Everything posted by EddyIrish
It was my birthday.....
.....and nobody sent me any good wishes. So fuck you you punkass Yamaha faggots!
- hi folks
Check oil on sidestand?
Goddamit! I lost my ballsucking leg at BingBong to give you punkass faggots the freedom to post chit on the Internet. If any more of you spermguzzlers got dumbass questions then just PM that cocksucker Moseley.
counter steer
It's about goddam time somebody gave some sensible advice in this forum full of dumbasses. I ass steered my way through the Mi Kong Delta back in the day, the punkass faggot Gooks never saw it coming. Believe it.
guess what
That goddam spermguzzler Moseley turned up again? I'll run his faggot punk ass out of town once again if he gets in my way. He's a goddam POS toothless Brit bitch! Cocksucker!
- YZF750R
- 45
- Help
It's Mozzy's Birthday!
That goddam spermguzzling cocksucker Moseley is still here? 22.....that's the punk's IQ. He ain't got no goddam business here. This is a cycle forum not a site for rectum stretchers. The kid's a punkass faggot.
i have a new form of transport
That cocksucker Moseley needs a goddam bitchslapping! Punk!
Happy new year to you all!
Snowboarding? You goddam gayassed faggot!
Forums Down
Quit the grovelling you goddam faggot! When I'm running this place you and that cocksucker Moseley are history! Believe it Punk!
i have a new form of transport
Typical of that spermguzzler moseley! I always said he was a goddam faggot! The cocksucker needs his sorry punk ass busted out of this POS site! RIGHT NOW!
It's my goddam Birthday!
So you dumbasses better give me the respect I deserve! And Moseley.......keep out of my way you punkass pee-on.
Weird cornering
Mike the Bike came to me for riding advice.....he'd never have made it without me. So remember that you faggots!
Born banned
Who's this goddam Osama cocksucker? He better keep out of my way, I dealt with plenty of his kind in the past. Damn punk shouldn't even be using that name. If he's some anti-American pinko commie sympathiser, I'll knock every damn tooth out of his punkass mouth.
For Whom the Bell Tolls!
When I'm in charge here all you punkass faggots will be shipping out. Believe it!
For Whom the Bell Tolls!
That goddam rectum stretcher Moseley should be next.
i got a new toy
You goddam punkass faggot Moseley! Your kind make me sick to my stomach! You shoulda had your sorry ass kicked out of here long ago. When I take charge you're outta here! Punk!
For Whom the Bell Tolls!
If I was in charge it would have been Lock'n'Load time for the little punkass faggot!
work this out
I might have guessed that cocksucker moseley would be starting his pinko commie brainwashing bullshit! He's a goddam spermguzzling faggot.
its my birthday
Moseley the goddam spermguzzler is 21? The little punkass faggot don't need no frigging birthday cake........he needs a goddam bitchslapping!
F***king Ice!
You rode on ice and you dumped your cycle? WTF did you think was gonna happen you goddam dumbass!
a serious note
You limey motherfuckers can kiss my goddam ass! Punkass faggots!
i think this shall be my last....
Winter too tough for you....you goddam spermguzzler! You faggots wouldn't have lasted two minutes in the jungle under my command!