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Everything posted by JimR

  1. Hi Bob, No problem .... if you get stuck post messages !!! Regards Jim
  2. JimR

    1981 Yamaha xs 400

    Hi Dave, Tappets (translate from English) = Check the Valve Clearances .MM intake .MM exhaust To Balance the Carbs you will need vacuum gauges The Mixture screws would be adjusted in conjunction with the balance operation. As you are new to mechanics it would be good to track down a workshop manual to familiarize your self with the bike and some mechanical terms etc etc, but if you want a talk thro let me now Regards Jim
  3. JimR


    Hi, I would guess it's a grey area ! Ask the Question who would own a 35 tonner for personal use ? I would guess a Steam Rally bod or rather large motor home and/or horse box as I would guess you wouldn't run the 35 tonner down to Tescos for the weekly shop ! which then leaves the hire & reward bit .... how do you define professional ? if someone gives you a tenner & pays the fuel to move their horse that becomes Hire & Reward (CPC needed) But the original comment was If this system was filtered down to other vehicles (Bikes & Cars) what would happen ? Would loads of drivers & Riders give up simply because of the cost obtaining the CPC. Regards Jim
  4. Hi, also check that part 10's are still springy, clean parts 5 & 6. not forgetting to remove all the carbon from the grooves in part 5. Regards Jim
  5. JimR

    1981 Yamaha xs 400

    Hi Dave, I guess your bike is misfiring when cold. Perhaps you should adjust the mix screws & balance the carbs .... TBH while your at it I would check the tappits, Timing & Dwell and along with that put some new plugs in & this should fix the problem. Regards Jim
  6. Hi Wolfeh, is this a little air cooled motor or a watercooled motor ? If it's a/c I do know a bit about the motor & how to set it up w/c bikes came in when I finished in the M/C trade Regards Jim
  7. Hi, I guess the bike has been serviced, in order to sort out the engine problems. if the motor has carbs I would sugest the problem lies there but if the bike is FI you may need to to look at the little black boxes ..etc Regards Jim
  8. JimR


    Hi, or some random US varient of an XV !!! but if we want to talk Solvak bikes (... the big J ..Jawa) was cool I used to love bouncing the around so I guess Jawa's should not be in the same area as the early Skoda jokes ! Regards Jim
  9. Hi Martti, if the bike charges the battery the alternator/Generator will be working fine but if you also have those problems it may be worth having a look at the brushes ... (the bike did tend to eat them), which would cure the charging circut. 31A was the model code for that year across europe ... only difference was the UK ones were R/H drive Regards Jim
  10. Hi, Crash course with TZR's To start from flooded switch the fuel off, no choke and the throttle wide open after some pushing or kicking the bike will start (if well flooded pushin starting would be better). What grade of plug are you using ? Is the bike std ? & don't forget the mix screw only adjusts the bike while it is running (it is possible to start the bike with the screw in whatever position but it may not idle too well and run well else where OK). Other problems that may cause a soaked plug is a lack of compression or the carb in need of cleaning and lastly the ignition circut up the duff. I guess it would be good to 'redo from start' (to coin an early computer phrase) and just check the lot out ! Regards Jim
  11. Hi Eyedee, I would get the bike to a Yamaha outlet before the warranty expires .. If you have stale fuel, which could case the problem, I would guess this is not the case as I guess you do ride the bike each week & need to fill the fuel tank at some point or are you just firring the bike up to make sure it still works ? Regards Jim
  12. Hi Paul, I have had a long few days at work ... I had to work past 2:00pm and missed that post !!! Sorry, Regards Jim
  13. Hi, to shed some amusement perhaps the lot (mp's & civil servants) are like the guys in 'Yes Minister' ? Regards Jim
  14. Hi Wolfeh, or perhaps a knackered starter motor .... Regards Jim
  15. Hi Drewps now I know which type of system you are using those systems used to cost poo loads in the '80s but did get around the known XS250/360/400 ignition proglems Regards Jim
  16. Hi Aaron, glad to hear the bike is on the mend !!! Regards Jim
  17. Hi, For sure its a chain !! I would guess the leak is from the adjuster which 9 out of 10 was someone tightening the bolt up to tight & putting a crack in the adjuster case or over tightening the cover & having a leak from the tensioner shaft but I would love to see an XS11 with a cam belt ! Regards Jim
  18. JimR


    Hi WD, Dust cart drivers are NOT exempt Q. Are there any exemptions to the Diver CPC? A. Drivers of the following vehicles will not be required to hold a Driver CPC: 1.A vehicle with a maximum authorised speed not exceeding 45 km/h; 2.A vehicle used by, or under the control of, the armed forces, a police force, a fire and rescue authority; 3.A vehicle undergoing road tests for technical development, repair or maintenance purposes, or of new or rebuilt Vehicles which have not yet been put into service; 4.A vehicle used in a state of emergency or assigned to a rescue mission; 5.A vehicle used in the course of driving lessons for the purpose of enabling that person to obtain a driving licence or a CPC; 6.A vehicle used for non-commercial carriage of passengers or goods for personal use; 7.A vehicle carrying material or equipment to be used by that person in the course of his or her work, provided that driving that vehicle is not that person�s principal activity. but the original point is if this works will the government roll this system back to other catogries (cars/bikes) ? is it a money spinner for someone ? Regards Jim
  19. Hi Paul, There was only one HT lead & cap the secondary plug was just sat there as a get you going thing, to save taking out a red hot wiskered plug just switch the plug cap to the second plug & away the bike goes ( perhaps ). To the UK the second hole had a blanking plug & TBH when a plug was in there it was a pain to get the cap on to it ! Regards Jim
  20. Hi, sounds like you have removed the carbon deposits from the starter motor .... should run ok now untill the brushes wear out Regards Jim
  21. and perhaps with a big cell mate !
  22. Hi Paul, The Fantic has a load of it missing and having a kickstart engine & low swept exhaust does indicate a 125 but perhaps for europe there was a 50 with a kick start rather than a pedal shaft Regards Jim
  23. Hi $60 for a pair ??? in '78 they were about £40 each if so this sounds like a bargain as Drewpy says mole grips & impact drivers will remove the screws... But dont forget there is a chance the Diaphrams are OK Regards Jim
  24. Hi yep you choked it out ... you should drop the choke off in a few secondsa after starting or the bike will fourstroke badley & if left on longer it will just end up well too rich & die ... This is more noticable if the bike is being ridden at some thing less than full bore !!!! Regards Jim
  25. Hi Martti, Thats good then ! if you need a w/s manual for a type 31A XJ900 I happen to have one in pdf form. Regards Jim
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