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    R6 GSX-R 600

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. I see.
  2. The reason why i said i was "getting old" coz i mentioned the wrong year of passing my test hahaha.peace
  3. Must be a new thing coz i never did one 2 years ago
  4. Whats MOD?
  5. i thought so..because the trykes look different.and the riders wear funny helmets dont they? u must know bisaya then. my fiance is from cebu and im from the north. and were going there in august for a month. cant wait!!! when i get back ill try and post some videos.
  6. komusta?? which part did you stay? coz i dont recognize the place..
  7. the last time i got caught speeding,,,i didnt loose anything apart for my wife and my house.thats the worst scenario. youre prolly wondering how that happend.... well i put my foot down cause she was chasing me whilst i was with some bird in the car.
  8. everyone is doin it now this swindling thing..emails coming from diffrent people(swindlers) its the effect of hardship in life,,,,guys be careful think logicaly b4 make a drastic move..
  9. how would i kno,,its a secret rmember
  10. handai

    ive won again!!!

  11. ii knew it there was a CATCH!!!!!! £180 you have to pay people now adays would do anything to scam people,,blah hell if that was geniune why giv it to someone u havnt met, wat if u wer a filthy rich aswel out of the blue someone sends u an email willing to give u a share of their will....bollleckkkssss
  12. handai

    ive won again!!!

    hey oldgit are u off work today??online already????
  13. handai

    ive won again!!!

    feel sory for u mate,,u must be living on tinned sardines,ready made pies etc....yaaayksss
  14. handai

    ive won again!!!

    i know a bit of iranian if you wana talk about persian.. my favorite is sabzi polo and its fairly easy to cook aswell.. well i use to work with ross burden 2 yrs ago, we made fantastic canopies to go with champaign that they serve in a posh club.. and dnt let alain ducasse know wot u've just said about french cuisine being amateur..
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