BeeWhizz! Wont Start Up
It aint my bedtime just yet im allowed to stay up till 10 now im 17 :P
BeeWhizz! Wont Start Up
Right, thanks so much for your help i'll do that first thing in the morning. If it dont, i still reckon that the vacuum tap still aint right and i'll buy a replacement part, and hopefully it'll start up. Sorry if it was hard trying to make sense of what im saying, i aint the best person to speak to sometimes
BeeWhizz! Wont Start Up
Im making this hard to solve sorry, if you want in the morning i can take pictures of it all connected and email them to you or post them on this if you want, it'll make life easier and stop me giving you a headache
BeeWhizz! Wont Start Up
Heres a picture of the carburetor, the 2 attachments are the pipe lines im talking about, the large one at the top is the feeder of petrol, and the smaller one in the middle of the carburetor is the small pipe.
BeeWhizz! Wont Start Up
No, they both attach to the carburetor. I just dont understand cuase we've checked everything, and it all works, just no petrols coming through, and inside the carburetor, theres a tiny amount of green looking oil.(dunno if thats sugnificant, just remembered it now sorry)
BeeWhizz! Wont Start Up
No, they both attach to the carburetor, one is a thick pipe that seems to be the main one, then theres the smaller one which goes to the side of the carburetor.
BeeWhizz! Wont Start Up
Here is a picture of it i just found.
BeeWhizz! Wont Start Up
Sorry, should of explained this in my first post. It is a gold sealed unit that slots directly into the bottom of the tank with a pipe like filter, there are 2 pipes leading from the vacuum tap to the carburetor, (i have checked the pipes, there all clear).
BeeWhizz! Wont Start Up
Its a twsit and go moped and its a 1999
BeeWhizz! Wont Start Up
Well, im not 100% sure, but i dont think it does, its just got a vacuum pump on the fuel tank that connects to the carboreter, but the guy at my local garage took a look and said it works fine.
BeeWhizz! Wont Start Up
Well a few weeks ago my bike started to run sluggish and cut out a lot, so me and my cousin took apart the carboreter, cleaned it out and stuck it back on, the bike ran fine, till the next day it just wouldnt start up. We did the same thing, cleaned it out but noticed no petrol was in the carboreter, so a few days later we stripped the bike down and found the vacuum pump on the tank, took it off and checked it out, works ok and all the pipes are fine, but no petrols getting through and the piston chamber is bone dry. Anyone know how to sort this or know whats up, cause its giving me a major headache and is really bugging me not having my bike! (Sorry if i've spelled things wrong, i cant spell properly )
Help! Cant Find My Paint Code!
Well, I had a few scratches on my yamaha cw 50 scooter, so i phoned a yamaha dealer near me to find the paint code, they couldnt help me so i phoned the proper yamaha place, they refused to give me the paint code. So i got the name of the paint, its called 'Dull orange cocktail 1'. But no matter where i look or where i go i cant find a place that sells this paint. So if anyone knows the paint code or where i could buy the paint i'd be seriously gratefull.
Jim Jim
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