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Everything posted by midnite

  1. been looking around and my uncle said what about a 400 becasue his friend has one for sale its a yam fzr 400rr Visit My Website
  2. well thanks guys for all your advice and none of my mates ride bikes but its that little thing in every ones head you see some think you like and you must have it..... i wouldnt ride like a twat becasue i know how dangerous they can be... but i will take my time and see if i can get to go out on a few bikes to see how i get on with them.... i live in bristol and they have some major bike dealers here so i can look around them.... but thanks for all your help i will keep your all posted with what i bought...
  3. Hi im new to this site so i like to start by saying hellloo to all .... rite im not a biker but taking my full bike test in a few weeks time and i have all ways loved to 2001 to 2003 r6 but some many people are telling me not to buy one for my first bike.... so my reason for asking is what bike should i be looking at buying for a first time rider thats has been driving cars for the past 11 years?