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Everything posted by JimR

  1. yeh right .... I'm still carving stuff in stone with good old flint tools !!!
  2. If you do perhaps a Burmise would hit the spot ! Regards Jim
  3. Oh ok I'll keep stum then ! Regards Jim
  4. Never thought of that !!! I'll have to look out for that next time !!! Regards Jim
  5. Well you have to remember (before the weather went haywire) if was possible to get a suntaned arse (with the right girl) & I guess that would be cred Regards Jim
  6. Hi Drewps the old lady & I ran across ( she wanted to go punting) so after being fully punted up I went in search of Barwell ( I thought the hair style would give him away.... but alas no sign ... so we ended you have in lunch at the pen and parchment and had a bit of a chat with some guys from March on they way home from a camping weekend ! Regards Jim
  7. don't forget I'm on your side here ! Regards Jim
  8. As I don't frequent those areas I would not have a clue, just like mentioning stuff this way (down south) I know I may appear insular but tbh I would rather run to my south & west rather than the M5,M42,M1 etc as the directions I mention require no motorways in order to have a good ride & a meal ... maybe I'm wrong I just hate motorways ! Regards Jim
  9. Hi WF the Jawa is normal to do this ... in order to heat you the relay both bulbs must be drawing current if a bulb blows or is disconnected or has a bad earth. With the both lights staying on this would indicate (excuse the pun) a bad earth. If current is supplied at a high rate they will flash faster (the relay contacts heat up quicker) to the point when the bike is flat out its difficult to work out if they are flashing or not ..... a cure is to fit a jap flasher can (of the correct wattage or replace the bulbs to suit the new can) and make sure the earths are spot on !!! btw there's nothing wrong with slovak hogs ... I love um ! Regards Jim
  10. are you talking of the Drum & Monkey at Longdon worcs or elsewhere ? Regards Jim
  11. Hi, the olny difference was you played 'Rugger' rather than Rugby and lived there 24/7 ... our dayboys were educated the same as us (state) for free but the buggers could go home after leasons !!! Regards Jim
  12. Hi Vic, whats wrong with the bike ? are you sure the coils are acting up ? Regards Jim
  13. Well if it was his ..... what can you say but if he was a paid actor what a waste ! Regards Jim
  14. Well yorkshire is a long haul from here so say Squires it means very little to me but by the same token if I mentioned I was going to Fletchers or The Apple Tree which would be the pub ? Regards Jim
  15. Hi Alec, Remember the raduis of a 17 inch wheel (FS1) and an 18 inch wheel (YB100) is different, save you buying one I've got a scrapper (FS1) mudguard that you experiment with ... but from memory even with using the higher bolts holes the tyre still rubbed on the guard !!! Regards Jim
  16. Where's that ? a pub perchance Regards Jim
  17. Hi, if the plug still has a protective cover over the electrode you should not need to gap it but you could check that the gap is about 0.7mm – 0.8mm Regards Jim
  18. I stand corrected ... there is a software issue ! you must have been typing when I viewed your reply as it appeared blank until I went back to it a few seconds later (after my post) .... I would get them to look at the engine before you go to the expense of fitting the tyre ... just in case the engine repair makes the bike not cost effective ! Regards Jim
  19. You didn't post anything ..... perhaps a bug in the system !!! Regards Jim
  20. Well as the weather was nice the Divi came out & had a run to Stratford Upon Avon had a bit of a look around the city ... then I came across some barges on the river/canel area &there was 2 guys performing in just thongs .. I'm sure the one was Barwell . Its worth a run to just to see all the odd bikes & Trikes .... There was an old reliant which had been turned into a Trike (rather than plastic pig) but heyho each to their own ! Regards Jim
  21. Did you work on police 5 ? Regards Jim
  22. Hi Mike Thats Gutting !!! Regards Jim
  23. Hi Mark, I also work Saturdays .. so no probs Sunday is the only free time ... Devizes just reminds me of a town that I quaffed losts of local ale .. and I'm sure that is not much further than good old Swindon !!! Regards Jim
  24. And so did I that day/week ( I must admit I used the Vespa) but as the HGV's could not be driven I was home (via the Vespa) just after nine ... but I did drive down the very steep hill and wobbled up it !!! Regards Jim
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