  10. Big Ross replied to a post in a topic in The Bar
    Hell, I'm 59, got three sons, all living with lovely girls, stable relationships, and I've got no more grandkids than a plaster statue of a homosexual saint. What's going on?
  11. From the oldest git here, Hi! Let's not bring any grudges from old forums. That will give us the fun of starting new ones!
  12. Big Ross replied to N_Tart's post in a topic in The Bar
    Go on Beez, admit you knew it was "Keats" all the time. And always remember: It could be worse, you might be riding in a hearse.
  13. Big Ross replied to JohnR6's post in a topic in The Bar
    Thank you for the kind invitation. I just did it!
  14. Big Ross replied to JohnR6's post in a topic in The Bar
    I think XT Alan has a really good point when he says we mod our bikes to reflect our image. Many of my bikes have finished up in the sort of 60s cafe racer style that reflects my age (59). Whilst I do like my bikes to be either 100% original, or sculpted to please me (no in-between) I will also make the point that I am a large and very heavily built man, and many of the mods I make, especially to handlebars and pedals, are purely a function of this. Ultimately though, I think it all comes down to the fact our bikes are extensions of ourselves. Can you really think of any other machine with which we are so intimately involved?
  15. Big Ross replied to Pete's post in a topic in The Bar
    Well, now things are back on the boil, did any of you ever see the Aussie biker movie "Stone" which featured some very cool Z1s. If you look very, very quickly and don't blink, you get to see my moment of fame on the silver screen. OK, I'll admit it wasn't a really great movie, but it had bikes!
  16. Big Ross replied to Pete's post in a topic in The Bar
    OK, I'll buy in. Name a bike around in 1973 that was better than the Kawasaki 900 for: *straight line performance *pose value *bang for the buck? They were pretty classy in their day. I know. I rode one (whilst wearing a Cromwell low crown racing special pudding basin helmet-it was kind of a watershed in my life.).
  17. Big Ross replied to liquidcooled's post in a topic in Dual Sport, Offroad Bikes
    Thanks Alan. You live and learn. Protection against what? Pedestrians? And what do the young people do with these bikes? Lean on them in the street whilst wearing very expensive sunglasses?? Come to think of it, I've got an XT with road wheels etc, but I've always called it a cafe racer. Maybe I'll get trendy in my old age and call it a supermotard!
  18. Big Ross replied to liquidcooled's post in a topic in Dual Sport, Offroad Bikes
    And I forgot to mention, those bikes look great! What are those funny black plastic bits on the forks of the left hand one? (and what's a supermotard?)
  19. Big Ross replied to liquidcooled's post in a topic in Dual Sport, Offroad Bikes
    Thanks for the welcome back guys. Yep, turned 59 last week, but Spring is nearly here, and I've only started the car once in ten days. Perfect riding weather in Adelaide at this time of year! Put the XT back on the road today (Been riding the LC) -low megaphone, ace bars, big headlight, SR500 wire wheels with twin leading shoe brake (fabulous), polished alloy tank, and short shockers to drop the back about 40mm. I think it looks great and certainly rides well. Now if I could only work out why the brake light stays on ALL the time! Considering it's now 26 years old.....!
  20. Big Ross replied to liquidcooled's post in a topic in Dual Sport, Offroad Bikes
    When we talk XT here, what are we talking about? I have a 1978 XT500 which is a fabulous bike, but doesn't sound like what you guys are talking about!
  21. Big Ross replied to R1caz's post in a topic in The Bar
    My great uncle Frank was one of the pioneers of dirt track racing back in the 1920s. He was badly injured in an accident and never fully recovered. He died in the 1970s. Apart from him, I'm the first. None of my three sons have ever got their licences for two wheelers, although they all enjoyed riding old crocks on the beach. Might be the influence of all my accidents working on them!
  22. Big Ross replied to JohnR6's post in a topic in The Bar
    I lecture in Classics. That consists of teaching Ancient Greek culture to rather sweet young girls who really don't want to know anything about it. But in my own defence, I'll point out that I used to be a truck driver
  23. Big Ross replied to JohnR6's post in a topic in The Bar
    I lecture in Classics. That consists of teaching Ancient Greek culture to rather sweet young girls who really don't want to know anything about it. But in my own defence, I'll point out that I used to be a truck driver
  24. Big Ross replied to gaz's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    I'm old (58). I've got three bikes and a car (a fucking big Mercedes Benz). I had a bike before I had a car. I reckon that has made me a much better driver. The average car driver is a brain dead fuckwit. My father said to me when I was just learning to ride, "Treat everybody else on the road as if they were trying to kill you." That was the only good advice he ever gave me.
  25. Big Ross replied to yammie girl's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    Yes, keep laughing you young bastards. I'm nearly 60. Bought a pack of three condoms the other day. It was the "Over 55 Special", and clearly marked "Lifetime Supply".