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Everything posted by JimR

  1. JimR replied to KDiDP's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Hi is this bike a 2D or an E (or later) modal ? Regards Jim
  2. JimR replied to amazongary's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Hi Gary, not a hope in that working XJ900 carbs are horizontal mount, Divi vertical ... I guess its down to Ebay to find some 900 Divi carbs.. they have come up on there quite often. I also have a 900 divi which sat in a barn for about 4 years and am in the process of tidying it up so I saved some searches on Ebay and saw carbs come up quite often Regards Jim
  3. JimR replied to mike1949's post in a topic in The Bar
    Thats fair enuff but I passed a class 1 test and only had 4 years .. ok I am well over 45 years old and the C licence thing runs out in 5 years but prior to that I had an extra time so does having a class 1 reduce the time the ticket is valid for ? I am well aware that the medical would appear to ensure the C type licence is still entact and I agree that guys in fast cars whatever their age are a menace gut also there is the boy racer element within m/c riders that for sure should go thro the same as I need to in order to retain my C catagory Regards Jim
  4. JimR replied to mike1949's post in a topic in The Bar
    Hi Mike, as being a lgv driver you need to keep to be on top of DVLA/governent ideas and by the same point you need to read your licence in order to work out when the thing is invalid ... not DVLA's fault ... just yours they set the peraminters not you so I guess just abide with them so if you do not read that the photo card lasts until such point that you have got older ... 17 yr old with an A licence will lock some what different by the age 27 by the same token I will look different in 5 years time so It is good that LGV drivers need to renew and for sure high powered m/c licences should be the same ... I would guess the big scooter riders would disagree as they appear too be the worst ... from my point of view if I cannot drive a truck I can no longer ride a bike so I will give up both at such point when you become a danger to other people. Regards Jim
  5. JimR replied to mike1949's post in a topic in The Bar
    Hi Mike Terms & Conditions Regards Jim
  6. JimR replied to mike1949's post in a topic in The Bar
    Hi, Thats what I am saying if you have a photo card you need to update it in the same time as a passport .. passport=10 years photo licence=10 years so If I go to the far east with an out of date passport they will 'turn a blind eye' so if you do say that as my passport runs out in about a week or 2 from now and have a trip planed in september so can I have your insurance that my passport will be good for that trip and I will not be inprisoined for not having the correct documents ?I guess you will not insure me ... same as the driving docs ... but what ever you guys just get 'pulled' for an obvious over sight ... just up to you. Regards Jim
  7. JimR replied to mike1949's post in a topic in The Bar
    Hi, dont forget the picture upgrade as in previous msg but by the same token it is good that HGV/LGV drivers are given a 5 year life on their licence there is a chance that the driver may not be able to drive any more due to medical reasons ok m/c riders perhaps should be within the same restriction as modern bikes are as dangerous as drivers of large trucks. The pic will last for 10 years .. the same as a passport so a renewed licence may only have 5 years to go when renewed ... I just cannot see the problem if you read the t&c's it tells you Regards Jim
  8. JimR replied to mike1949's post in a topic in The Bar
    Hi from what I can see it's the photo that needs to be changed in the 10 year span the entilement will remain if the licence is renewed, you didnt mention passports which have the same 'shelf life'(how much does a passport cost ?) and their renewal is down to the photo not dipicting how you currently look.. with regard to 4b on the front of the card it rang bells with me as 4a gives you the start date... so 4b will be the end date .. simple if you flip my card over I have some entilments running out in 2030 and some in 2014 but the overall card running out in 2014 ... Ok if you dont drive for a living the card is just a 'new fangled' thing but it would be better if you read the notes that came with it & understood what each field/box ment. As I am a HGV driver I tend to read all licence notes to insure that I still have the correct licence to drive the said vehicle but I can imagine a std licence holder would just throw it all in a drawer . oddly enuff I have the card run out in 07/14 and one entitlement run out in 04/14 so I will have to pay twice, I guess you will not have that problem as your photo will last 10 years and your licence until your 70 ... as long as you renew it with a fresh pic so if your happy to renew a passport what is wrong with your licence being updated ? Ok at a cost but from the figures you mention well less than a passport. Oh dont forget that you may need to do your tacho card and cpc at the same time more expense but if you want to drive you need to be safe ! Regards Jim
  9. JimR replied to asmudgexj600's post in a topic in The Bar
    Hi There, so the bike belonged to a slow rider on short journeys, when I worked on these bikes we used to call this mayonaise ... i.e the white stuff which was caused by the bike doing short journeys and/or long journeys at low speed .. the oil cooler over cooled the oil which ment the oil condensed and had a high water content and turned the oil white but I would guess your bike has extended 'mayonaise', i.e the breather being full, so some more work may be required ... which is to blank the oil cooler for a few miles (perhaps 300~500) in order to make sure no more water is left in the motor, drain & refill the oil & filter and keep checks on the oil colour thro the sight glass ... I mention this as if the white stuff can effect the gearbox lube. Regards Jim
  10. JimR replied to asmudgexj600's post in a topic in The Bar
    Hi There, well done on the test ... just wondered how you fixed the problem... as this maybe useful to others Regards Jim
  11. The chain is endless no joining link, to remove undo the camshaft sproket and remove the stator plate/mag and the chain will pull out at the crankshaft end( dont forget to tie something to it so you can pull the new one through) would the valve timming be about ½ a tooth out with the chain in tension ? If so this is quite normal and is just wear in the chain but anymore than that its out & needs attention. If you set the valve timming with a worn chain/tensioners you may need to set the timming a tooth out when slack as when tension is applied the timming will become correct, if set correct slack the timming will be out when tensioned which can cause the valve to strike the piston. When fitting a new cam chain it is good practice to fitt new tensioners also, as the adjusting tensioner may have been bent to far for too long and has become weak. To undo the nut on the camshaft a good strap wrench around the mag or the correct flywheel holder will do the job. But as you stripped motor #1 how did you undo the nut that time as it would need to be undo in order to reset the valve timming. Regards Jim
  12. JimR replied to tzr92's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Try the pick up coil as stated before hot & cold and insure that it is within the spec at both temps also test the stator just to ensure this is also correct. charge and lighting could also be tested as you have the meter to hand Regards Jim
  13. Cooo, you youngsters have not lived !! I rode from Worcester to London every week on an FS1E (good old '76) that journey was 160 miles(ish) and cost about a quid to do (petrol was cheap 72p per gallon or 4.5xx litres) and the 2 stroke oil cost about 10p per shot so whats the problem with it now costing a fiver or so !!! Regards Jim
  14. JimR replied to wild foamy's post in a topic in General
    Oh Ok, everyone will have to re write their parts books! I guess if you manage to get a YPV front end to fit the Jawa you will be doing well unless you spend loadsa time re machining the Jawa yokes in order to fit the YPV bits, the Yamaha yokes will not fit . But it would be good to see .. when you have it done I'll pop over to Newbury to see the finished result Regards Jim
  15. JimR replied to wild foamy's post in a topic in General
    so therefore there is no need to change the clutch (ur lucky) so why bother thinking about trying to fit some thing that wont work ? but an oil change .... I think not if you have clutch problems i.e sticky you may need to look at the information I imparted earlier but I'm sure you know what to do with the old Slovak
  16. JimR replied to Andyjb's post in a topic in Naked
    Oh come on, the FZ750 pure sports with its 5 valve head & trick bits was well popular, but we have been here b4 (air cooled FZ600 etc) I sold loads of that bike & I guess from your history (working in the industry at the time the bike was produced) you would know that. the FZ750 was the 'blue print' for the FZR1000 (1988) which then turned into the YZF, so if you dont know about 1988 machines I would guess it is no point in posting stuff about bikes you dont seem to remember. But the 1988 FZ750 was solid (there is one in my area with about 70k on it and it still runs like the day it was new). It would be a good buy if the machine has not been let go ! Regards Jim
  17. JimR replied to wild foamy's post in a topic in General
    Hi W/F are you having a laff ? The Slovak chariot needs its own clutch in order to run the odd function you found via the kickstart/gearchange lever, if you have stripped the motor (Jawa) you will see it bears no resemblance to any Yamaha clutch (assuming you have looked at a Yamaha clutch also) so the best you can do (I guess the Jawa clutch is slipping like crazy) is to research if a friction plate manufacturer (other than Jawa) produces the same friction plate, then obtain some new plain plates (Jawa issue I guess, may be EBC ? ) fit them and if possible find someone who produces springs that work ! Sorry to pee on ur bonfire but I did work on those 'odd machines' and it would appear you are having the same problems users of that motor had back in the 70's Regards Jim
  18. JimR replied to YamaGod's post in a topic in Classics
    hmm un usable data, it would be better to post a link to the site so the page could be viewed as is rather than a cut & paste, where all colums & data are lost. Regards Jim
  19. JimR replied to tzr92's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    To Right OG, with the pick up adjusting the timming dynamically if it starts to break down the timming will end up different to how the motor was designed to run and therefore will supply a missfire due to the timming being incorrect for that motor at a given rpm.. perhaps we should go back to points to insure the timming stays within a fixed, but acceptable frame ! I have a Reiju RS2 (same motor as TZR) and to be honest after 'lifting the bonnet' I can see there could be a point that the ignition system will fail. Regards Jim
  20. JimR replied to wild foamy's post in a topic in The Bar
    hmm so some one else had one of those ! I guess you dont see it on I want one of thse dot com, perhaps it would be good to start a web site 'I had one of those dot com' Regards Jim
  21. JimR replied to Ardy's post in a topic in The Bar
    Hi Ardy, glad you got the old 'beast' going.. using a fag paper takes me back to 70's .. they guy at the collage I studied at used this as a 'get you home' method but as I still cannot find a meter I'll just have to set little 2 strokes up this way. I notice you have FS1's also they will be setup the same ... Regards Jim
  22. JimR replied to wild foamy's post in a topic in The Bar
    hi W/f the sillest thing I did was to switch the front brake & clutch cables over on an old YG1 which belonged to a girl I fancied ..... just so I could 'fix' it Regards Jim
  23. JimR replied to nayruf's post in a topic in Classics
    Hi, so you changed the can to suit the bulbs.. i know new relays are there to sort out all watages but here is a chance an old machine may need the correct stuff attached to it Regards Jim
  24. JimR replied to Madison Motorsport's post in a topic in General
    Hi W/f I would guess that would count on what you need from the pc there is a point that a lesser unit will do the job .. without throwing cash (or Jawa's) at the project. my old old MS Dos V5 with an 8088 processor allows resonable connection to the net or as it was the uni servers all you need to do is write the gateway, which if you need it I could supply written in assembler code (A86) Regards Jim
  25. JimR replied to stevemvs's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Hi Steve, Yamaha bought MBK (motobecane or mobylette as the French company was then called) in the early 80's and produced scooters (Neos/Areox) there and also Yamaha & MBK badged electric cycles .... google Yamaha PAS. So along with the Itallian engine manufacturer I would guess MBK to be a part of Yamaha europe so a search for Yamaha luggage or something of that sort may produce the result you need. Regards Jim