Everything posted by sturdeebiker
Handle Bar Grips
Thanks very much
Handle Bar Grips
or these: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=190286251001&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT
Handle Bar Grips
Hi All, Very mature lady rider with a 57 plate 650a Classic Dragstar and thinking of a few modifications starting with the handlebar grips. I have no idea what size I need but have found some here: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=190286253831&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT Being a complete novice who so far has done nothing other than attach the Optimate and put in petrol (get the rest done at my dealer's)I would like to know if I need 1" or 7/8ths" diameter grips and how easy it is. I know, I know - I will learn as time goes on!!! If this is not too difficult I may try the pipe drilling and some brake pedal replacements next!! Man, am I brave Thanks in advance
Another Dragstar 650 V&H Cruzers topic!
Where was your local shop???? £340 fitted sounds a good price as almost £400 for pipes now
Front Brakes
As a new biker I have little DIY experience but am keen to learn. I do all the pre-ride checks and visuals but dont know much else. Am getting the bike out more after less riding in winter. It has developed an intermittent squeeking from the front brake, sometimes even more of a scrunch. I took it to the local dealer who said the brakes are fine, and cleaned the disk for me, then rode it up and down the road. Said it was fine. Bike was serviced a week later and was told again brake fine but the it's back again after two weeks and feels like its constantly rubbing on the disk now. The bike is only just over a year old and done less than 4k miles. Disk is nice and smooth. I ignorantly think I probably dont need to take the brake apart as the pads visibly still have plenty of life in them but don't know what to do about the noise. Can I clean them somehow without taking apart and if so what with? I have tried riding it and braking hard to see if it releases any grit or anything (suggested by the technician who also said not to worry about continuous contact of pad to disk as that's normal - is this true?). This braking hard seems a short-term fix sometimes, but returns again. Any suggestions please?
The Cure and 750 Virago
Have any of you guys heard anything about a 1991 750 Virago that was once owned by a member of The Cure. Has a custom paint job in mauve/green and loads of extras in chrome. Any help tracking/confirming this info would be greatly appreciated
I had the 125 version and went up to a 650 Dragstar Classic 4 days after passing my test. If the 950 is better than mine, then it must be good. Sure looks good in Goff's pics. My nephew is over 6 foot tall and rides my 650 comfortably. Where in the south are you????
Hey Goff, Very envious. What did you do with your beautiful 650 Dragstar?
It's the little pic under member name that I was trying to get on
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Where's the little pic? I have uploaded and its not showing. Man I hate IT!!!
Am liking your bikes boys but mine looks so different. Need to fathom out how to get a pick up here
Cheap mods?...
Been looking at having a go at my own decals too. Found the paper on this site and you can use inkjet or laser jet. Was just curious how well it turned out if anyone has actually done some? Also did you waterproof or not bother (says laserjet is already waterproof but I am not sure that would be permanently). If anyone has any pics of DIY decals would appreciate a view Cheers
Vance and Hines exhaust help
My plan is to replace them the day the warranty expires! I have been advised by two different sources that re-jetting is not necessary but I will follow that up nearer the time. I agree that having more volume makes cars more aware, and a friend was knocked off when a car driver said he wasnt aware he was there, since when he always has loud pipes. I ride often in a group of six, one Bonneville, one Fazer, one Daytona (I think!), one Harley, one 250 Dragstar (hubbie's), and my 650 Dragstar. The Harley is the bike that cars seem to move over for! You always know where he is when riding together. And his pipes aren't the loudest I have heard on a Harley. It was quite funny that a work colleague said she saw and heard me go roaring past her house the other evening so maybe the bike sounds louder than I think. She knew it was me as I have a quite unusual pink bike jacket and a champagne coloured bike, which you dont see too many of, round here at least! I would like to know how you get on with the replacement though. Goff tells me it is quite simple and I am sure she knows what she is talking about. Me...... I am very unknowledgeable and don't mind admitting it. What year is your bike? Take it easy.
Vance and Hines exhaust help
Hi, When I was seeking advice the guy at 1066 Custom Cycles was very good and he said the 31501 was the right system for European metric conversion XVS650 dragstar classic from 1998 - 2007 models. AND he offered to deliver it next day as I am local to him. I know you have already ordered but thought this may bring some peace of mind........ if indeed this is correct advice!!! I have put in a link to the page. Haven't done mine yet as it's quite new and I need to wait until the warranty is up, which is not till December next year. But the bike is sounding better as it gets miles on it, and I am gradually getting used to hearing the bike rather than "feeling" the shaft drive, which I was getting confused at the outset due to being a new (returning from 70s/80s) rider and never having had a bigger bike myself, and certainly not one with shaft drive. I have seen/heard a few 650s with louder pipes and they sound great (mostly down at Hastings in May when I was still a learner lusting after the 650 Classic), but alas I shall have to be patient and wait. Will be interested to see how you go though. This is the link: http://www.1066customcycles.co.uk/acatalog...V-Star_650.html Happy Riding!!!
High Heels and bikes
Peein down here too and we are supposed to be the sunniest town in the UK!! No bike riding for me today. Hence sittin on the internet looking for a holiday. Was your paint job expensive? (If you dont mind me asking)
High Heels and bikes
Me too. In our house OH rides a 250 Dragstar and me the 650! Girl Power eh, hehehe. It's great when we turn up for the rides. Bless him. Don't you spend that long polishing your bike then Goff? I am like a thing possessed when I give mine a good going over. Last time I did her I followed up by washing, resin polishing then high gloss polishing the Beamer too. Man did my arms ache next day. But I do like them both looking nice. Besides I live next to sea and dont want all that salt causing a problem with my chrome!!
High Heels and bikes
Hear Hear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wonder how many of them have spent 4-5 hours polishing a dragstar? LMAO
High Heels and bikes
Two bikes flew down a road near me the other day doing about 70 in a 30. Both riders in t.shirts/jeans. Both female pillions in shorts and vests................. AND high heels. Not only that one of them was on L plates!! Donuts, eh? I agree with Goff, but some people just won't compromise their appearance in favour of safety. Maybe they should introduce some kind of penalty system for it by making it compulsory to ride safety gear like they did with helmets years ago. Mind you, they weren't compulsory when I first got on a bike in January 1973!! TTFN
Vance and Hines exhaust help
http://www.1066customcycles.co.uk/acatalog...V-Star_650.html I think these may be the ones you need. I tracked them down but have not purchased as I was told they would invalidate my warranty. so will put up with the pipes that came on the bike for another 18 months! I rang the guy up and he said they def fit a 2007 Dragstar, classic or standard, and dont need any other bits and pieces or re-jetting. Hope it's of help
I got my 650 classic on 24th May having just passsed my test and have already done more miles on it than I did in a 14 months on a 125 Dragstar after doing CBT and before taking test. It goes really well even with a restrictor to 33bhp on it. Mind you, I dont want fast I want comfortable and toodle! It's a shame I havent still got the 125 as it was in pristine condition with all the extras and I ended up trading it in for nowhere near what it was worth so as not to miss the 650 I so desperately wanted!!! Mind you I did get a screen, sissybar, crash bars, passing lamps and saddlebag supports with the 650 so it was not too bad a deal. Hope you enjoy your Silverado as much as I enjoy my Classic. I absolutely love mine. TTFN
Newbie beggin advice on Exhausts 650 Dragstar
Thanks very much Goff. It's a dilemma, especially when you don't know much but I shall look up the Caligula pipes and see where it takes me. Cheers.
Newbie beggin advice on Exhausts 650 Dragstar
Good Day All, I am a newbie to all this so let me intro myself. 50 something happily married woman living on South Coast. Kids all grown up and just achieved a lifetime dream by passing my test in May and now proud owner of 2007 650 Dragstar. I wonder if anyone out there can advise me on replacement pipes to make her sound a bit louder, more as a safety precaution than anything else. Have tracked down some Vance & Hines Cruzers which appear okay but am not sure if this is the way to go. My technical knowledge on bikes could be written on the end of a matchstick! Hubbie does not "do" technical/mechanical. Any advice would be most appreciated. Thanks very much
Vance and Hines exhaust help
Hi. I am pondering doing exactly the same thing so will keep an eye on your responses and let you know any info I manage to find out. A local supplier tells me that the Cruzers look and sound great, do not need re-jetting if you dont change the air thingy (filter maybe?), and can be swapped in an hour or so, which is handy for MOT days! I am a new owner with a 2007 Classic 650 having only recently passed my test/bought the bike so any advice is great help in making the decision. Will let you know if I find any more info.