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Everything posted by JimR

  1. JimR

    Divvy 900s

    to the forum Gaps just buy a heli kit & junk the metal work over the front mudguard .. you get 2 lines & a longer bolt to the master cylinder ... job sorted ! Regards Jim
  2. JimR

    XJ 650 4KO

    to the forum how much do you want ? Regards Jim
  3. JimR

    Jawa electrics

    Hi Steve, to do no load checks ... do the following :- disconect the genni from the loom, connect the volt meter to the genni (ac don't forget) and start the bike if you have shed loads of volts from this test the genni is sound if not it needs to be thrown away !!!! I have given u the process in previous posts so just do it ... unless you need help on it . if so i'll pick the tubes up & look at your wires Regards Jim
  4. Hi Thats odd no 1/4 bearings availble but if you wish to fit taper bearings I guess it will be fine apart from the cost ! Regards Jim
  5. Markie just balance the carbs Regards Jim
  6. Hi Rayne, do I understand from this you bought the bike 'out of your area' and then took it to a local dealer to fix it ? I could see some animosity from the repairing dealer ... I.E look after those (due to the hard times) who look after us then do the other shops repairs later as their customers may come back again & keep them going. It was true Yamaha pay the labour content to the the repairing dealer, and the job may produce income for that shop , but by the same token they would like to put their customers first (the guys who kept that shop running), if you take that repair space, take into account if the shop had gone under you would have had to transport the bike further for the repair to be effected and as I guess you know transport to a repairing agent is down to you ! But as I have done repairs as a non selling agent I found the customer tended to be a bit aloof and tbh if someone spent 4k on the bike with me I would pull the stops out to repair it the others will have to que so did you bike out of town ? Regards Jim
  7. JimR

    Jawa electrics

    Hi Steve, you are over complexing the problem .... did you do the base no load checks ? .... nine times out of ten the Jawa suffered from bad wiring ..... green earths etc .. to change the reg is the last resort ! Regards Jim
  8. Hi, I can see what happend .. there were still some pre Divi XJ600's kicking around in the early 90's your supplier went off registration rather than model year ! Regards Jim
  9. All thats wrong is the timing is out after the obvious (coil, wiring & switches) have been tested some where on here is a thread that runs the same ... I'll look for it & post a link Regards Jim
  10. Hi Steve, a bit like a pogo stick ... not to good from the vertical ! Regards Jim
  11. nah its only me who needs to go there ! Regards Jim
  12. Hi Rayne, if they do the bikes down time will be one day Regards Jim
  13. I managed to out run a H1 on an RD 200 round the lanes where i lived the 200 was stock & the H1 had had one of them box section swing arms fitted (that was supposed to dehinge it) I guess it didn't work ... bang the lump in a Bimota frame and it may have been different Regards Jim
  14. Dont let that get out (just keep it between us ) as there may be some urine extractors out there ! Regards Jim
  15. for the older views can you translate this as my phrase book does not appear to have these words in it Regards Jim
  16. Nice Runabout .... is that an RM6 or RM4 ? Regards Jim
  17. not to good me thinks !!! The word hinge seems to spring to mind ! Regards Jim
  18. cool spelt an odd way perhaps ! Regards Jim
  19. you should have been there in 1975 !!!! it was batter than http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7oCWtOuep3c or as modern slant look at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=binuweu7kOM. oh OK I like folk music someone has to !!! But if the lyrics are listened to they are as topical today as when the song was written back at the end of the Napoleonic wars, the wedding point I was adding something old (& oddly topical) Regards Jim
  20. Hi Barry, it sounds like engine tune up time ... if the carbs have been balanced/mix set recently was the YICS shut off tool used ? If not you will get the symptoms you describe if not I would do the full job ... valve clearences, ignition timing check, cam chain tension, carb balance & mixture strength. & don't forget the YICS shut off tool ! Regards Jim
  21. Hi Rayne, hang on in there ... you may find that the resolution is that Yamaha send one of there own techs down to fix the bike at the dealers ... this is 2 fold ..... 1) Customer appeasment 2) training course for the dealers mechanics Regards Jim
  22. Hi Dwell is measured as an angle: with contact ignition, the points gap determines the dwell angle. The definition of contact ignition dwell is: ‘the number of degrees of points cam rotation with the contacts in the closed position’. As an example, a 4 cylinder engine will have a dwell of approximately 45 degrees, which is 50% of one cylinders complete primary cycle. Therefore a twin will have a dwell angle of 22½ degrees. after some hunting on the net I would guess this one will do the trick ! http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B000RA2MLS/ref=...mp;linkCode=asn. to find more about dwell angle, google 'motorcycle dwell angle' and you will find some good technical docs that explain it & you can make your mind up from there but tbh the difference between a bike with the points gapped and set with dwell is quite amazing Regards Jim
  23. Here's a random one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jfAnGYXc4Q4. just thought I'd add something topical but odd ! Regards Jim
  24. JimR


    don't worry you still have 2 hands ! Regards Jim
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