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  1. Ok thanks a lot i have a lot better idea know.
  2. Ok, can i just ask what looks like it needs replacing?
  3. Now im getting an idea. Just been out to look at the bike and yes i believe i have ran out of gearbox oil.. the bike wont go out of neutral either. I tried filling it with oil the other day and bump starting it but it didn't free up. The bike has done 15,600 miles. I have my Haynes manual but i dont know what to look at first. Where do i start?
  4. Just to clarify, is the gearbox oil on the right hand side of the bike (on the kick start bit, it says i should fill 750ml)? If so it is here i have ran out of oil. Is ths the transmission oil or gearbox oil? Where are they both located. oldgitonabike i noticed you are from derbyshire, where abouts may i ask?
  5. Im not quite sure how much it has gone down, it wasnt full full but there was a lot in it . How would i go about draining the gearbox oil (i could do this tomorrow). How expensive we talking for a mechainc to do it? If its too expensive i may just have to bite the bullet and buy a new one.
  6. ok thanks a lot for your help, you've been great
  7. Ok, what should i tell the mechaic is wrong with it? How much is it gonna cost me
  8. I'm not sure. I have a bottle at the front of the bike (in which i fill with 2 stroke oil) and this was full. But i did not fill the engine 'casing' bit with oil and this ran out. I cannot see where the oil is dripping from its hard to find. Hope this helps
  9. Im in Chesterfield, about 10miles from Sheffield. I could probably get access to a van. How much am i looking at to get this fixed (complete engine strip down estimate). The oil i beleive was coming from the engine itself althouggh i am not sure. Any suggestions? Sorry about my inexperience im new to biking.
  10. Is it really that serious. I read that i may just need a top end rebuild and this would only cost around £150. Is this true or is my bike a complete write off? Should i take to a mechanic, do it myself, or buy a new bike?
  11. Hi. I have been riding my yamaha dt 125 now for around 2 months. It is a 1991 model. It has been leaking oil now for about a month, anyway, last night i was riding and suddenly i lost all power and had to pull over. I tried to kick start it but it was making a strange clunking noise and wouldnt start. I then went to bump start it but again it made a very strange noise and then died. I got it home after pushing it 2 miles and tried kick starting it again, the kick start stuck after about a third of the way down. My dad put it down to running out of engine oil and the engine has 'seized'. Whats everyones thoughts, how much would it cost to get it fixed at a mechanic? Or is it a simple job i can do myself. I am not GREAT with bikes but i can follow instructions well. Sorry about the long post i just want everyone to know the details.