Hello all,
Just was interested in advise really, Im 31, been driving for 14 years, and have decided its about time I got my arse into gear and get my CBT out the way then maybe full bike license in a 6months. I love the open air, and im thinking Biking could possibly pull me away abit from my passion in cars.
Now ive taken a big interest in the Yamaha YBR 125, and mainly id like to use it for pottering about, getting into town etc, but also will do a few journeys on nice days on the country lane twisties.
For anyone that owns one of these or maybe 125 in general, how does a 125 fair up as an all round Bike? I know its not fast at all, but im more at the moment wanting to get good road sense on a Bike and obviuosly to build up my confidense then perhaps decide later on I want something with more guts.
Can 125`s cruise at 55-60 or is that absolutely pushing it? Also does anyone here ride long journeys on a 125? Im guessing a big issue would be getting stuck behind a lorry and not having the power to shoot past.
Any thoughts would be greatly apprecited
Kind Regards