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Everything posted by flake_mon1

  1. hi everyone, i took the radiator off flushed out the whole system, then i removed the thermostatic valve, i put it in a cup of boiling water and it didnt open so i am assuming that that was the problem (the thermostat not letting the water pass through hence leaving the water in the pipes to boil overheating the engine). I then put it all back together but the second i turned it on the red light was still on and stays on when i start it up, i went for a little ride it didnt overheat but the light stays on. i am thinking it may just be a faulty sensor, but i dont want to be riding it round if its overheating in case it goes BANG. Does anyone have any advice/ideas of what i should do. Im gona ride it for a bit more and see what hapens wish me luck lol
  2. thanks for your help mate,after flushing out the system if it is still playing up i will have to try this idea on the thermostat
  3. thanks for your help mikey much appriciated .i will try to back flush the system first. the water pump is it electrical or mechanical?
  4. yeh it is full up to the right amount but im not sure if it is curculating the engine because when i ride it arter a while the water just starts boiling and the engine gets steaming hot . i think it is the thermostat or the water pump but im not sure hot to check
  5. hello everyone, I was wondering if anybody could help me identify the problem i have with my bike at the moment, once i have been riding around for like a minute the red light lights up and the bike starts to overheat im not sure weather it is an air block in the water pump, if the radiator has packed up, if it is the thermostat or the head gasket has gone does andybody have any idea how i would be able to tell what is wrong any help would be much appriciated thanks.
  6. you can pull away in second like motocross racers do in a race start , revv the fcuck out of it and ride the clutch. have a go! its much quiker when u get the hang of it !
  7. yeh fink ill give it a miss looks good tho !
  8. Recently found this video on youtube looks pretty funny ,was thinking of building a flame kit for my dt125re just wondering if anyone on here has been mad enough to bother doing this .ive herd that you just have to conect up a spark plug to the tip of the exhaust and make the bike run very rich but im not sure if that is true. if anyone knows for sure let me know it will be much apriciated thanks flake O YEAH HERES THE LINK http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=8qiKvuLcIq0
  9. BIGONE do the full exhaust sytem and is cheeper too
  10. thats a distanzia mate